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Everything posted by Giveintowin

  1. Nice post Rory. I sometimes think I felt happier smoking. Maybe/maybe not related to my brain needing to fully heal. Ie dopamine reward system. The thing ING is we haven’t even stopped for a year so I’d say this will take a while to rebalance. It helps me to think this way.
  2. Hi Jillar, maybe it’s just me but I didn’t notice a difference unfortunately. It cost at lot of money I now feel a bit guilty about it.
  3. Awww you are all very kind. We need each other on our quit journey and it's always good to know there's a place to go to reinforce how important our quits are. You are all awesome. Thanks again.
  4. NOPE! At 2 in the morning when I got up to finish my work for uni!!! Argh!!
  5. Thanks Jillar. That's good advice. Thanks Whispers.
  6. Thanks Jillar. You are very kind. It will be a battery of tests and visits to MD's to see what needs to be done. It is a bone spur thingy called osteoclast (i think) in my neck and it might need surgery. I will try not to worry but this situation is pretty triggering for me so I need to put it out there what's happening so the sneaky nicodemon can't sneak on in during a weak moment.
  7. I thought I should post here even though a day has passed already. I had a scary situation on Friday night. I had a car accident (only minor really) and my neck was sore so I went to the emergency dept. They put me in a neck brace and told me to lie down and not move. I wasn't allowed to do anything for myself until they scanned the neck to see if there were any fractures. When I got the scan done they wheeled me to the room and then they transferred me like a disabled person to the scanning machine. I found myself staring at the ceiling think OMG imagine if this was my daily life. I thought it was like a nightmare. I found myself strangely thinking about smoking. I haven't had a crave or thought in what seems like months but the thoughts were so strong I could almost taste the cigarette. I decided to lie there and try to think it through. Is this a garage door. I hadn't been in hospital and as a non-smoker perhaps it was this. As I explored deeper I began to realise that it was a f@ck it. It was like OMG I'm f@cked anyway and I should just smoke anyway since ............(insert any rationalisation down here). It turned out I didn't have a broken neck but I have a nasty problem with my neck that I didn't know about. It's quite scary since it can lead to paralysis and I can feel that my swallowing is affected. I am trying not to freak out about this and be sensible. I am trying to look after myself and as much as I can because worrying, stressing and eating the wrong foods will only make this worse. I guess I need to be extra vigilant at this time with the false smoking rationalisations. F@ck its really are something that has f@cked us somewhat. I am resisting temptation to let them f@ck me more.
  8. I quit using NRT. I did not want to use it. I was told to use it by the quit smoking counsellor. She told me I was a "dependent" smoker and I needed it. It did help in the beginning but I found coming off the gum much harder than coming off patches. If anyone is thinking of using NRT I'd say try with patches first since these are the least addictive and easiest to stop.
  9. It’s NOPE from me.
  10. NOPE. It’s 11.58pm here and I forgot to NOPE. But I made it before midnight. Now to beat Jo and post tomorrow’s at midnight. Tee hee.
  11. Well done officially. ?
  12. Congrats on 4 years. Cherish getting some functions back from quitting.
  13. Nice post. I used to wish I could quit on a whim. I made quitting out to be a drama. On reflection though I realise it could have been easier.
  14. I always thought it was weird watching my Mum breath in fire. Then I guess she did it so often that it stopped being strange, but yeah it is weird.
  15. Jillar you are amazing. Congrats on 2 years quit. You are also one of the kindest people I've known (online anyway). You always support newbies. I'm so glad you quit and have stayed quit. ?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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