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Everything posted by beacon

  1. Paul, we share the same birthday 7/25! Leos rule! ROAR! Happy Birthday!
  2. Today is my birthday and at 51 I am finally smoke free. I used to tell myself every year that I would quit on my birthday but every year would go by and I would still be smoking. Not this year! :) Please. join me in pledging NOPE today! Meow
  3. Rez, congratulations! :)
  4. So nice! I am happy for you Julie. :)
  5. Thanks guys! Feeling good! :)
  6. Amy, you can do it
  7. Hi! !welcome aboard. I am glad you are here and I am here to help you stay quit! :)
  8. Just put some butter on a slice of cheese and ate it. :0

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Still winning

      Still winning

      ok, sounds a bit rank beacon. Hope it helps and tasted ok. x


    3. beacon


      I am doing Atkins. Butter on cheese as a snack is not yummy


    4. Still winning

      Still winning

      sorry but I lol'd - it didn't sound yummy. new snacks required. x

  9. beacon


  10. I know it is annoying. But there is so much time in between these thoughts that it is amazing.
  11. Paul, woohoo! You made it. We hung out in the numbers game for months and months playing while the craves faded and the days went by. And here you are now on the Lido deck, free and healthy! Congratulations ! I am happy for you!
  12. Hahahaha
  13. 8
  14. :)
  15. I love this show so far. I did not watch this week's show yet. I loooooved the first several seasons of Lost so I am ready for this.
  16. Now that I have very few vices left such as smoking, there is nothing left to use as a crutch to distract, stuff down, avoid feeling whatever is bothering me. Instead I get to feel the uncomfortable strong feeling. As someone who has made it a habit to avoid actually feeling strong feelings, this aspect of quitting has been one of the toughest. I am struggling to control myself, to not lash out at others, to relax and not react immediately, and to know tomorrow the problem may look different. I have become a person who is less anxious but more grim. What I wonder is if quitting will make me a better problem solver, and whether I will as a result make changes in my life rather than blow smoke at my issues until they are hidden from my direct view.
  17. Comrade, good job! I knew you would do well. You showed up confident, wise,, practical, and with a cool name! Congratulations!
  18. I feel strange calling you Armed! But that won't stop me from saying woooo hooo my friend! Congratulations
  19. Paul, how wonderful. One. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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