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Everything posted by beacon

  1. beacon

    chicks or sticks

  2. Yey! I remember posting Gemzee's four month thread. Look at where we are now! Yey,
  3. Thank you for providing an us with a place like this. Intelligent support with real feeling. :)
  4. Comrade, congratulations! Hope you are doing well and healing quickly! :) :) :)
  5. Congratulations! :) :) :)
  6. Tracey, congratulations my friend! :) :)
  7. Nay Nay, three months is a big milestone! Congratulations on your quit! :) :) :)
  8. Went to the gym since outside is a broiling swamp . Chest, back, shoulders, abs and elliptical :0
  9. No drama

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Devil Doll

      Devil Doll

      None, zero, zip! Love it!!

    3. SanDar
    4. NayNay


      That is exactly what I need today Beacon. Thanks for the update!

  10. Nope!
  11. Chrys, at about six months I had some big big cravings for no reason than I can determine. The thoughts were relentless. I white knuckled it for about a month every day until the thoughts faded again to a relatively manageable level. I have spent allot of time contemplating why I want to smoke at times or why I miss it because people on the boards tell me that if I don't, I am just going to relapse one day, maybe not now, but years later. Right now I say feh to this line of thinking. I think it is just time put in after the first few weeks . The longer I quit, the less I will want to smoke . Time and impulse control and self discipline. .....It could be that forever I will have a thought from time to time but it will not be THE thought. Also, I cannot poke the sleeping bear by taking a puff or having one when I am drinking because this may wake up the physical addiction. Now maybe I will change my mind but this is how I am feeling now
  12. I am a nonsmoker . :)

  13. Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles

  14. Owwwwwww! :( one never gets hurt if they sit on the couch and watch a movie
  15. You will see it gets better too, I promise
  16. Legs, arms, half hearted plank, 31 minutes walking
  17. Jackie, I am sorry to read about your troubles. I know you are going to quit again whether with chantix or some other way. You just keep posting. Not everyone gets a smooth ride but everyone can quit and be a nonsmoker. You have a big heart. You get to have something good, ie a healthy life
  18. This is off topic but remember when you would finish your cig and go inside and while you were talking little puffs of smoke were still coming out of your mouth ? Eeeeuuu.,
  19. It's funny but one of the reasons that made me want to quit was that at work I was hanging out with smokers and I had nothing in common with them. They were nice people but they bored me. Now maybe because I am older than you Susana and Sarah but at 51 all my friends had quit long before one by one pretty much and I was one of the last people at the party. Now since I am feeling good I can go out to the smoking area and say hi but I don't any more. It is too hot here to go outside ;)
  20. Nope

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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