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Everything posted by beacon

  1. Well. I am wondering how they will do a second season. But considering there was no real plot , no biggie. I may read the book
  2. 14
  3. I posted about quit train on Reddit and Pinterest . I do try to sneak it in
  4. Holski, I have been thinking about you. Good to see you
  5. Tonight I was in a CVS for the first time since they stopped selling cigs. They had the whole wall area where the cigs were sold behind the cashiers boarded up with big signs about quitting websites and nurse practitioners for help. Next to this they had a wall display of NRT products of all types: patches, gum, lozenges , all sorts of stuff. ( I almost bought some lozenges because I am a compulsive ex-addict and the display was so appealing. ;) ) I told the cashier how I had quit just a year ago but she really did not care as there was a line behind me. I asked her if people were mad that there were no more cigarettes being sold but that pushed her over the edge of her customer service skills so I left smiling on the inside. I used to buy my cigarettes there every day.
  6. beacon

    I'm Okay!

    Yes but they are all really good actresses.
  7. beacon

    I'm Okay!

    That's fun that you actually met in person. Some times I think how I talk alot to everyone here but I would pass someone on the street from here and not recognize them
  8. Isn't she on vacation. Her status says camping
  9. beacon

    New quit

    Hi Laura. Have you made a list of why you want to quit? And when you quit, why not write down how you feel each day in the beginning. I just read mine as I just celebrated one year. It will help reinforce your strength and resolve
  10. beacon

    chicks or sticks

  11. Everyone give me your phone number so I can call you when you are missing.
  12. beacon

    day 11.... yep lol

  13. Marti, sorry I am late to the party! Happy Birthday! You are special, always helpful and encouraging! :) i hope you are having fun! Melanie
  14. This might help you. I used to lie on the couch and closs my eyes and listen when I got really anxious http://youtu.be/5dbvckNVbK4
  15. Hee hee I come by to read the spoilers first. I like to be prepared
  16. Walked fast for 60 minutes. Detoxing from an indulgent weekend
  17. Gabby! Woohoo, three months free! There is no turning back now at three months. You are strong and getting stronger. Soon we will celebrate your first year
  18. For me the danger is in the routine or boredom cigs and the I am wasted give me a cig moment. Oh, and the I am so fat. I will never lose weight without a cig thought. All lies, all random thoughts.
  19. Nope
  20. I watch it but it sceeves me out
  21. Yes I am ready.
  22. 12
  23. MQ, happy 11 months and thanks for helping us all with this site! :) congratulations! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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