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Everything posted by beacon

  1. Tracey, yey! You are doing so well, very happy for your good quit! Congratulations! :) :) :)
  2. beacon


    Summer is over. Yey! What is your favorite thing about Fall? For me, looking forward to tempartures under 90 degrees. also, lots of bank holidays and time off
  3. I also decided to drink tea which I never did before. I bought different kinds and fussed around with tea things during my break at work. It really helped me to have something to do other than go outside and smoke. ...today I had an orange tea at about 11:00 . Good to give me "some thing" until lunch
  4. Boy, if that does not make your blood pressure go down, nothing will
  5. Awesome! Yey!
  6. I am reading this and I realized I have not seen Sharon for awhile? Sharon quit using the ecig as an nrt and stepped down until she was done. Sharon, hi how are you if you read this. I hope all is good. :)
  7. I wish you guys lived closer so we could hangout
  8. Hahahaha eeeuuu
  9. Hi Wendy! :)
  10. i have done many dumb things when I have been drunk. In fact, sometimes I have gotten drunk to do dumb things. In the beginning I think it's good not to tempt yourself with drinking. I have read that a substantial percentage of failed quits involve drinking. I waited about two months to drink at a party. I had that night two drinks, not much, just to make sure I did not turn into a lunatic needing a cig. Give your quit the good environment it needs to grow strong. You can drink later. Maybe if you just quit today, you could wait and celebrate with a drink on Christmas.
  11. I bought a rotisserie chicken at Publix and had some. Doing low carb so nothing else with it
  12. How are you feeling Sarah?
  13. Hi Beth, happy to see you here. :)
  14. Happy Birthday! :)
  15. Allen Carr, the board, deep breathing, jumping jacks, candy and http://youtu.be/5dbvckNVbK4
  16. 00
  17. beacon

    chicks or sticks

  18. beacon

    chicks or sticks

    Why are you all cooking?, i had the best seafood salad for lunch, salmon, shrimp and crab :)! -15 Ps Just this once
  19. Comrade, congratulations! I hope you are starting to feel better! Good job on the eight months!
  20. Centro Campesino Farmworkers Center. http://centrocampesino.org. I am on the board Voices for Children. http://voices4.org Humane Society The Elephant Sanctuary. http://www.elephants.com Smile train. https://www2.smiletrain.org/powerofasmile/donate-now-i/?sctp=ppc&sccm=brand&scvn=google&scsrc=google_search&sckw=smile%20train&s_src=SEARCH_Google&s_subsrc=Brand&gclid=CPzD5Nv08sACFQto7AodgVIANw
  21. Nope
  22. 1

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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