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Everything posted by GraceLove

  1. GraceLove

    chicks or sticks

  2. Congratulations, Jim! That is one sexy quit you have going. ;)
  3. Cool! Truly awesome people were born on this day! haha Happy Birthday, Nancy! I hope you have a fantastic day! :)
  4. GraceLove

    chicks or sticks

  5. GraceLove

    chicks or sticks

  6. Thank you all so much! Staying vigilant but feeling good. :)
  7. Nature is not cruel. It's based on instinct to survive. The circle and cycle of life. Nope... cruelty is a man-made phenomenon. Lucky us. I'd rather have birds pick me to bits than deal with some of the horrific people walking this earth.
  8. Present.
  9. Congratulations!! :)
  10. Congratulations! :)
  11. Congratulations!! :)
  12. Happy Birthday!!
  13. GraceLove

    chicks or sticks

  14. GraceLove


    Everything I think of is too dirty to post...waaaay too dirty. So...Beautiful Kind Person. :)
  15. This song sums up the summers of my wild youth...
  16. "I can't take it no more it's a 100 degrees..." For those steamy summer nights.... ;)
  17. All you need to do is copy and paste the address at the top of the youtube page the full "https://www" address. It automatically comes up once you hit post. ETA...Doreen, it looks like you are using the "share" option address. Don't use that one. Just copy the webpage address at the top of the youtube page and paste, then post.
  18. Haha This video is everything. My god...what a decade!
  19. A summer romance song...
  20. This one is hard to find on youtube for some reason...crap video but at least the song plays...

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