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Everything posted by beazel

  1. Some people go about life as usual when they quit because that is what works best for them. For my quit there was a lot of avoidance - I avoid situations or people or anything else that worried me. My husband and I play music at nursing homes, we play really old country music from the 30's 40's & 50's. (Ok, not my style of music, but the residents love it!!!) When I decided to quit smoking I told my husband I wanted to put playing out on the back burner for at least a year. He would do anything to help my quit, so he was on board and supportive of my decision. Well March rolled around this year & after a huge ship party, I got to thinking I needed to book some shows. I continued to drag my feet for a couple more months, but finally kicked myself in the butt and got out the schedule planner. We did a program last Saturday and it was great - we had a wonderful group of folks, they sang along to every song - it was a blast! I felt normal. I'm getting there. I just needed to share...thanks. KTQ
  2. Can't listen to this without getting up and bustin' my moves all over the living room!!!!!
  3. Today is my Mom's death day anniversary (lung cancer) She died the day before my youngest daughter's 6th birthday. For the next 4 years, my daughter cried herself to sleep the night before her birthday. (we never mentioned my mom at that time, she simply remembered) On her death bed, my mom asked me to to promise her I would quit smoking. I made that promise to her - never intending to keep it. That was 31 years ago.......... KTQ While I'm here................. I would like to say something to any lurkers reading this - I smoked for over 46 years (some people here have smoked even longer than that) I am a serial quitter with many failed attempts under my belt If you are here at the Quit Train, you probably are thinking about quitting I hate to sound cliche, but if I can do it - anyone can do it So please take a leap of faith, stop thinking about it, you can do it...you can quit smoking! You will find strength you never new you had One day at a time... some days may be rough, but sometimes life is rough There is always someone here for you, you will NEVER be alone in this Put down the excuses and do this for you!
  4. Guess what I still do On Thursdays I write Haiku It's my new habit
  5. Congratulations Octain on 4 months!
  6. "our song" on my 42nd anniversary - May 5th 1976
  7. beazel

    The Question Game

    Woodstock What foreign language would you love to be able to speak? (that you don't already know)
  8. Dispatcher
  9. beazel

    This or That game

    Bazooka Roller skates or Roller Blades?
  10. Godzilla
  11. Yobbery
  12. A single KitKat elevated weight GETUP
  13. beazel

    True or False

    false TNP blushes easily
  14. beazel

    Famous Name Game

    Debbie Gibson
  15. Squeeze
  16. crest
  17. Lactose
  18. beazel

    Linked Words Game

    Fair play
  19. bulb
  20. Our whinny neighbor
  21. beazel

    A to Z TV Shows

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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