I guess it's time I introduce myself - I am the hobo that has been hanging around the tracks here the last couple of days. I haven't exactly been invisible, just hanging back.
I think many will agree that coming to this type of message board, many of us were lurkers for awhile first. It made it easier (for me) to jump in when I was ready.
When Tuesday morning mania happened it was quite a blow and probably left many of us reeling. We were told about this site, so I came over right away to see if anyone else planed to meet up here.
I quite frankly have felt like a chicken with it's head cut off !! I have a very difficult time calming down once I am at high anxiety level.
My quit is still new & I don't think it's in jeopardy. I did at first when this all came about, but I think it was just confusion.
One thing I know for sure is that a smoking support group is vital to my success. My new habit is logging on first thing in the morning, even if I have plans - I will get up an hour early so that I can get my morning fix. Same holds true for other trigger times throughout the day. Games have become my lifeline & the NOPE pledge has become my saving grace.
As kind and welcoming as everyone has been here, I have felt very out of place. When quitting, that feeling that something is missing has felt like it's doubled b/c I am missing my home - the place that has been nurturing me for the last few weeks. I have been wrapped up in a super soft, fuzzy blanket - someone has always been there to wipe away the tears or to keep me busy. That was ripped from me in an instant.
Did I mention I am a drama queen???
And then there was the thread that started where I felt that QSMB was being attacked - that about put me over the edge. But as that thread has grown, I think I understand a bit better now.
Plus I'm sure the same holds true over here...Take what you need & leave the rest !????
Wow.....I needed a post....Thanks for listening.