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About Parsley

  • Birthday 10/14/1956

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    My pets. My grandkids. Beads. Drag racing. Gardening. . Embroidery. Cross stitch.
  • Quit Date
    Aug. 25 2018

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  1. Thanks all!!!! Wow.....not easy but so very wonderful!!
  2. So sorry I brought it up, thought it was relevant....
  3. Hopefully someone can learn from this, sure didnt mean to stir a turd
  4. Absolutely! And wholeheartedly! This site made my quit happen for me , I fell off the wagon once and came back and you've helped me through and I am here smoke-free as is my husband ! Alan Carr's book was also huge to me
  5. I understand what you're saying about a plan and I was successful with the plan , because I finally put down my foot and did it but it sounds like some people have a plan that drags on forever . So there again I guess there are many ways to do things whatever works I guess is the only thing that matters
  6. One more thing that I remember from when I was getting ready to quit it is true that it is a lot of procrastination I couldn't be this day and it couldn't be that day and it couldn't be this day and it couldn't be that day, so I could have avoided that if I had just done it spontaneously.
  7. Thank you for all of your responses I have in fact told her about this site . And I agree not one shoe fits all . Still very wet here as far as flooding goes, it has been a dreadfully wet year I really feel bad for the farmers it's not good Sorry for the multiple post but I'm not on here much just wanted you to know I bought an opal and diamond ring with my money saved from not smoking !
  8. Ok...when I quit, I had a plan....date and time and supplies. My husband quit spontaneously. I am trying to help a friend quit....she has tried several times spontaneously "this is the last one"...... Everyone is different of course but how did you do it ? plan.....no plan. ?
  9. Definitely want to use that chicken recipe !
  10. Just checking in...all good here! We both are non smokers ! Love it! Traded our motorhome in on a newer one, paying for the difference with not smoking money!!! Race season has begun...hubby smoked like a chimney on race weekends...no more!
  11. So sorry Doreen....
  12. Thank you! Happy camper here!
  13. Thank you !!!! Not always easy but doable. Hubby quit 2 months ago, not easy for him or me...thanks to you guys I have made it!!!! Don't misunderstand.. Some days are hell....even now..but the benefits outweigh all else
  14. I celebrate EVERYDAY. Breathing . Thanks everyone and now a smoke free hubby!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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