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Everything posted by Cecilia

  1. Cecilia

    chicks or sticks

  2. Cecilia

    chicks or sticks

  3. Cecilia

    chicks or sticks

  4. Cecilia

    chicks or sticks

  5. Cecilia

    chicks or sticks

  6. Cecilia

    chicks or sticks

  7. Cecilia

    Thought for the moment

    This is encouraging to ready thanks for sharing.....my craves have not hit me hard yet, but the weekend is coming and I think I will feel the full effects then.
  8. Cecilia

    chicks or sticks

    -2 I am a chick so I think -2 is the next number, if I got this wrong let me know
  9. NOPE and I have officially hit my 24 hour smoke free mark!!!!
  10. Made it work, thankful it was not a white knuckle moment. Drank my coffee and thought about my day. Thank you all for your words of encouragement. For now my quit is safe!!!! Will prep for the afternoon return home.
  11. Congrats Dr. Phil, you have 1 day more then me under the belt but glad to know there is someone else that is close to my quit date. Kudos to both of use for seeking out Freedom.
  12. Thanks all for your support. Today went off like a hitch. I am craving right now but there is not a thing in the world I can do about it, except ride it out. I am home and the closet store that is open is 20 mins away. If it were closer I might make a made dash to the store. The hardest time of the day for me will be first thing in the am and right after work, as that is the only time I smoke. Today twice during the course of the day (around 2:00) I thought about the Cigarette I would smoke afterschool, of course instantly I had to tell me self no. I felt so let down and disappointed. Twice from 2:00 to 3:00 that happened. I need to think of something to look forward to afterwork. I was really disappointed when I remember I could not smoke. I felt like a kid at Christmas that did not get the toy they wanted. Of course after school I had to get DS to the DMV to get his licenses and then get home to eat dinner and celebrate DS birthday. So I really did not have time to smoke anyway. If I had one I would found the time, but I did not so I just carried on. It is now 8:00 and I am getting ready to go to bed. I get up at 4:00 to get things done for the day. I fear that I will not get up as normal as I will not be motivated because, of course, the first thing I do when I get up is smoke. Here again I need to think of something to look forward to when I wake up. I bought sparkling mineral water at the grocery store on Sunday. They kind that I drank as a kid when we lived in Italy. So maybe I will think about pouring me a glass of that for my am wake up. I have been saving it for a crave. Today was an easy day by design. Tomorrow morning I know I will crave and I have to keep from caving in on the way to work and buying a pack. I do have some nicotine gum that I bought a while back, and I did chew a piece afterwork, not sure if that kept me from making a mad dash to the store. Cravings have not been bad. I am a closet smoker so I can maintain for a bit of time, but I do need to be on my guard for those uber stressful situations. 24 hours smoke free is around the corner!!!!
  13. NOPE Arrived on the Freedom Train at 7:10 am today. I smoked my last one today at 7:10.....so not completely smoke free today, but my plan was to throw out whatever I had left when I arrived at work today, and so that has been done. No looking back only FORWARD & ONWARD!!!!!
  14. Thanks all for the support!!!!
  15. Thank You!!!! Yikes I have an extra e......
  16. Today is my son's 16th birthday. He will be going to get his Driver's License today. Where has the time gone. On another note today is my QUIT DATE. Freedom Bound!!!!
  17. Congratulations Stewie!!!!!
  18. Hi Joe, I am new to "Quit Train", my quit date is Tuesday. Glad that you and your wife had a wonderful trip to the OBX. The OBX is our families vacation spot as well. We live close enough that we can also make day trips to the OBX. This is a wonderful time of the year to visit. It is good for the soul.
  19. Willingness, Choice, Gratitude and Acceptance

    1. Doreensfree


      You can do it..believe in yourself xx

    2. Cecilia


      Thank You!!!!

  20. Thank you all for the words of encouragement and support. I can not tell you how much it means to me. I really do need a supportive and welcoming place to help me through this. Smoking is my best friend. I do no that it really is not but at this point in my life I am surround by people all day, yet I feel so alone. It is what I turn to when I am lonely, afraid, nervous, happy and want to celebrate. So I will be here blogging a lot to vent, celebrate and calm my fears. Again thank you all for you warm welcomes. I look forward to NOPE and building a foundations and friendships here as I embark on the most important decision of my life, at this point and time. Edit after reading Marti post. I am so looking forward to being nicotine free so that I can start enjoying other things in life. Thanks for brining my mind back around to the new life that I will have.
  21. Not sure that I am supposed to commitment to one year before my actually quit date. But I am pleading to be a part of this community and forum for one year.
  22. Hi :bye: I am new to the Quit Train. Right now I am not sure I can address emotional the reasons why I smoke, or the fear that I have about quitting. I am emotional wreck right now for others reason that I just can not even deal with right now. My quit date is March 14, 2017. I am still smoking at this point. I do want to quit, yet I fear the quit. I have cut down not intentionally but the last 5 pack I bought were 100's (the store did not have shorts) and I found that I cut my smoking in half this past week. I just really really need a place to feel safe, and supported, and I hope that this will be the place. I will apologize in advance because I am sure that I will whine and be poor pitiful me in the beginning, but will come around because I am a fighter. I am doing this alone, because very few people know for sure that I smoke. My husband is very very unsupportive. He thinks that I should just stop and that is it. He can not understand that it is an addition and that my body is addicted to the nicotine. So as I am going through the withdrawals I will not have any support except what I get here. Right now I am very sad and overwhelmed. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety for the past year or so. Life is changing so much and it is very stressful for me. Kids are getting older (in their teens), my age 48 and I teach in public education. My DS and his teenage antics are really impacting me emotionally, and of course my husband is unsupportive in all aspects of my life. He is very selfish and uncompromising. I am ready to take personal control of my life, emotions, health. I fear what the outcome might be, but it has to be better then what it is now. My health has to be my first step. I am overweight. I started working out at the gym in January, but after just a week I got sick. Bronchitis. Then I got Bronchitis again (after getting the flu) about two weeks ago. I am physically not able to work out yet, but I can quit smoking. So that would be my first step. I would like to participate in a 5K this summer. Not necessarily run one, but at I could at least walk. Sorry to lay all this out here, but I am alone and I really need some support. I apologize in advance for all the whining that I will do. But I need a place that is safe to release my emotions. Thank you all for your support.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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