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  1. I am so glad you all put me on the right path!! Thank you for your encouraging words.
  2. Well I read the whole book today & now I understand how to quit the easy way &a I am so grateful at his advice. I just have to digest it & take a day or so to think on his words &a look over again so I can get it into my brain this new way of thinking which, crazy, I've had inklings of too from time to time when I've quit in the past. He just reenforces & adds to the concept of BEING DELIGHTED ABOUT MY QUIT as opposed to worrying & dreading it. Thank you all SO MUCH for turning me on to this.
  3. Ha just started reading this book & in chapter 2 he says to keep smoking until the book is finished. I gotta say phew! Back to reading.
  4. Good morning Nancy. Thank you very much for the link to this book. I am excited to start reading it because of all the incredible reviews. Tomorrow is my quit day because after I finish up the 3 cigarettes left in my pack ... that's it. So actually by noon or before today I will not have another puff of a cigarette I'll stay close cause I'm already getting panic attacks at the thought of it.
  5. Overthinking.... ya that's my problem. Thanks for that advice Doreen
  6. I'm going to look for that book online. Due to full moon madness I get on full moons I'm boarding the train on Mon. My mind doesn't need to get any more scrambled than it gets anyway by quitting. I'm going to just do it cold turkey too. In the meantime I'm checking out all the compartments on quit train to give myself as much knowledge as a can about what I have to face.
  7. Could someone please tell me what a lido deck is? Oh yeah & Stewie babes I read that you remained in a less than happy mood after 3 months I think? Has that improved &a when.
  8. Hi Boo. I am so happy you are a year not smoking. Huge congrats! I'm just starting my difficult journey so I love hearing about your success.
  9. Thank you thank you thank you I'm going to jump back on this train you are all my lifeline of support.
  10. Well.. I'm back feeling bad I started smoking again
  11. Have real cravings this afternoon want to bum cig from neighbor. Gotta breathe & read all my supporters posts!
  12. You people are great. So much support. All you tell me gives me hope & so much more confidence that I can do this. Big nope Today. For sure I do have a 14 mg patch on but I don't think I'll need them for long. Cooking healthy soup today &I can find plenty to do around my apt to keep busy. Also I gotta remember to keep socializing as I tend to become a hermit while going thru this & I read last night that is a sign of relapse. GOD FORBID. I got Jesus right here with me too
  13. Babs, your post is inspiring &I I need to keep reminding myself of the cold hard facts. I just smoked my last cigarette damn it! 62 yrs old , & I want to be strong as I can in my old age down the line. Everyone in my senior housing community smokes &a they look &I act so old gosh darn I want more for my later yrs than that. If something takes me down it's not gonna be by my own hand! God knows the irreversible damage I've already done to my body but maybe I'll get sone of my healthy feeling back for my body.
  14. I'm in, as of now, tonite, smoked my last cigarette! Im committed to being with you all for at least a yr. everyday I'm going to need you all for awhile. Been hedging & hawing about to use the patch or go cold turkey. But with my support team here I think I'll do cold turkey. You'll be seeing me everyday for awhile

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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