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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 4
  4. 4
  5. complex time? are you4 or 5? I'll be one less :)
  6. ah 3
  7. 2
  8. 2
  9. -1 this is long...
  10. -1
  11. -1
  12. 2
  13. Hey great work, especially with the stress of moving, just goes to prove it doesn't relieve stress :) Sensible to be off if your brain fog is that way inclined, forewarned is forearmed and all that and it's good you're using all your experience to get this quit nailed - good for you!! x
  14. Just because it's what I do and it's a jolly big month energy wise this month I have copied what I wrote on my facebook page. No worries if it's not your thing but it's part of what I do and for whatever reason, it might help you (energy work is to work naturally with the mind and stones from the ground as well as planets above and combine it altogether in some hosh posh to use time for the best advantage). If you can't be bothered to read it all, that's cool, just note financially things may be changable so don't spend the whole months salary on christmas just yet, save some just in case :) Full (blood) Moon , with a lunar eclipse (think full moon but on steroids!) in Aries on 8th October Conjunct Uranus. Where to start?? OK Aries is a fire energy. It is a powerhouse energy in its own right! Action, adventure, moving things forward all of these are key components of this full moon. It’s a blood moon too which is normally about looking back and making comparisons to a time when you feel you could have done better. If you feel yourself slipping into berating yourself try and change it around, learn from what has happened and then it is still worthwhile as a platform. Lunar Eclipse, this brings additional energy, some of which may have started at the last lunar/solar eclipses in April. It over doubles the existing strength of a full moon which is all about endings or closing doors to enable us to walk through new ones. The moon is conjunct with Uranus, which is the planet of surprises, of things that are unexpected so it working with a full moon power like this means you may see bolts out of the blue. Not always bad either, let’s hope for great surprises! Mars, planet of passion and warlike is near but not in the mix. I can’t help but think this is going to be a really emotional and restless feel to this full moon. Feelings universally will be running high; it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of people have trouble sleeping or suffer with low level physical ailments under all this influence. It might feel tough at times but remember, with all this fire the energy is simply trying to burn off what no longer serves us. Just try and keep grounded, eat and drink well and let the universe do its thing of hitting the 6 month reset button. Some things will be immediate due to the presence of Aries and Uranus doing their “how about now”! Other bits and pieces will begin now and grow over the next 6 months when we hit the next set of eclipses in March 2015. So try not to make rash choices, there is no patience in the energy but that doesn’t mean that you, with knowledge of that can’t feel the energy and still do the calmer thing! The sun in Libra is reminding us to be fair and balanced. It may also mean our relationships are in this mix too so no going off the verbal deep end and putting yourself in the wrong place. However if the relationship is served up or toxic in some way..This energy is great for “getting rid” of what’s not for our greater good! Generally in relationships we will be looking to break free of anything we feel holds us back, be they colleagues, family, partner etc. There is a definite potential to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” over the next few days, be aware. This has been a long one but there is a lot there and still more going on behind this scene! October is a heavy hitting months on many levels with a fire trine and mercury retrograde and planets shifting signs. Basically an energy overhaul! This month will be best served to give enlightenment on old situations which you can use to review for your greatest good and then take action next month. Something will probably present as a fait accompli but then that’s just the universe giving us a kick back to our path so do your best to accept any surprise changes with grace. Also watch your money, looks like there may be a bill or two we missed or didn’t expect so no spending every penny this month! Exciting times!! Love and light. xx
  15. Not for us in england I'm afraid :( America may see it but it might be too cloudy from what I'm hearing from friends watching and waiting.
  16. I know you said you wouldn't be online at your daughters but wow, you really meant it huh! Hope all is well and we are celebrating a week wth you!! x
  17. Love it!! So chuffed for you thatit all fell into place so you could move forwards with confidence. Massive congrats on 3 weeks!! x
  18. -15
  19. nope.
  20. 10.56 GMT 8th Oct. x
  21. -7 an NOW i'M GOING SLEEPIN, NIGHT. ah caps, whatever!
  22. -8 and action, what ya doin dude, sleepin?
  23. oh it's 'im -9
  24. -10
  25. awww -9

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