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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Pleased to see you are on the holiday thoughts too Humbled :)
  2. Hi Tom, Thanks for your thoughts. For sure they are not the only, or even maybe key reasons I quit - they were just "the last" ones on a list that weighed the scales in the favour of quitting. Yes, perhaps before I go it might be wise to secure where the quit finances are going next. I was kinda thinking out loud in a way :) Will go and see where your topic took you. x
  3. They are not triggers, nor craves. My quit is secure and my resolve is strong, or at least I believe it is. However, there are some strange thought associations going on for me. Two of my "quit reasons" were a reiki course and a florida holiday. The holiday is 5 days away and paid for now, my practioner level reiki course was today. My "reasons" to quit are finished and yet not finished and in honesty it's an odd feeling. Life has been throwing some stressors of late, maybe it's that? It's certainly nothing like quitting was, I feelI'm well past all the nasty thinking and batting back etc...but these thoughts are roaming around my head, I close them down and they pop up again. It's odd? Just recording it really. Strange sensation of my purpose to quit is done, but it's not. I can now be a channel to heal people and I do that through my hands...which if I smoked would smell! Or at least that was my thought when I quit, but it still would. Hmmm, odd times but I do feel fine and ok in my quit, just random thoughts?
  4. Thank you my friend. Sometimes you just need to read these things. x
  5. It's not the strong that survive this, it's the vigilant. The vigilant survive. Guard the quit always. ^^^^ This statement by this man helped my quit. It sustained me when I felt weak. I really do miss Markus despite being delighted he is living life.
  6. There are countless people, all on these boards who supported me. Of course I made the choice myself and prompted to try by my daughter - but I have to say 3 stand out. All the way through, from my first post, to my cries for help and it was Nancy, Action and without a shadow of a doubt my quit buddy El B. The 3 times I would have failed and fallen off the wagon in epic stylee it's the thought of telling him that stopped me, when my resolve was weak! I definately owe a debt of gratitute to many people here and myself for allowing a self belief :)
  7. Aw thank you!
  8. Today's agenda - hungover healing training to get professionally qualified! I'm not sure at this point of my life that I will ever learn!!

    1. action


      If you do.... Please share!

    2. BAT


      I failed training SO many times. :)

    3. Sonic


      HHT. Love it

  9. NOPE gave me something to hang onto when I doubted my own strength to quit. It was simple and direct in it's message and I did cling to it like a lifeline. The Ever part gave me some problems so I would add just for today on the end. I replaced morning smoking with a NOPE and posting on the forum initially. As said above some nights when it was a struggle I would wait up to post so I tied myself to not smoking that day. In the early days I used the "Nope shuffle" where you switch from foot to foot repeating nope in your head. Later I would walk and repeat it in my head when the thoughts crowded me. I think it was important to have something I could turn to in any place I happened to be. I still pledge every day and I believe I wouldn't smoke anyway but it makes me accountable and I like that.
  10. I was definately "foggy" for a little while, I had real trouble concentrating, but not dizzy... So it depends what type of lightheaded I think. If you feel dizzy and a blast of fresh air and some deep breathing doesn't fix it I'd be concerned that you were coming down with an illness...any lurgi going around at work or home?
  11. nope
  12. Your new normal won't be a bigger dinner plate. But it may be eating more often, I need breakfast and snacks which I never did before!! So I think to start it's like pac man, then it settles. I gained a fair bit of weight but did no exercise and ate junk tbh. Once I knocked that off and subbed snacks for fruit etc I stopped gaining. I think the trick is things you can pick at (strawberries, grapes, blueberries etc). I find it harder to lose weight whilst quit as before I'd just cut out most eating and it would fall off. Now I have to work a bit harder is all. However not eating puts me in a whole nasty "hangry" (hungry and angry lol) place and it's none too pretty!! Does this help? xx
  13. Massive congrats Mason!! Really pleased for you my lovely. Nope'ing away :) Good job!! xx
  14. nope
  15. They actually call it hell week!! Big congrats for 1 week smoke free, totally amazing work!!! Don't worry if you face tough days, embrace the sensation and say no more, and it allows you to move forward witha stronger quit. Facing those triggers down and staring them square in the eye day by day will carry you through. Massive congrats! xx
  16. Happy birthday to my favourite dawg :) Have a good one Chrispy. xx
  17. Awww brilliant, lovin this milestone for you S. 1 month of freedom and my heartfelt congratulations to you for that :) Hope you are celebrating! BB x
  18. jac -19 me -20!
  19. -18 corrected
  20. -17
  21. -15
  22. -15

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