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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Sorry, I missed this one. Hi Bob, Food is pretty great :) Welcome and sorry you fell of the train. I too had some trouble with relapse until I joined with these guys. I think it's the chance to "chat" it through with people who have been there that helped. And the SOS facility. Have a read of that and some pinned topics at the top of the discussions forum. I think learning what I faced was an addiction and having people to talk to and share with made a years roller coaster of quits and relapse stop. And of course knowing that mental feeling, was a time thing and it would get progressively less until the thought coming and being dismissed becomes as easy as waving a fly from your face...an annoyance more then anything. Happy to share your journey and welcome again. x
  2. Hi John, Did you have any luck finding something that made you feel supported (other then us lol)? x
  3. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Massive congrats on 10 months!! x
  4. 1 month is brilliant Rowly, massive congrats!!!
  5. I struggle at times, for sure thoughts come into my head... but this... well it's the real story behind smoking for me. A family holiday, that's cranky my Mum and my two kids, disney castle behind it. That's a mobility scooter my Mum is on. She has COPD, Heart failure (some left ventricle thing) and lymphodema...COPD and heart are smoking related....she panics every time she gets sick this is it. That smile is fake and that holiday was a miracle as a couple of months before we though she was having a heart attack!! She used to be really good fun my Mum. I mean she was always a bit nuts, but fun. Now there is pain and a struggle to sleep and rest. She still smokes at least once a day... it relaxes her... yeah right!! There is nothing social about her left Aine. My life is, at best difficult and her's is almost non existant. She is miserable as sin, all the time. There's no romance in smoking my friend. xx
  6. Congratulations!! We all remember the hopefully statement, but you know what, some of quitting was amazing. Some examples are your first really deep breath, the understanding and self belief quite apart from you wake one day and it's like someone doubled your stamina. There are so many benefits that we just can't think of when we are a smoker and I am really excited for you. I did Chantix (although I understand you can't) but I think they all work much the same and it really helps to do something constructive towards it. In the end, all of these methods are a bit of a crutch but whatever feels right to you is good to do, whatever works!! The board here will also jump right in behind you. It really helped back in the day to be able to speak, celebrate and vent with people who had been through the journey and we will be happy to do the same for you. Welcome. x
  7. I want a himalayan salt lamp, but they are pink and my lounge has purple accents....1st World OCD problems....

  8. Sorry I wasn't clear, I wondered how you felt it influenced your pineal gland? Always nice to hear something that's worked for someone else. Give you a perfectly good language..... haha.
  9. I agree with this and the original post. There comes a point where you just draw a line...it's you against nicotine and the battle lines are declared. It's weird what devildoll said, I totally compared my quit to labour and never said that. In labour I decided every discomfort was one step closer to meeting the love of my life...I wasn't wrong!! In quitting, I decided each crave or trigger faced down, was one step closer to being free of the addiction thoughts. I stick by this. Labour though, stings a bit ya know!! Quitting, well it never did. I thought it would be "painful" to quit, and it was at a basic level, a series of thoughts. Thinking doesn't cause pain. So why did all those people I spoke to say it was "the hardest thing", "I still have thoughts" etc etc. They say this because they don't learn about nicotine addiction. I say this quite confidently, I relapsed over and over for not learning what I was truly facing. Once I understood what it was, the rest became a straight choice to smoke or not to smoke. Places like this really are the missing link.
  10. Rubbish day - don't smoke - still winning!!!

    1. Sazerac



      Tomorrow is a new day. Hang in there, Marti

    2. BAT
  11. Yep, Once your children are officially school age (5) they can fine you if the absence from school is unauthorised (nb, all absence in term time is unauthorised). Welcome to England...the original land of the free....oh wait.... lol.
  12. Tracey let me know how it goes. I try and focus on the next big event through the winter, I don't know if it's Sad or just the cold gives me the right royal hump! So I found the focus thing on the next plan really helps! Sally I'm intrigued how your plan works, late to the party though so perhaps you'll miss it. You tried it and you felt better for it? face and hands towards the sun? What about your pineal gland? While the kids are shouting wheeee going down old ski slopes on a sled in the snow I'm creating new swear words in my head. I hate the rain and snow. Remind us again chick, why were we born in england? xx
  13. I don't mind getting fined £60 for taking my daughter out of school really, it's way less then our holiday would cost out of term time to disney world so on balance that's cool. But I wonder where the money goes? I have visions of the council's christmas party fund!!
  14. 25 mins yoga 10 mins arm weights 15 mins light aerobics
  15. Still winning


    Everyone likes a little sing song. Hope the quit is going well. x
  16. I love love love christmas!! When are you getting married Jac, did I miss the date being set?
  17. 1 year!!! Go Joe!!! The hugest of congratulations to you You are an amazing guy, so totally all in on the paying it forward game. Love you and the support you give. To date you are my favourite stalker of boob pictures :) Hope the celebrations are strong and I know your beautiful ladies will be super proud! x
  18. nope
  19. oh Wendy, I chuckled, I am always drunk christmas eve too so can totally see how this great idea failed :) You looking for joke or serious pressies? Male or female adults?
  20. Oh dear.... I'm so sorry Aine, you know I think you're great but I just laughed as it took me quite by surprise a few months back. It's harder then it looks hey!!
  21. Good work rowly!! don't feel forgotten, join in and talk nonsense with us :) Pleased the quit is going strong.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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