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Still winning

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  8. Still winning


    Haters gonna hate hate hate.... Think I'm being heavily influenced by a 9 year olds music tastes! Some people are just not good people and you can't fix em...walk away. Still annoying as all hell though so grrr with you. and hugs. x
  9. NOPE :) Don't want to and far too busy anyway - how much time did smoking steal from us!! Happy Friday everyone.
  10. How fabulous!!! I am excited for you Laura, chat anytime :) Day 1 BOOM!! xx
  11. With you. Let's bring this home now. xx
  12. none for me NOPE
  13. Hey, double digits...very cool!! Congrats on and hi tens my friend, right behind ya... Massive congrats beauty, great quit!! x
  14. My favourite adopted/stolen Mum... 1 1/2 years is amazing, as is your quit, as are you. Much love, x
  15. Sometimes, we go through things. There is always a reason in my humble opinion. Every time I hit a milestone, or another 1,000 cigarettes not smoked, I celebrate. No matter what is going on, no matter how I am financially. The reason for this is simple, I believe this freedom was hard fought for. I have often given thanks to friends here, newer and older quits for helping me find my path to finally make this attempt stick. I have had major wobbles, even an SOS back in April and untold swearing ...enough to worry people which does bring a smile to my face. I have been struggling of late. Not with the quit itself, I am good not smoking. My fight is with fear, fear of relapse as I get ever closer to my previous world quit record and the stress around me intensifies. Although the scenarios are different the message is the same, same timings, different stress...but still ...fear is not always rational is it. I started to wonder, did I always have the strength to quit, or did I get this re-newed strength to stay quit with each day, or sometimes hour/minute that passed? I decided about half hour ago, as I read two totally different things here that solidified my quit and my strength again ...the strength I feel in myself, is as a result of the quit. Sometimes we forget. Early days I don't think we even know it could be a benefit, so caught up are we in simply getting through what we feel then. So this is my message to myself in a way and to honour a fabulous guy who said write down why you will always stay quit. There can be no weak moments in this health and wealth roulette. Don't ever forget the gift of being free. A gift we unknowingly gave away, with no idea of the life we were signing up for. Don't forget the mental battles. Remember the vigilant quit survives, it's not about being less addicted or even a stronger person...it's about understanding we face an addiction which can lay dormant if we simply follow NOPE. The pride you feel when you tell someone you've quit, even if they don't understand quite what that means. So for 9,000 not smoked, I bought myself some new oracle cards (similar to tarot). They are magnificent, angel ones and fairy ones, so beautiful... like my quit :)
  16. I am excited for the journey ahead of you. As you experience with wonder the first full on sprint you do, then realize you don't cough. The first real deep breaths you take, where you can't believe THAT is what a deep breath really feels like. Massive congrats on your first full week free of nicotine, you have done an amazing thing for yourself. x
  17. FCUK YEAH!! My favourite dawg :) Congrats Chris. xx
  18. Hey Mr, this is great news!! Youneed to add your date on the calender so we can celebrate with your next milestone :) By the way I love to sit outside and gather myself in the fresh air now without smoking. Or go for a walk. I take a bottle of water with me most times, which is what I put in place to do early quit instead...I would just take sips of water instead. x
  19. Hi Rooster, I'm pretty excited to read your intro. Great words!! I look forward to sharing advice!! Genuinely :) How you quitting?? Nicotine replacement or cold turkey? If cold turkey get fruit juice and take sips as your blood sugar levels were compromised by smoking and will make you feel grumpy and lethargic...some how (bless science!) the fruit juice helps off set that. Welcome!!
  20. Lol. I needed that laugh. Good luck colleen. xx
  21. That's a bugger. I'd love to bring it with a lecture. However I was quitting from july 12 to march 13 - you know what, each fail taught me something new! Please make sure you are taking mental notes for where the triggers occur that send you over the proverbial cliff Wendy. It's all ammunition and you need the arsenal to quit. Champix, I'm a convert...total wonder drug as far as I'm concerned. Side effects can be a bit tough, smoking's tougher, stick with it. Now - why no SOS?? Honestly, genuine, no grief, but a question...why not? Can I maybe PM my number, if you can't do the sos thing maybe you can text or phone?? Loves and gentle hugs. xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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