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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Proud of you both!! All sounding very positive for "wanting" the quit which I always think is so crucial. How are the patches oneistoo?? Having any troubles sleeping? Are you feeling excited/scared a combo of both? x
  2. I know, it's so frustrating, I remember it well :) BUT it is doing it's thing, I and a ton of other people have quit using it. It engages the quit alongside your desire to not be a smoker anymore...in tandem I think it's a fabulous drug. Yes I know most people don't want to mess with their own brains but mine, like yours, kept treacling smoking when I didn't want to lol. All good in the hood sweets but please keep recording. Then when you are superbly successful we can bump to inspire others and say, keepat it :)
  3. I quit on what would be day 16...sorry...I know that's not what you want to hear but I want to be honest. I had loads of side effects, none of them cut me down smoking....but I was determined I would "just know" and I did on the eve of day 15, planned the quit the next day (too much planning time is always bad for me, I'm a f it type of planner) and did. Dunno if that helps or not really? I know Bassman said he was around week 3 when he quit The packet tells you to start and set a quit date between day 8 and 14, I'm guessing that means they expect it take a min of a week to feel some "let's get quittin" about you! x
  4. Quit buddies can be make or break and congrats Laura and oneistoo. Try to keep in touch and message each other, even if it's just to say you alright? My quit buddy finds promoting the idea of physical violence or name calling perfectly acceptable lol, become friends and you'll find if you struggle for you...you might hold on for them if that makes sense. Pleased you're good Laura. Been in my thoughts. xx
  5. Sorry I missed this but wanted to say welcome. Some great tips, water and breathing are great and who knew it could be such a help :) Look forward to getting to know you. xx
  6. Hi and welcome :) Someone said to me early days the way to fight this is with knowledge. Understanding what we are doing works far better then brute strength so the reading and watching the videos are a really good first step. Chantix is a great help and now you are getting all the toxins and nicotine out of your system, amazingly 72 hours after putting out the lastcig you are nicotine free!! It will help to take sips of fruit juice, any but cranberry works quickest...the fruit juice helps with your blood sugar levels which jump about a little while they get used to no nicotine. Otherwise you can feel tired. x
  7. As much as I love my Yoga connected to the elements I have decided to add Insanity classes once a week starting tonight...wish me luck (and life). If I don't make it I loved you all :D xx
  8. I think a number of us obtained at least one child that way haha. Good that there's nothing to report, it means all is going forward without many effects...defo good sounding news to me. x
  9. Aww thanks guys, I always get a fuzzy feeling at these celebrations...mine and others. I have lined up an interesting treat of my first ever insanity work out class tonight, and a chinese takeaway afterwards assuming I make it through!! Thank you for the comments, it is lovely to read and very motivating to hit the milestones. Love you all. xx
  10. morning laura :) NOPE from me too. x
  11. Chris is still going on about doing this trip one year lol. When are you going? Hope you get to meet some more peeps, it was fun meeting up :) x
  12. Oneistoo, Look up William Ernest Henley's "Invictus" poem, it was also a fabulous support for me quitting and before that in troublesome times.. Out of the night that covers me Black as the pit from pole to pole I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul I often think words can create a strong sense of belief. I also think it's what makes things like NOPE and SNOT powerful. Good on you ripping the nicotine plaster (band aid?) off! You will still have to do the work but a support group is invaluable. Perhaps you needed to learn a bit more to be ready to think of it. x
  13. A number of people had no side effects and some have loads. I just wanted to add like you, I was apprehensive to try for what might happen...i got loads of side effects...still felt ok to carry on and best decision I ever made!! I want you to know if I had that choice again, I'd be happy to go through all that and some to get here... Happy you feel positive about it Wendy. xx
  14. It was an ingenius idea to check in and for you to diarise feelings!! I only kept track of the emotional stuff, not the physical so can't give you any advice on brain squeezing. I do want to say I turned into a bit of a fruit loop emotionally after a few days. I decided to run with it as I was desperate to quit, keep talking and keep in touch in case you need some support there. xx
  15. proud of you too Jess. NOPE with you. xx
  16. Just be, sensible self advice and I genuinely, like your style! No big thinking, or life changing...protect the quit, in whatever way that looks like for these early days. Rest more, be kind to yourself, TREAT yourself... this day by day living is very healthy and "be"ing where you are is important. I see you understand more then the average joe on ways of thinking due to your education, that's a good thing. Learn about addiction to nicotine...absolutely read, watch, learn. Then take each day as it comes, each minute sometimes. We are all here to will you on. x
  17. You know you want the long as double barrelled surname too dahhhhling.... :)
  18. How fabulous!! Massive congrats on your 3 weeks of freedom and looking forward to more celebrations.
  19. Your approach sounds great!! Totally agree that a healthy approach to quit symptoms is to flip your thinking to this is the last time I will ever have to go through this! It carries you. That work smarter not harder is very apt for quitting. I found running two lists helped. One list saying why I wanted to not smoke...the other a list of things I could do instead of letting the jonesing take hold, it included very specific things as that fog descended on me and I often struggled to get my thoughts straight. I think we sometimes forget that most smokers didn't have much of an adulthood without relying on smoking as a crutch. So situations became volatile and often emotional in the early days...but really, it's just learning a new way to be and is incredibly freeing mentally and spiritually. Doing great oneistoo!! x
  20. Happy to hear you feel positive about the quit Wendy, I always think that's half the battle. Huge champix fan here too, I felt like it really helped take the edge off. Good news :)
  21. I finally made one!! I think I offered to make Sonic english and chatted tripe until all the words started swimming...job well done :) Wondered where you'd gone petra. Were you naughty!!?
  22. Hi and welcome :) I think we all created a barrier at one time or another, that's addiction isn't it. Happy to have you on board and look forward to sharing your journey. x
  23. you an me both think I'll pass out first Bakon haha. I'm in a different time zone tho!! Bugsy for Petra being the last woman standing, don't think pippa counts as she's in aus and will have slept :)
  24. -5
  25. -4

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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