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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Oh what do you write? Pleased it's all going ok. Sorry about the sleeping troubles, is that normal for you or quit related? I often try peppermint tea before bed, seems to help relax and works for a couple of my friends I told to try too...maybe worth a go? xx
  2. None of that malarky, Getting ready for celebrating my quit buddies 1 year anyway, if I ever doubted my quit he said he'd beat me up, he's bigger than me...... NOPE for me, today and always :)
  3. Everything happens for a reason Pippa, perhaps your next level training is destined to be with someone better!! 20 mins yoga all I can manage after 3 hours of heavy duty cleaning lol.
  4. I think I deleted my pants ... are they gone?
  5. Hey Jenny, I'm not saying it was you who added my trolleys but I know you to be helpful. So I'm apparently a lardy butt, I know I think it's cruel they just say it like it's ok too...but alas...my pants have grown to epic proportions...could you offer assistance to a lady (?!) in need??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mastergardener


      They seem to have shrunk....I would have said something but I thought you were just getting to be a BIG smartipants.....xxx

    3. babs609



    4. Still winning

      Still winning

      it's alright Jenny, nothing to see here, sorry for the confusion :)

  6. I dunno what happened...my pants grew...can anyone clever help me shrink em back down again
  7. tues 25 mins yoga weds Did Zumba for half an hour but barely sweating so googled and for 20 mins followed some mental chick on you tube who gave it some serious welly thurs 20 min power walk each way to and from my course
  8. How's it going today Smarty? x
  9. I like how the responses shows the variation of people we have Rob but ultimately my opinion is "whatever it takes". No one needs to say e cigs are bad news...we realize there is probably shizzle in there we don't want....is it better then smoking.... yes as a means to get you to a place of freedom in my humble thoughts. I took champix, sent me bat shizzle but it got me quit and if I was told it had weird stuff in it but would get me to quit I would give it a shot knowingly to get here. My point is some people find cold turkey a big win, some people need a crutch. Another all roads lead to rome fan here...Italy will be busy :)
  10. Awwwww, just melted quicker then olaf on a summers day :)
  11. This reminded me of something I read once, you mention "the bubble" and Markus (an older quitter who did his time and is now living a free life wrote once: And so you too will become exactly what you seek if you so choose it. You will lose yourself as you are, and become who you were meant to be, a free person. But, it comes at a price, and we have all had to pay it. You have to leave yourself behind to find yourself anew. When you can do that you will know that it's real, and that it will be forever. The rest of your life awaits. Congratulations on your quit! I love it!! Thought it might do something for you too :) I dunno what happened to my pants then...guess I ate too much ;) Literally no idea, didn't do anything but am cracking up laughing that I thought people meant I was clever lol, oops!
  12. So I know, I know... I sound like one of those reformed smokers!! I even live with a not so closet smoker (but not for long hopefully) so I should be used to the smell but it drives me batty. Walking to my course today, bit grumpy, it's -1 degree and I'm a summer kinda lady...anyhoo, woman sparks up about 10 feet in front of me and it makes me cough it's so strong...goodness knows what she smokes!! Got to my course and all bar one person smokes. They whinged and whined about needing a smoke break, 40 mins in for goodness sake. Stuck between two stale smelling whinging smokers. I can't say or do anything but such a shame that a course on how to jobhunt from writing CV's to interview skills etc that I was looking forward to doing is being completely over shadowed by the smell of cigarettes! Is it me or is it really super offensive as a smell? Anyone else having the "reformed smoker" issues? How bad on a scale of 1 to 10 is it to sit in the corner at the next course day lol.
  13. Inspiring quit Comrade!! Not one to join in on the bad vibes but do love a bit of keep it real, you always looked like you had it together two months later when I joined. I really watched and appreciated what you guys had to say. So thanks from me and massive congrats to you!! Hope you are treated yourself, although being alive is a bit of a big deal... You rock dude. x
  14. Happy 40th mid life crisis buddy!!! Much loves. xx
  15. All quits are good quits!! The book made me want to smoke too (read after I'd quit), I put it down, actually gave it away to smoker who is still smoking. Works for some, not all. Your quit is a great quit. It's ok to wobble, just don't fall :) x
  16. Hell NOPE - everyone on my course today STANK of cigs, YUK! Grimness!!
  17. Hi ROb, Another vote for completely normal. First 72 hours are actual nicotine withdrawal...those chemicals leaving all the parts of your body and your brain finding a new normal, takes a bit longer. If it helps I did day 3. day and 6 weeks for those swine of a days...although everyone is different. I think just accept that there will be some fabulous days and some not so, that it's all ok and is just the healing taking place. Don't give those junkie thoughts head room...it absolutely will not always be like this, these days are one offs and over time it gets better and better (otherwise no one would quit right!). Don't fear those thoughts, embrace them. Advice that I missed the point on early days but maybe you will grasp it and be cleverer :) It basically means each bad day/trigger etc you face down strengthens your quit and gives you ammo to wipe the next similar thought out quicker... xx Edited to say 72 hours...stupid sticky keyboard lol
  18. Hi Smarty, Welcome aboard and congrats on your quit :) x
  19. And ask each other for tips to substitute foods our respective country doesn't carry. I have driven myself looking for "hot sauce" haha
  20. Massive congrats on your one week!! x
  21. Congrats on 5 months!! Hope you were off celebrating somewhere :) xx
  22. What a lovely treat to plan in of new running shoes :) Massive congrats on 1 month, pleased as punch for you. xx
  23. 7 sleeps to go!!!! BOOM!!
  24. Huge belated congrats twinny!! A quarter is simply marvelous and I couldn't be more pleased!! Massive congrats on 3 months. Much love.x
  25. Ahhh that moment when you realize a cig will do nothing for you is a major breakthrough moment Huzzah!! Pippa is right, this is fantastic to watch a quit unfold, I don't think any of us were clever enough to document it as you do! Sorry about the job stuff, it's tricky isn't it. Good news you are dealing with things by giving yourself time. That is the bit we got as smokers I think, breathing (or non breathing lol) space. Great to walk away and come back to an issue with fresh eyes. Hey why am I getting all the smarty pants comments...I only got nicknamed Smarti cause it rhymed with Marti lol.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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