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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. 11 months Aine, inspiring stuff!! So so pleased you quit, I think your honesty helped more people than you would ever know and for sure you and comrade are much better without the smokes in your life. Much love. x
  2. NOPE from here too
  3. Hey Lennon, How's it all going with the quit?
  4. How are you doing, how's the sleeping going?
  5. BOOM!! :) You done so great and making one week is super sweet for sure!! Really pleased for you, in english though...chuffed to bits for you :)
  6. Oh don't know, maybe PM a moderator to ask? Maryland Quitter, Jenny, Colleen, Babs... sure any fo those could answer.
  7. Not One Puff Ever (just for today). Powerful to only do today anyway. Tomorrow isn't promised and yesterday is done. x
  8. Fabulous work oneistoo. So pleased to read your journey and share with you but mostly I'm delighted for you on hitting this milestone, massive congrats on 2 weeks free! x
  9. I can be a real a hole, as long as it don't involve me actually following a plan :) Jokes aside, good on you Jen for doing something to make you feel better about you!
  10. How fabulous!! I remember chatting early doors and how determined you were, I knew we would celebrate ongoing :) 6 freaking months though, massive congrats to you!! Much love. xx
  11. Sounded crap to be honest. But they are the days where we get to make a yes or no choice and every time we choose no we re inforce the I am a non smoker message. So it has a positive purpose in a way. Try not to dwell on it and accept that it's happened and done my lovely. No one wants a slow dance romance session with those thoughts. x
  12. Hope you are both feeling brighter today. Some days are just rubbish, but they are the ones that mean we should hold on, having gone through that day with those feelings, you are one step closer to vague memories of smoking and as a bonus, you never need to do day 14 again! It's over, phew :) x
  13. Take what you need. Sometimes we have to call it, battle on! Other times we ride the waves of ease. Both have valid parts of our quit, one part would not work alone, it would be too easy or too hard. Your quit is strong and perfect. Make sure you cherish it like a baby, do what it needs to make it strong and self sufficient. x
  14. Laura, no matter what, we are non smoker don't ya know :) Doing great. Massive congrats on your 2 weeks. Thoughts are just thoughts...not instructions. Loves beauty!! x
  15. Possibly when they are tipping the lido deck time Jules :) Markus, always good to read your words. Thank you. x
  16. scream laura, smoking caused this...not smoking will end it!! Hold on chicky. x
  17. wronguns right... I'm gonna keep reading. It's like one of those programs you watch from behind your hands...why would you put cheese with vodka? I'm so confused :(
  18. 3 months running man :) BOOM!! Massive congrats to you buddy. x
  19. Yay renee and pommy....good going!! Miss you Nay, come back son yeah. xx
  20. Massive congrats on 1 month free evelyn. x
  21. The worse the crave fought, the stronger the quit!! Good on you chicky, none for that smoking malarky...that shizzle literally tries to kill you!! Pleased you managed to get a handle on it, virtual hi five! Sometimes those thoughts grab a bit of ground and start running, youdid the perfect things in distracting yourself to force it out of your head. Keep marching, it gets easier an easier to knock those crazy junkie thoughts into touch until they start to diminish :) x
  22. Interesting to read a couple of you like the smell still, and that most aren't bothered by it. I literally abhor it and try to move away asap...it's kinda new I think, I don't know if I was like this early quit? Perhaps I'm getting grumpier as I age lol...gonna be 40 this year :) So pleased that whole pants drama is solved, was so confused why people kept saying smarty pants....thought they meant I was clever....turns out just large pants haha...ho hum ;)
  23. Crap/cramp, worked it out and giggled like a child, sorry mammy. So chuffed for you, check you out doing 3 lengths too!! You rock lovely lady and I'm pleased you got some time out and about with girlfriends as much as the swim. xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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