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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. You are Yoda Jackie...there is no try....beat this you will :) Seriously babe, it's always gonna be tempting to give up giving up, otherwise no one would smoke! What I can say is I felt what you felt at thsoe specific times too and held on and it passed. I think maybe you need to trust that it does always pass. Love your commitment, here for you anytime! Let's "get er done" x
  2. Sorry, shattered means really tired. Today Pump it up Workout - kinda like zumba but to dance music with sexier moves lol. And then some girlie press ups and crunches.
  3. Ewwwww.
  4. welcome home. Two hours is amazing, onto hour 3!! x
  5. Tonight won't be "the night" but as close as I can get without kids I think!! 10,000 cigarettes is close. That's utterly mental. 10,000!! I honestly doubted whether "I" could quit. I mean I really thought I was one of those lifers... people told me I was that smoker. Everyone was stunned when I quit. No massive surprise, I could do 2 or 3 packets per day, depending on home or out. My biggest surprise is that I feel good to have it done now. Yes I asked the "how long will I feel like this" and did each phase to it's full capacity. That said, less than a year..I'm alright you know. I smoked from young until I was 38 and some change. Please can someone post the 10,000 cigarette poster thing for me so I can smile my biggest smile. Absolutely winning, feels amazing. I get some people cruise past landmarks but that's not my way. I'm go big or go home and this inspires me to hold on if I ever were to doubt myself. Power of a quitting website ey!! Converts the doubters :) Love to one an all no matter day 1 or forever quit. x
  6. Sorry, cleared my inbox a bit :) Monday Insanity training Today Yoga
  7. Great job!! As was said before, cravings go, they are short lived. The benefits of not smoking are long lasting and worth some mental thoughts. Just think, for now, for this minute, at this time, I won't smoke and then distract yourself. Distraction and reading up on how nicotine addiction works are your best friends right now. Agree with the mantra thing too, whatever works for you. From "smoking is not on the table right now" or "I deserve better than this" or whatever "speaks to you". Also physical movement, switch from foot to foot all the way through to actual exercise are massive wins! It seems to knock a crave down. Amazing work Matthew!! You absolutely can do this!! x
  8. ROFL knicker sniffing haha.
  9. Told ya mankini's were only online now.... :fool:
  10. Hi Matthew, Sos is there because we'd all rather use or answer that than keep fighting the same fight. Welcome aboad! Drink water and juice, deep breaths. Lots of reading how this addiction works...really helps to understand. Look forward to hearing your updates.
  11. Is it worth signing up with some temping agencies Gem? Work is thin on the ground but apparently 70% of jobs never get advertised as they get filled other ways... xx
  12. Awe, I miss them all too.Sooz, Amy, sus, Natalie...too many. I miss the I'm done brigade too. Aine, comrade, Joolz, Markus I'm gonna be a stalker, all good :) x
  13. Having the best smoke free life...means I can afford all this stuff :)
  14. Having the best smoke free life...means I can afford all this stuff :)
  15. NOPE from me, need my singing voice for my babies 5th birthday party...guess what we're singing along too.....
  16. Massive congrats on 1 month!! That is simply amazing work on your part!! xx
  17. I like that terminology! Way to stay true ... Iwill keep that with me if that's ok quite apart from how awesome laura is. x
  18. I've had a wine or 5. At times like these I like to write, I find myself more honest when inbetween sober and tipsy. I'm close to 10K not smoked. I'm marking time waiting for it if I'm honest. I really want to get there and "get er done". I really have to push myself to think of smoking now. I mean, I can't imagine a scenario that means I would fall off the wagon. My quit is comfortable now. Not to say I never have a thought, I do, but it never overtakes me anymore. I just know this quit is safe. Ipay it forward, for sure, but I choose to do that as much as I choose to not smoke. Reading a newby journal (thanks oneistoo) has cemented where I am, as has my quit buddy hitting a year and messaging me saying "I fell off last night" as a joke to highlight my previous faux pas. That is what I did, 364 days and boom, carnage. Never again! I am stronger than all of that. I will stay quit cause I choose that. I will choose freedom from toxic people because I choose that too. I will fight for who I am because actually, I know that now and that makes me smile. Do you know I am raising strong independant and powerful women...and I'm not sure I even knew I was to lead by example, but it's all good...I am! I weirdly find that I can do whatever is needed and I can do it smoke free. My newest Jen was surprised my situation didn't cause a crave but it really doesn't. No matter what my life throws at me I choose the freedom from nicotine. It's not even an option anymore, it has been a done deal for a while. It feels good to finally write...my quit is properly done. Just here making up the numbers now :)
  19. PS april to may - page 5. xx
  20. It's a hellava journey, that's for sure :) It may seem odd as I did the quit the non easy peasy way, I wouldn't change a thing. The lessons I learnt prepared me for coping. You'll be good, just trust in the process. x
  21. I went on holiday and truckin met you!! But now I'm truckin here. You are some truckin lucky quitters :)
  22. Thurs walking to and from my course. About an hour all told. Fri was walking to and from my cleaning job and then from a shop for party food. Shattered. Need to do some actual exercise lol.
  23. I love this!! Fabulous :)
  24. You can build some serious treats if you stay quit...... For mine (and my mans and mums) reward I took us to Disneyland, I have watched that castle on films forever and I was over the moon.... and yeah, it was totally for the kids :unsure: I also hooked up with Bakon's for bevvy's...what a treat :D Less so, when I had a tough crave I bought myself the most beautiful rug...every time I see it I know I have financial safety now through not smoking... Treats have saved my quit, they are really important!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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