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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Hot toddy: thick slice of lemon, push 3 cloves (found in herb aisle) into the lemon, teaspoon honey, hot water and a dash of scotch, whiskey or brandy depending on preference. Chicken Noodle Soup: Sharwoods medium egg noodles, knorr chicken stock cubes, cooked diced chicken. Boil small pan of water, add a stock cube and wait till it melted (taste for flavour, I prefer 2 stock cubes with a cold). Add some egg noddles till cooked, about 5 mins, fling in cooked chicken bits and eat. I like to add sage to it as that's good for colds. Medicines: Sudafed or Beechams seem to work better than the cruddy lemsips for most. You can take paracetamol with sudafed but not with beechams. Get some berocca, it's pricey but shaves 2/3 days off the cold and for about half hour you're like you on speed after drinking, great tonic! (NB makes your pee look radioactive for a while, don't panic). Thyme, Licorice root, Garlic, sage are good steeped to drink either mixed with honey and lemon (as taste rank) or add them to your foods to eat. Feel better soon. x
  2. Things like this really "speak" to me. I love the beauty and opportunity of it all :) New moons are new beginnings and solar eclipse season is the start of a 6 month life path improvement. Everyone loves Spring right, that's self explanatory!! Of course I took bucketloads of eclipse photo's but here's a couple in case you are interested. I am officially a happy bunny and full of awe for the world. Have a wonderful day!! Sorry Pippa and Gabby :( I promise to shush now. x
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  3. Cake!! No rules for cake :)
  4. I have no song but I think you are a beautiful person and I love you. Sometimes it just takes some time is all. xx
  5. I'm gonna be here today... I can't promise you tomorrow... unless there's cake... or wine...
  6. Congrats Mason!! Pleased the tests went away for you and the mrs is with you :) x
  7. We're masturbating to get past quitting...BOOM!! Why did I not know about this early quit!! i'm not sure it's entirely buddha's thing but I'm no judge....
  8. Now isn't the time to mention that pulled pork and melted cheese burger and chips was AMAZING.... No, okies, *slinks away quietly* haha. I agree that bad food has dire consequenses, I just can't like good food all the time, it's a bit "meh". I put on about 14 pounds but I had already gained some before. It ain't going anywhere (cause I like all burgers lol) but it's ok. I still love exercise but that took 3 months from after quitting and I am ok that immediately post quitting I liked peanuts! Be kind to yourself! However that looks to you :)
  9. nope
  10. Why's that shallow. It's nice to have someone acknowledge you look good and well :) Nice dress!
  11. Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right! Love this quote. We quit, we can do anything :) I'm gonna pass a computer exam next week, yep, I will :)

  12. Can't wait for this!! Thanks dawg for the happy times to come thoughts :)
  13. Good for you!! Agree it's a seasonal thing some of these triggers. Just acknowledging what it was and saying NOPE has probably kncoked it down, so yeah, laugh in the face of it...can't take you anymore! x
  14. Hey Ricki, Pleased you recognise the thoughts as unhealthy. I too found the support network invaluable, so I totally get that message too. It's funny how we try and justify it isn't it? I mean it takes a long old while to re set all the triggers really. The fact that you saw it as a trigger, means you're on the ball and watching for the sneakiness of addiction. Really pleased to be walking this journey with you. x
  15. REAL talk!! The understanding and making it resonate in our brains is crucial. Good on ya! xx
  16. You beauty!! WTG!! So so chuffed for you Sarah, 11 months is fabulous, as are you. Much love x
  17. nope.
  18. Fabulous job!! Doing amazingly well and the big mental battle of the first week is tough at times and crucial to beat so massive congrats to you. xx
  19. I felt like you. It was a last chance thing and I couldn't keep trying. With regards to your question. Relapse thoughts... it's a really bad plan, don't do it!! that shiz will kill ya, literally!! literally lighting up your finances doesn't sound very sane neither does putting something near your face and setting it on fire x
  20. It's exactly now I want you to pat yourself on the back...if I were there I'd do it. It is tough times and you are acheiving brilliant stuff!! Go, have the best time and know some english bird somewhere is virtually hi fiving your efforts! Because this is your new reward, this site, we are the reward time but so are you...with every free moment or day. My point is don't underestimate what you have acheived, cherish it (as Iknow you do). Super proud of you! x
  21. Hey char, you marching to 6 weeks per chance?? Tyme just did this. Damn girl, hunt those SOS back to april, I did that...let me help you bypass a bit .... The quit is not new and exciting no more. When you see peeps and they ask are "you still quit" and you say "yeah" and they say "that's good".... So right here is your brass band!! Your quit will ALWAYS be SHINY and AMAZING, you are doing the most fabulous job in quitting and there should never be a point of life that doesn't excite you!! My message is I think we can slump into "un-new" (un new isn't a word but try and keep up with my crazy lol). And I don't think we should, I think the quit should always carry a value and be part of the "new" us. I feel life we kinda morph into the person we should always have been, from the smoker we were and that journeyis months long and extremely valuable at every stage. So as doll says...the early doors part is done and dusted. Fare thee well shite pit and welcome the tweenage years of quitting. Don't let it catch you off guard chick so stay focused on an end game and relish the breaks you are getting. Also make sure you are still treating yourself, it carries infinate value to be kind to oneself through these days because you are more than worth it. x
  22. Wow that feels like it flew by, massive congrats to you Ricki!! If you can do that week you can face anything and firmly believe in yourself and your inner strength :) 1 week done and dusted.. BOOM!! x
  23. nope

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