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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. I have no idea what you're saying lol. However...because I have quit and I did use the "yell like a banshee" method and it did work I'm kinda happy to suggest it as an option. Not scream therapy, no idea on that, that was simply me saying this kind of thing exists. But I yelled NOPE like a woman possessed on multiple occasions lol, and didn't smoke so maybe some validity in it for some.... Later I only needed the breathing and thinking or walking or something more "reasonable" I guess :) xx
  2. I think we were all a little surprised and relieved when we realized we were asking for support rather than caving in and smoking!! Brilliant, that's how quits are won and why support forums exist. Much cheerleading my end at your success!! xx
  3. Just answered you seperately but will add to this one. Try and focus on today for a while. Of course you are right, quits gain time but to start they are won by hours and day by day. To think too big seems to over whelm many. Be vigilant/smart, to things that can trip you up and by all means do some preparing for that, good times! Get gum, or water bottles or walking shoes etc. Make sure you treat yourself as you go, especially with something you can see!! Ie someone bought a room scent and I copied that, every time I smelt it I remembered :) Scents and visual treats...and snacks lol. Doing brilliant. xx
  4. Hey Michelle, I actually agree with the yelling thing too....my version of it was NOPE but with switching foot to foot forward and backward, lol, I laugh now...at home I looked like a right old nut job :) Didn't care, it worked. Sounds like you had a tough day at times there chick. Some days hey! However it may help to think along the lines of that day is done and as long as you simply don't smoke, you will never have to do it again! When it grabs you like that try and head it off as quick as you can. However long that may be for you, just as soon as you're able to quiet it and distract yourself you will feel stronger for it. Whyquit is a brilliant site to read at when you're having a bad trigger too. Some of the stories are so severe and heartbreaking it can turn the craveon it's head straight away with the ARGH I will not ever smoke again after reading that horrific story (have tissues ready!!). Cpk, pleased you got by a different way, all roads lead to rome don't they, however don't knock it till you tried it. They do scream therapy and there's reasons for it, different folks for different strokes :) However your point about loving your quit is a strong one. You need to cherish a quit like a new born, give it room to grow and teach it, fill it full of love and like Michelle's sponser says, give it treats :) TEW - sometimes it's good to be bad ;) No such thing as a bad cookie! Seriously Michelle, every time you pull yourself through those moments your quit grows stronger! You will wake this morning so delighted to have a safe and secure week old quit!! Fabulous sweetie. xx
  5. Same as that, moved onto the board when I quit...haven't quite left :) Do it!! We allhonestly love to support you or we wouldn't bother staying. Plus it's so wonderful to see and hear all the new quits. Wonderful job my lovely. x
  6. It does look really strange when you think of it! Why would you put something so near your face and set it on fire...it seems pretty risky, no?! The longer between you and your quit, the more alien it will seem. Doing fabulous. x
  7. It might feel tough, but Mike I give both of us permission to move the hell on!! Ex's, sometimes it ain't what it should've been. No one's fault..it just isn't. I can sympathise/empathise...none of it matters a jot...move the hell on. Be fair, make sure you answer to yourself and no one else. Much love!! And honestly, if you ever wanna PM re family crapola...I'm ya chick!! x
  8. I too didn't understand. Your situation is also one I have travelled. I, like Tracey chose to throw myself into a new life. While we draw breath Mike we should not settle. What stirs my passions.... finding things I am actually passionate about! Not what I "think" I should be passionate about, but things that actually make my heart happy and my day light up for a short while. Walking, exercise, the woods, dancing, being near water, climbing big hills and seeing the views... Stay strong, it's just one part of a bigger journey and every path has some bumps hey. xx
  9. I started by walking and some gentle yoga, you can find yoga on you tube for free, just search for bad back ones. There's even sitting exercise if you want to be sure to be ok. However, I think it was the sarge who said the changes are more in the kitchen than the gym, very true! Agree with a gradual change. Oh exciting but no real advice as I always plateau and get bored lol. x
  10. Woke thinking of this. The easiest way around a trigger is to create a new trigger! All that is really happening is your brain is reminding you to check you have cigs and a lighter cause you smoke when you leave the house...but you don't want to do that so now we need a "new thing". Maybe you take bottled water and take sips. I used cough candy in the car when I quit which was my triger point. Others used gum, mints. Or maybe putting your fave song on an i pod or something. What about a pedometer to measure your steps? Any new pattern to wipe out the old one more quickly. xx
  11. Sorry was sleeping, way tomkick a trigger to the curb. Every time we fight back a big trigger it carries less strength the next time. Try to recall it's just a trigger thought that you would have smoked here before. It may help to have a list of reasons why you quit to carry with you for a while. Nothing carries the same weight as your own logical reasons, they are real and appropriate to you. xx
  12. Whatever works is my motto. Pleased you are seeing an improvement. If I remember rightly my anxiety kept sending me for a loop. It settled around month 4 and was something I'd suffered before anyway...hoping knowing that gives you a timeframe (although we are all different, you may be sooner) but at least shows you're not alone. xx
  13. this could take a while lol I'll wait here ....
  14. Mrs B is a hottie, Mr B is a lucky guy too :) Car's alright.....
  15. 4 days, being strong Michelle!! Agree, when you find your dosh, spend some on something wonderful that you wouldn't have done before. A mag, a scented candle cause your sense of smell is sooooo in the post any moment!!! Love it :D . For all the times it feels hard remember this feeling of euphoria, not because it will be hard but so you can keep balance in your head. The excitement of seeing how wonderful the first really deep breath will feel, and when your sense of smell starts to alert you to rain...oh it was all so amazing Michelle and it will be for you too. That's the difference of being on a board I think, the balance of good with bad and the good over shadows it for most, 100%. x
  16. Seriously, let me go for a save...shhhh, but he actually often inhabits another planet...for real!! He also cares more than he ever lets on and will never let you talk yourself into nonsense and may sound harsh but actually, he cares more than most people and is trying to make you re think properly. Defo on another planet though lol. Pleased you feel official :) x
  17. Babs, I hear you, I really do!! I am part angry at companies producing cigs and governments not putting their foot down and letting them actually increase the nicotine and chemicals in them. (But we can't licence some life saving medicinal drugs?!) However it's the sheer anger at my own stupidity that I always come back too. That I let myself believe the "I enjoy it, i need it" lies for so long.For your sake I am delighted that break through thoughts are coming for you. For newer people, the benefits of the quit really are UNREAL!! So many of us quit for health, for finances, because it was time and without exception have all felt an increased inner strength in addition to the reasons we quit. I would have quit for that alone before but I never knew that would happen. In the words of Markus, guard the quit :) It really is the bee's knee's :D x
  18. Urge but no desire...already?? Wow, this quit is more than looking good on you already :) It feels awesome to say I don't smoke, good work!! x
  19. PS I actually need a car... truly...nope...ok ;)
  20. I cried when I saw a pic... and it's not even my car lol. Her hair Bakon :D . Anyway, good job and backslaps on buying the car..I really have no idea about cars...black cars are god though? I'm rubbish, sorry. Tell her it looks like "the dark destroyer" to me...or what about thor, god of thunder! Looks like a beast...oh, what about beast? You could pretend she's talking to you lol. Let me know if you want me to attach the pic. xx
  21. Hi tony, Stomach problems, check! Can you up your fiber intake as it's just your body re adjusting. You have an amazing quit going already, good job!! xx
  22. I empathise, both with the sensations at your stage and the rain, I'm english...same as seattle lol. Make yourself some plans of things to do when you crave. Early doors I wrote a list. Ie dance, sing, google an interesting fact, watch a video, create something, walk, shout nope etc etc...then when a crave/trigger came and I found it hard I looked at the list and picked something. The trick is to distract your own brain while your logical side learns about the addiction and enables you to fight the thoughts. But distraction is healthy at this stage. xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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