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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Life is real good because I feel better and healthier in both body and mind then I ever have in my entire life, as cliche as that sounds it's the truth. Yes, quitting smoking was part of the story that brought me to here today and I am eternally grateful for the freedom from that compulsion. x
  2. Hi Sinha, I'm excited for you and your journey, it's an amazing feeling never wanting or needing to smoke, truly. I do suggest some distraction techniques, I just found it easier that way. Whatever is your thing really, gum, bottle of water to sip, sweets/candy, cut a straw in half to suck air through etc. I had lots of things to combat the worst times and due to many failed quits prior to this one, planning what to do instead helped me really commit. Write a list of all the reasons you don't want to be a smoker, carry it with you. Sometimes a quick reminder can get you past a trigger or a thought. Don't be so afraid :) It's a big thing seemingly, but in reality, it's not. It's as easy or as hard as YOU decide to make it. Won't go on too much but happy to share tips anytime. And welcome :) Great choice you're making!! x
  3. Weekend I did so much gardening I didn't have much left for exercise. Today 1 hour bodycombat class and started my run/walk option, so about 5 mins of running interspersed with lots of walking. Want to build up really slowly as I've had knee issues in the past.
  4. I nearly died on the ab challenge haha. You guys rock!
  5. Aww sweetie, I genuinely know what you mean, so I will add my thoughts for you to think about. An educated quit is one where in your own time, you come to understand smoking is an addiction. And that any opening can reawaken addiction. It's why nope becomes so crucial. The other way is simply abstaining, choosing not to smoke for now - and those people are more likely to smoke again. Even years down the line. Make sure you stay close and learn about how YOU can stay free, because you can. Mums, should be my specialist subject lol. Even if you were close, you would not change an addicts mind. They must do that themselves. A mum does not take advice from her child well in the first place, trust me when I say it goes even worse when the subject is smoking. The best you can do here is keep your quit and give advice if it's asked for. Often, folks need to see it's possible and they follow suit. Other times no amount of wishing it to be will change them. Even if you have the best intentions, try and think how you would have taken advice on why you must quit and you'll see...it has to be your own choice. Sorry for your mum and your worry. It's hard to watch I know. xx
  6. The other day my quit buddy said "we both have another month" and I had to double check...completely missed both dates that I used to kinda live for :) Such a wonderful feeling to think oh yeah, another month BOOM!
  7. Aw, that's a lovely thing to read at the beginning of my week. Humble thanks for being involved with your euphoric moment :) xx
  8. Every quit journey is so personal to the person taking it. However I believe a number of us had to find a new way to be as part of the process, for you this sadly involves managing anxiety but you will be stronger placed to do this with your new found strength. xx
  9. Agree with Pippa, "the moment" you know is a wonderful memory :) Excited for your breakthrough from connecting to someone. x
  10. Wonderful news! It's totally eye opening to see the way it's going isn't it. Soon most days and events will be exactly like that - a thought somewhere afterwards with hey, I never thought of smoking once :) Love it!! x
  11. That's a nice thought, to pass it down I mean. I guess you like to plan things as this is very organised :) I just want to say if this motivates you then fine, but if not...maybe do a few nice things for yourself. if that's some nice jewellery, then great. If it's new clothes, then that's all good too. What I am saying is treat yourself with things that matter to you now as well. It really does help to see visually the results of the money you haven't spent on smoking. Along with education on what you're dealing with addiction wise and having a support group it is a valid part of a quit. That said I have visions of a very suave and sophisticated guy now and no way would smoking fit with this image! x
  12. Got reminded again last night, walked past a smoker and just felt that utmost wave of sympathy that they had to smoke and a gratitude that I'm free of that now. Never again. NOPE. x
  13. I think jewellery on a guy is ok. A signet ring would look good in my opinion. I think it's all down to your personal style though and if it goes with the rest of "your look" then all good. The only time it's wrong is when a look doesn't match up. So like trackee's (jogging bottoms, pants, geez no idea other than english lol) and a signet ring would look a bit crazy, but dress nice and I think it would compliment the look. But then I am like this and notice this in others. That said don't be surprised if some women say no. I've not known any of my friends over there say anything bad about a stylish ring on a guy, only when they try and bling it up which is ALL kinds of wrong lol. Do it! Make it a treat for saving the money not smoking :) That would be a great treat cause if you were ever tempted you could look and see something visual to remind you nope! x
  14. I saw a vape shop in a seaside town here in England last weekend, first I've ever seen. In Felixstowe if anyone english wondered. Lucky for them they were shut as whilst I support them as a quit aid for a timely period, I like you, believe they are trying to create their own sick market! makes my stomach turn what they suggest to our children. However, someone else's kids...I'd probably make the parents aware...if it were my kids, they would probably be sorry for opening a store near me! Tough choices Colleen. x
  15. That these guys and I get to do more fun stuff, with more money and no smoke breaks!!
  16. Hi Carlos, Of course I agree with your fabulous decision :) Good choice to give up now, get it done and live a much freer life! And welcome. xx
  17. So sorry I missed this chicky! I gonna fess up, I think you even inspire me. It's a powerful person who faces mental and emotional hardships and keeps their mind strong enough to keep these worlds apart from smoking. For sure smoking brings us nothing good Jess but still, you are one amazing lady. Congrats on 7 months free of that awful addiction!! Love your over the pond friend. Much love to you. xx
  18. Just short of 4.5K saved so far from not smoking for just over a year! Love my healthier body and bank balance :)

    1. babs609


      that's right girl :)

    2. BAT


      That's some serious loot. :)

  19. Holiday ;) And I'm here again. Rather be with Mr bakon, must be warm with all them ladies wearing their bikinis out :huh:
  20. Brilliant rain, congrats on 6 and some true freedom by the sounds of it. xx
  21. Good work ladies! Pippa, crawling home is out then ;) Yesterday had a rest as back was a bit sore so just did a 20 minute walk and some yoga stretches. Today a 1 hour toning class. I haven't seen a step in years...it wasn't my finest moment lol. Tough class consdering they called it toning, hiit stuff is easier!
  22. Is this in response to my other comment? What I meant by that was nothing to fear but perhaps I could have explained better. For me, I had wobbles and I define them as times when even though my quit was secure I would have strong desires to smoke. To be clear I knew I wouldn't and couldn't but it happened when I went on holiday, when I went christmas shopping (?), when I had an operation and after big emotional arguments. It felt like an internal debate, except I knew I could win the fight. I personally think if you let these feelings run you start to wander in romancing the smoke territory, again from my experience. Then there's others who are just toughies! They kinda strut their Nope, look left - nope that down, look right, nope, none for you...golden again, keep marching etc. None is right or wrong it just took me a little by surprise is all and others felt the same too. Some didn't though so all good x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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