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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. In honesty, it's not like these guys didn't suspect I like a drink or two.... I can be found on the swear thread drunk as a skunk wondering why Will Smith isn't aging - that is weird though right? I am very interesting and do lots of stuff so it's good you are more aware now :D Anyway, I digress. Babs is right, this thread makes actual sense, are you losing your edge Bakon? I don't think we can continue to be friends if you're going to be normal now :) If anyone else wants to be ogled by Bakon feel free to add me so he can check out your photo's haha.
  2. Sometimes it's all we have to simply believe others that it will get better. Keep reading on here and also whyquit.com is a great site. I agree that you really have to hammer the "this is an addiction" point home to ourselves, we spent so long denying it or denying it was a problem that we believe the hype. Now you need to educate yourself on how it works as that is a powerful way to fight back. Ie when you want to smoke...knowing that is your mind simply remembering that in this situation, we used to smoke. It is not a need or a want to smoke - it is thought association and you can change those thoughts by keep responding to yourself that you chose to be free, a non smoker and use NOPE there. Don't undervalue distraction techniques though, having something else to do or simply forcing yourself to do something different if a thought starts to take hold of you are life savers - literally! Believe in yourself and get that response to an SOS written out too. Not in a look at me way but it is seriously great to not be a smoker. I mean I feel so much better of course and I would miss deep breaths and money too much but it's more than that. It made me accept that actually I am pretty strong and can face any issue head on, my self belief has grown immensely and my ways of coping with stress are a hundred times better. It really is worth holding on for. x
  3. Typed a message before and it didn't appear. Ce la vie, got one through :) How's today going Laura? x
  4. Why are my messages not coming through?! Laura, you have this covered. You will make it now because you finally believe in yourself. Goodness, Ihope this post makes it as I think my computer may be up the swanney! x
  5. Hi Erin, Pleased you are jumping back in the saddle. Don't ever quit quitting and find a new plan for the trigger that tipped you over the edge. Good practice run, now let's get to the read deal :) So day 1?? x
  6. Awww, lucky girl. What a fabulous grandparent you are :)
  7. Bravo TEW!! It really does get to the time when it almost never crosses your mind and I'm pleased you had an easier month! This place changed my life too, so I understand your excitement when you talk of self growth through the quit and the honesty. Good for you! xx
  8. drunk. here. normal service is resumed :D Love everyone :) Ps if you see me post tell me to go away, thank you muchly
  9. http://www.quittrain.com/blog/27-martis-blog/ The blog is on this site, there's a section for it. Maybe think about creating your own? I started it as a way to keep track of how far I was coming and actually, it's been brilliant to be able to look back. Day 4 Erin, great work!! Hope the audits aren't too bad. x
  10. 8 months is amazing my friend. Unlike the chaps party above - yikes! Be good! xx
  11. Hoping your audit is done and smoke free. Each strong craving you face down and beat gives the next thought less power! Check in and let us know how you are. x
  12. Focus on quitting, then focus on eating less. Where you can, add healthy snacks but don't put the additional pressure on yourself. Honest, weight can be lost :) I have two girls Erin. I have a blog you can read if you ever get some time and want to listen to a lunatic ranting haha. I quit for my 8 year old asking. It took multiple attempts (July until March) until I found this back up support too. This quit, Day 3, my then 8 year old said she couldn't keep up with my mood swings, I was up and down like a looney. Over a year later, she said she is very proud of me and so delighted we don't smell anymore and that I will have more life with her! My now 5 year old forgot I used to be a smoker! The child card is a powerful button pusher and I hear your concern at some over reactions ....but I raise you actual experience of childrens feelings on Mum being a smoker and how much children really hate it! Don't even get me started on how many times we left doing something with them to go and smoke... No excuses for yourself you beautiful smelling non smoker :) Massive congrats on being on day 3 now! Huge accomplishment!! You are doing so fabulous. One step at a time. xx
  13. I can't believe it tyme, 4 months is amazing. You are truly nailing this quit down. So pleased and proud for you. 4 months of freedome, fabulous! xx
  14. Just do it my lovely. The dread of it is greater than the doing it. The running away is no longer working. I have always believed in you - what would happen if YOU believed in you. I like Bakons plan. One day and come back..... x
  15. Have all that hope and more. All you have to do is not smoke today, not smoke now and if you want to...read, distract, educate. Then go to sleep and wake up the next day alive and well...and we do it again. Don't over think, don't let yourself panic and don't let errant thoughts grow in your mind as smoking was never great and mostly, we didn't want to be smokers when it comes down to it...the price was too heavy in so many ways. So break it down and keep up the excellent work! make sure you treat yourself too, it's an amazing gift you are giving to yourself and you deserve the treats! x
  16. Aww, sorry you feel sad. I just wanted to say some people are unable to forgive. It's sometimes more to do with the people like your friend, not you and what was clearly a genuine apology. After all, everyone makes mistakes from time to time, we are none of us perfect. Also I'm all for setting things straight but if it doesn't help, then move on. Not everyone needs to stay in your life for you to have grown and shared what you needed too. x
  17. Fantastic news!! Good work on swopping up the key times in your schedule. Time enough to reintroduce things but a superbly wonderful time to get free from this first. The SOS board saved a number of quits, mine included. Don't think twice about using it, just get on it and let people jump in and support you. You get the support and we get the opportunity to pay it forward for the support we got so it's a wonderful part of the board. x
  18. You are a warning in and of yourself - a most wonderful hazard :D . Nil point for you buddy! We should be so lucky lol.
  19. I'm here sober...as it's day time I will be back at the weekend on form :)
  20. Lol, all good thanks. Missing Sarah too.
  21. Oh no idea Wendy, sounds rough that you're having to struggle with something new though. Good to hear your quit is solid and to just hear from you though. x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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