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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Oh another "love and lighter" here too :) Emotional you say, being a bit of a div to the dearest and dearest you add. Aha, sounds like you've quit smoking! See some of us truck on through with the smile dammit plan and others of us have to warn those we love that we may be a bit up and down at times, cause we're saving our own life and giving ourselves a gift of freedom! Sound extreme? It's really not! You are doing something absolutely amazing for yourself and everyone you care for...and what, maybe things will wobble for a while...it's all part of the great plan. It happens. Smile and feel euphoric when you can and cry and wallow if you need. It's actually all good news and better out then in! Congrats on a beautiful quit. xx
  2. Good on you!! You will be a non smoker and it will be amazing. xx
  3. Monday 1 hour bodycombat class with manic martial arts bird! Today 30 minutes CXWorx (core workout), followed by 1 hour Zumba
  4. Good choice Beth :) Welcome to the forum. x
  5. I wobbled at 6 weeks too. I dunno why, it just kept coming up. Like you I posted. You have done exactly the right thing by a pre emptive post, I'm so pleased you asked for the support as now we can give it. I too like TEW's post. I kinda feel like nicotine give it a few last big moments on the trigger front and Bandito is right, the more of them you NOPE too the less power it holds over you. In the end I'd feel like the stronger the trigger I faced down, the bigger the jump in peace of mind I got in the quit. Bang on track Nixter, doing great. Hope recovery is going well. xx
  6. A lot of people need a crutch and I think as long as there's an end game plan, that's your way which makes it right for you. Wouldn't work for me or another person but quit is unique and should be protected at all costs in the early days. As a word of advice when I had to do something, I used a cut straw and sucked air through it, I used that technique for about a month (suggested by someone else to me) so maybe that might help you too? After that I'd put "new habits" in place for the stressful times so that whilst I thought about smoking, I could then choose NOPE and do another better plan. How are you feeling about things today? Evenings seem to be your "trigger point" don't they, could we maybe come up with some new habits for you to do at the points where you start to really associate smoking? x
  7. Hi Super, Congrats on your quit and how excited you sound about it. My experience is if I tried to quit, it was too big ... but not smoke today...I could do that, we can all do that. Then I'd wake the next day and think, not smoke today, I can do that. I did that until I could think about forever, forever is too long for anything I think. After all, we are only promised today anyway right!! Top tip for you :) Re your quit great work. Got any nice treats lined up for milestones, or small treats each day to keep you rewarded for an excellent accomplishment? And welcome :) x
  8. Hey Luke, I am fit and well and quit cause it scared my daughter and I couldn't afford things I needed and wanted, like family holidays. Shhh but the biggest fear was "the before" bit. I smoked a good 2 packs a day, I did have a lot of time to fill. I struggled a little at first but then made a list of things I wanted to do and if I thought of smoking I just looked at my own list and ticked stuff off. Some were physical, some were deep clean bits in my house. others were google related, like I googled the white/red rose royal line and became immersed in the history of England for that time. I tried crochet and knitting, I was rubbish but I did try lol. You see lots of things to do with the time you save. The guys here told me to make new habits for crucial times on the day before I quit and that helps. Like read this forum with a coffee in a different location to where you would have smoked in the morning. Cough candy/sweets for car journey. Basically to start with the best techniques are distracting yourself, small treats for yourself and patience. Welcome. xx
  9. Hiya and welcome Kendra. Pleased you found us, online support was a crucial tool for so many of us :) xx
  10. Wow, your film choices are great, we are always watching minions or frozen lol. Isn't it fabulous the first time you don't use them being engrossed in a film as an opportunity to sneak away!! massive victory for you and your child. I am honestly a lot more bonded with my girls now as they can rely on me to finish things, I wouldn't have believed it but it does make a difference. So you are right to spot it and identify it as amazing. Re the wine. I have been known to like a tipple myself :) My advice is don't get wasted, that brings on the triggers and a lot of people have fallen off (myself included in years gone by) with subdued senses. I carried on with the wine in an evening though, a glass or two is fine for triggers but find your own limits. You need to be in control for a little while, until you and your brain together reset to your "new normal". Which sounds weird but is actually wonderful. So do keep talking. The reassurance is wonderful at times and everyone here is here because they choose to be. If they don't want to answer, they won't. Maybe a blog would give you some outlet as well. I documented my entire journey and it was cathartic and helped me see how far I'd come. I did it because another guy here and other people elsewhere had done that and said it helped them. People who didn't seem to regret not doing it. So if you don't mind typing/writing, that's a thought for sure. Other than that I'm super excited for you. It's a journey that feels tough in places and euphoric with the wins in others. I don't think a never smoker could understand the elation of a day quit, a week quit and so on. Which reminds me...MASSIVE CONGRATS ON ONE WEEK SMOKE FREE!!! freaking awesome work. xx
  11. Hi Tina, Great job on the SOS. That's exactly how we make it through when our strength wavers! Sos as often as you need to, there is no judgement or number of times to use it. I say that now as some others asked once. Aside from that I want to say as a fellow Mum, you are doing the best possible thing for you but also for your daughter. they are so incredibly precious and they watch and learn from us, the good the bad and the ugly! I can't speak for you but for me, the thought of my girls smoking is so awful it willed me on so use that power for yourself. I think there comes a time when we can no longer kid ourselves. On all levels actually, we are setting a bad example, we are damaging our choice to time with them, we are telling them that this is ok for adults to do.... Great choice :) And Welcome. xx
  12. How exciting!!
  13. Good quote!! I engaged that quote as part of my quit and it's in my taglines below.
  14. Hi Tina, Sorry I'm late to the party. Pleased these guys were here to talk you down and that you feel amazing today, well earnt! Facing down a strong trigger takes some doing, but every time you do it has less power over you. You start to teach that part of your brain that we just don't do that anymore. great work on a 6 day quit! xx
  15. Friday 1 hr zumba Today 1 hr Zumba Tomoz 1 hr walk along a canal.
  16. Isn't it, sounds "easy peasy Right?! lol. There are some wicked ones on you tube, you can practice at home. Even just doing a 20 minute session 3 times a week I noticed my stomach get way firmer (than it had been, not flat haha) so it really does build your core strength up but takes a couple fo months to show results so don't lose heart. It does get easier though, we heard that before right :) I have been doing crazy classes for a while and started losing weight slowly but my stomach got flabbier again, so you just inspired me to sign up to a class on Friday too! Tues 30 mins Core workout (cxworx) and then 1 hour of zumba. Today (weds) An hours class I've not done before, says it includes step, aerobics and conditioning...so we shall see Tomoz rest day as I'm going on a school trip so some walking I guess.
  17. The part where you say, you thought you'd lose yourself but go on to explain you actually found yourself! Yeah that!! They should preach that from the hilltops in smoking cessation clinics shouldn't they?! That run looks mad but awesome Babs, great job! 3 years I already said elsewhere but it's inspiring, so thank you. x
  18. Nope! The only nope that always makes me smile :D
  19. Just here making up the numbers :) Seriously I am here to tell a story, to make people believe in themselves and to support others to quit. I love the friends I made here too. x
  20. I hope with this information it can help you to move forward. Much love to you. x
  21. welcome to the quit train. Lots of info and people here to support you. x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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