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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. I'm a sauce girl. Got some chicken, bung it in a sauce. Got some food, stick mayo or ranch on it. But I've just been to cyprus and most of their food, especially meat but also potatoes and veg seems to be cooked in herbs and stuff and isn't dry at all. I love a herb or 20 but theirs was better than mine and my meat often ends up dry too. So any ideas how I could re create that home in blighty? otherwise I need to head to the library to find some books but I'm betting some of you guys have done this and could help a (slightly tubbier than she meant to be) woman out :D Thank you. x
  2. I missed this Karl, sorry. As frustrating as it can feel, keep plodding. Keep your coping techniques in place, ask for help if you need it. Pretty soon you're gonna be meeting those triggers with a feeling of internal rage - the "how very dare you think you can come for me" kinda feeling. The thing is we are all so unique in our approach that no two timespans are the same. I wobbled at 7/8 months and was so worried how I would cope with it. Then as strong as it came it went again. Now it's all good and that's the truth of it. I went on holiday last week, smoking was everywhere, a small part of me always thinks ahhh, then I remember what goes with it as quick as that dumb thought occured and I move away, cause it smells so bad lol. So just know that you are done like you say and whatever it takes! I know you will :) Anyway, a rambly way of saying you are doing amazing and it's just a thought anyway right - thoughts can't hurt you - smoking can. Simples. xx
  3. Also made me well up, it's such a terrible feeling... and then within seconds the justifications start but a small part of you always remembers the truth.. Pleased I am completely free of that now!
  4. absolutely nope.
  5. great work Michelle. One day, one moment at a time. Never again will you have to literally burn money if you keep it simple and to the moment you're in and just not smoke there. xx
  6. none for that - nope.
  7. Pair of bums still hooning around on holidays, who's looking after law and order ey ;) Hope it's fabulous and you make it out the bar soon. x
  8. Hey hey, someone's hit double digits :) Great work!! Massive congrats Sonic, make sure you're good to yourself and get a treat sorted. xx
  9. Oopsy, bought an additional 4 pounds (not money sadly) home with me. 1 hour bodycombat class.
  10. If you believe it then it will be so :) It really is as simple and as hard as that. believe you are worth it!! xx
  11. Aww Joe, I've been hunting for this info. How utterly wonderful! And oh my goodness, her hair is so dark in comparison to her sisters hey. Love your family photo's so thanks so much for sharing. Congrats and rest up now! Must be knackered lol. x
  12. It was on the 27th to be precise. Apologies for the late post but for some reason this still feels like a milestone. 18 months of someone who once considered himself a "lifer" is no small feat my friend...massive congrats to you. Now you wouldn't naturally, in all probability, put a Scottish fellow and the word wise in the same sentence. I'm going to do exactly that though. He continues to celebrate being free and shares that passion and wisdom with anyone who asks for some advice. His words are simply brilliant at times and this is a moment to thank him for still being here and offer up congratulations on a journey well travelled. I am lucky enough to call you a quit smoking buddy and a friend now. On a personal note, I tell people every day in my overly dramatic and eccentric fashion how a guy called Stu saved my life! You are quite simply, one in a million, thank you for being you.
  13. Hi and welcome :) Yet another chantix quitter here too. Isn't it exhillerating that first day feeling. yes it can feel tough but also exciting too. Remember to enjoy the good times as they help carry you through. Please please keep posting. I would love to hear how you're doing, or anything that's really great or worrying you on your journey. x
  14. Utter wronguns! I will absolutely encourage quitting but it's no one's business what another person chooses to do (unless it's my kids in the future lol, I can do hypocritical for them) but no way! Hope it gets veto'd as people won't seek the help they need will they. So so wrong.
  15. Hi, All of the above :) It's a tricky thing a quit I think. All that re settling and thoughts. It really can be up and down. I found the trick that helped me was to celebrate the good bits too, so I acknowledged that actually, when I dug deeper it wasn't all bad. Like deeper breaths, like tasting the food (that also piled on some pounds), like self belief because no matter what...I was doing it! You are quit, really celebrate that!! 2 months is amazing work, it really is and I don't think you are hi fiving yourself nearly enough for how utterly fabulous you are!! Literally millions of people are not strong enough to the point you've got to, and alone as well! How are feeling now? Did the posts make you feel like it's gonna be ok, because it really will be. Those thoughts of in a year, in two - they are so true! It really doesn't matter to a number of us anymore and that's a good thing. This too shall pass!! xx
  16. Ah, cranky, irratible, completely hacked off with all forms of life in the immediate vicinity you say...Hey did you quit smoking and you haven't slept in forever and sleeps for poxy wimps anyway right? :D . Congratulations and I mean MASSIVE congratulations on your quit!! So let's ditch the smoking thought for one moment, yes you will get that soon. Imagine I told you of a fella, who in a few short weeks, definately months had changed his entire life. I mean he was literally fighting for freedom with his bare hands but more so with strategic mental ability, he literally had to think his way around every obstacle he faced and it was full on at times. Every day he'd wake (kinda) charged and ready for a battlefield. Every now and then in the battle he'd accidently cut a few folks down in their path but as they'd already explained things were busy and hectic those people knew to move out the way quicker next time. This person was literally fighting for their life and before he knew where he was the rules changed and battle changed dynamics. Ok you see where I'm going with this. I've got too much time on my hands today when I should be doing other things but sometimes this is a battle and my goodness it's exhausting. The trick is to remember the free flow times when it feels easy in comparison and realize that it's not all hard work, some is totally exhilerating! Now young fella me lad. I see a post inbetween where you will always mourn smoking. I want to add a sobering fact here. We are addicts you and I, and we are addicted to nicotine. The good side of this is no you actually won't mourn smoking, I promise you that actually, you will in fact end up deeply relieved to have found yourself and be free of an addiction that could well have cut your life short and indeed killed you. Sound intense?? It is my friend, it is a massive and wonderful gift you are giving yourself and you may well wobble but just don't fall down ok. You have indeed made the right choice, the only sane choice in reality. It will be ok if you calm it down and don't overthink it. Take each day as it comes, after all that's all we have anyway isn't it and NOPE is your buddy. You should always post by the way. We want to help you, we genuinely do and that's why we hang out here. Not only that, you just never know who's reading and too scared to even try. I read a quit forum for days before quitting and getting the guts up to post and it was other peoples genuine posts that spurred me on most. Ok to post the great stuff, ok to post the negative stuff too because we all learn and take something from it or move on if we have nothing to add. All good! Congrats on a great quit :) xx
  17. Hey sweet, I read this and could totally relate it to the beginning of my quit when everything was quite over whelming at times and just hope it's ok to share some tips that helped me? If not please ignore the following :) x Smoking was our go to in times of trouble, for all sorts of sciency and adicction related reasons which I'm sure you can find better answers to then I could give. But the quickest way I found of dealing with stressful situations and craves was to have a plan, or 3 or 4 plans actually so I could choose which best fit the situation. All of these tips were given by other ex smokers. Cry/Scream/Punch a pillow - Whatever do it! I once said I'm sure some of the chemicals I'd smoked cuold only be released through my tear ducts! It drove me insane (think stiff upper lip english woman) but the easiest way for those emotions as they came was through them. Whatever you need, when appropriate of course cause wow, not in a school or something lol, do it. Once it's out your system it's easier to move forward. HALT - Hungry, angry, lonely, tired. We are so used to covering the actual problem with smoking, sometimes it's as simple as you need some water! Also remember you can still "take 5", even if that's to go mutter under your breath about some ignoramus person or to regroup. Move yourself - Our very clever body had trained our brain to release endorphins upon smoking, to create a feel good factor. We can acheive the same if not better endophin rush from movement or exercise and it's truly amazing once you get going. Walking/joggin. You tube have loads of free sample and whole classes of everything you could think of to try at home. You need to start finding healthy ways to lift your mindset and it will absolutely come anyway in time, but it's so lovely to give it the old kickstart :) Get a list - Of things to do when a crave or trigger takes you. Can be googling interesting facts, planning how to spend the money you saved this week from smoking, things you need for the house, areas you want to clean/clear - write everything you can think of in one massive list! Then when you need a time out, look at the list, pick something that works for you out of the different physical/mental selections and JUST DO IT. Smoking gave us our breathing space. But it also massively dulled our senses, created false senses of calm and I honestly feel I spent literally years kidding myself. I too had to face some pretty big life changes where smoking simply became the tip of the iceberg but I let myself have the quit. What I mean by that is I acknowledged, for the first time really that I really deserved to be free of that controlling factor in my life that was an absolute dictator of where I could go and for how long and with who etc. Let this be the first step for you, that you are worth the freedom that will follow sticking with this quit. Sometimes it's about distracting yourself, others it's facing it head on but for sure, you can acheive anything you set your mind too. Also for sure celebrate the milestones and treat yourself as you get further in. Healthy to have a list of things you could spend that money now that you're not literally burning it!! And hugs....cause sometimes are just rubbish hey (((Kendra))) but then get those bootstraps pulled up and move forward, inch it, plod it or jump it, doesn't matter just keep going and yes, you absolutely can do it!! x
  18. Hiya, how's it going now? I too couldn't face the never thoughts, I literally pushed them out of my mind and just woke each day resolved not to smoke that day. x
  19. Hey Joe, Just wishing your girl well. So lucky to have girls as it means you get adored as the token bloke lol. x
  20. Weds, 1 hour workout with the mad chick at the gym...could walk the day after too, epic win!! Thursday nothing Friday 1 hr Bodycombat and 30 mins Yoga Need to do more Yoga, not as supple at all anymore :(
  21. Awww Sandy, I remember how very worried you were. I am utterly delighted to celebrate this milestone with you my friend, a most excellent journey!! Love you lady. xx
  22. It's a true gift and a journey of self discovery you're on. Try and be gentle and less pressured with yourself. One day at a time will serve you well. Be excited for the times when it feels like a downhill slide rather than the times that feel tricky - it helps to acknowledge both. You are doing amazing and tracking it this way is fabulous, both for you and you never do know if someone will jump based on reading your words one day and become a non smoker too. The age old question shall be answered, you are already a non smoker :) There is only smoker or non smoker and you have more than earnt the more coveted title, great work!!
  23. Last year with the constant sniffing and throat clearing I ended up with a lung check (dramatic doctor!) but it really was the quit for me. I'd quit in the March and it all went haywire for the summer months. After around a year I didn't notice any bad symptoms again even tho I have hayfever. This year is back to normal where it's the odd day. Agree with the pound shop ones! x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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