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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. hey, "one quit wonder"!! Inspirations lady, thanks and congrats. x
  2. massive congrats bassman!! Rockin the quit. x
  3. man I will never last till 1am, I will drink my wine now and salute the party ;)
  4. Awww love this bug :) I think my guardian angel is currently face palming tho, oops ;)
  5. Bakon's on the money, my man is a mechanic and whacks crap on his car quite frequently :rolleyes:
  6. hey TAC, I feel yourpain, I got asked and froze as well lol. I now have a standard starting answer, assume you got it sussed now. x
  7. aww nooo, can you knock at your neightbours and get a jump start?
  8. All cool then, no need to explain further :) Was concerned about explaining a place that battered food lol. x
  9. Do I just check in chat periodically then?
  10. Oh Julie, would rather be round yours but the commute looks tough lol. Chippy is the english term for fish and chip shop, do you guys have them?
  11. Can't be bothered, heading to the chippy soon! :)
  12. I was nice for 2 days, now people annoy me again ce la vie!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. leahcaR


      tell me about it :)


    3. Colleen


      You are doing awesome Marti, you can rebuild relationships, not so much lungs. Stick with the board and this will be your sticky quit :)


    4. Soozie


      lol Tracey, love the missile comment ...

  13. wondered who had SOS'd for a minute there lol.
  14. Yey Sue, I only have a distance shot - but figured it was better than nowt lol. Lovely photo for you :) x
  15. Oh guys, I love this thread. Beacon the humpy 3 year old and baffled whose gonna be billy no mates! I too soked to control myself, now I just go mad, or cry - whatever, people will adjust or leave I guess :) I'm still only 38, perhaps I peaked early?!?! Anyway, I am working on the finding something to just give a bit of space too, if any of you find the answer first please share. In the meantime we will just be a bit more cranky from time to time while we adjust.. we were mostly smoking a long time so it takes as long as it takes to find a new practice right. xx
  16. Yikes, sounded a bit like a lecture, didn't mean it too :) xx
  17. Wow your holiday sounds AMAZING!! Have a fabulous non smoking time :) Very jealous but not of the swimming with fishes cause oooohhhh, I am anti that *shudders* lol but rest sounds awesome. xx
  18. My motto in the early days was whatever works! So go for it, and impose a self ban on going in the shop to buy cigs...that stuff will kill ya! x
  19. Posted Yesterday, 03:23 PM Choking to death is more to fear then not smoking. I've seen my dad choke in a bloodclod after being diagnosed with lungcancer. He screamed for his mama. I myself have asthma and confront the fears of not smoking, the withdrawls rather then dying the same way my parents did. These were your words my lovely friend, for my Mum yesterday...I KNOW you can do this. I have suffered depression and anxiety and suffered the loss of wonderful people who I still don't convincingly know how I'm supposed to live without. But this I know, smoking kills people, it takes us away from those we love, and you are as strong as you choose to be in this battle. I saw you drop down at a massive rate with the NRT. Maybe go back on the smallest patch, you may use it as a crutch. But please please see the love this is sent with and stop giving yourself "excuses" to relapse. You deserve more for yourself, I want more for you!! xx
  20. It's a nope from me
  21. Lots of run ups and thoughts of quitting but the "trigger" this time was a nasty virus. It left me gasping for breath through a cough for two days (not all day but often) and I continued to smoke, scary as hell. It finally gave me the connection between losing a nan with emphysema, an uncle with lung cancer and now watching a mum with copd. So my reason was a wake up call!
  22. Cool, in the power of positive thinking I will assume any nastiness is all done and dusted and it will be magical henceforth... well just not crazy. I believe in those 3's though, week 2 I was happy as larry and then - BOOM - emotional nightmare, and I'm not a crier! Nice to feel mellow again today :) xx
  23. So I've been rank, moody and super duper emotional...and then today I'm normal (hoorah, victory dance, boom! etc) and I feel good again, like normal crazy me... Is it at 3 weeks you go bat sh*t or is it supposed to be a week long thing, cause it'd be great to catch another break after a tough few days feelings wise? Olders and wisers on the 3's??
  24. Man i got done, I'm only a member :( lol

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