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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Ah bless you, what she did is try and transport you back into her gang, I mean if you quit...what does that make her?? That is always upsetting in a way, so I get why you're weirded out but see it for what it is...she is an addict who right now can't imagine the life you can!! I am elated for you, baby steps is ok, just keep shuffling forwards and days turn into weeks, just by putting one foot in front of the other and not smoking. Onto day 3! Well done :)
  2. Day 1 felt daunting and exhilarating at the same time - a very surreal feeling. What I wish for you is the excited feeling that hour by hour and then at the end, a whole day, of not smoking is under your belt. The self pride is amazing...that's my wish for you today. x
  3. My house has not turned into a warzone with 3 quitters :) Day 3 for the cranky mother though - deep breaths!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Still winning

      Still winning

      Thank you all, it's hit and miss whether we all make it through today lol.

    3. Nancy


      So hubby and Mom are quitting?

    4. Still winning

      Still winning

      Hubs would have been 1 week behind but a minor relapse has him at 2 weeks now. My Mum is day 3! Nancy, shhh, but this is aweeessssommmmeee!

  4. I don't like right or wrong as a total option, nor black or white - I like what feels right. It feels good to share the site with you and you have been missed. x
  5. and she continues to leave her hubby alive - hoorah!! ;) Massive congrats. xx
  6. Just sent a little message saying all is well in her corner of Aus but she and hubby are super busy. He is alive and well, she is unarmed with toothpicks and feeling in control. Life is ok and she says that she will pop on but not be on as much because they are busy whilst the man is home :) x
  7. Nope, not a chance.
  8. I get you believe you want to smoke at that moment, sadly it's a lie. When you were smoking, you didn't want to smoke anymore, remember? Your chest got tight, running and breathing together stings, so many bad things and that's not even what's happening inside you! Your Mum will forgive you, mums do that so don't hold onto that, just say sorry next time and explain not smoking makes you a bit cranky for now, but you are fighting for your freedom and that takes some energy...bet she wants you to quit too. You can do this Juan, just believe in yourself and how much more you are worth. x
  9. Aussies and brits on the case, americans giving it Z's :)
  10. The strange thing is you start and you don't smoke. Then the day carries on and you count the hours, and you aren't smoking. You surprise yourself, and if you are lucky...everyone around you, but it's just done. You are already a non smoker. I am excited for you!! I am sick of people saying it's daunting and "too hard" because it really isn't, just believe in yourself and take it a step at a time. x
  11. hey turkey friend, have you got fruit juice in the house? If not, grab some on your travels tomoz, you will need a swig of it or a quarter of a glass every 2-3 hours. This will keep the fatigue at bay. Cold turkey is my preffered method. Believe!! My genuine surprise was it was do-able, you got this, you sounds super ready! xx
  12. haha, stopping one smoker at a time ;) But seriously Amy and I am doing this, are we nrt, luke warm turkey, real cold turkey, wishing on a star...?
  13. I can't be sure this is her sticky quit, I feel she is on the right road. x
  14. Actually, how youquitting, nrt is fine, any cold turkeywill need fruit juice in the house! What's the plan?
  15. I will be keeping up the brit timeline, I am totally on your team! Post every minute if you need to guys, I once posted for about 4 hours straight lol, the guys backed me. I love that you have quit buddies, I love that your excited. Mindset is so important as is a support network. Ready and waiting for tomorrow guys! x
  16. Leah, I'm actually pretty interested in this topic. Any chance you could drone on a bit when you have time?? I will most likely use this in the line of work I do so would like to hear i you have time.
  17. Proper excited now, looks like however it's happening she's got this... bring on ya cleaning the house before the stale smoke smell hits :)
  18. Not often I have the money, still not sure the "treats" shouldn't be less painful lol
  19. Skipped the photo's as it's access day for my girls Dad andwe didn't want to rush, so we will go tomoz now. It's not been as bad. She's stuck to it and is surprised her breathing is already a little easier. Then she just had a huge coughing fit so that didn't help! She's ok today, better than yesterday when she looked like a dear in headlights! Day 2 in progress :) x
  20. Hi Aine, if you liked the mercy series you should try Kelley Armstrong, the otherworld series, absolutely stunning writer, was devastated to finish every book lol. Don't treat yourself to a bikini wax, that was a silly move in the "treat" plan as it hurts lol.
  21. Massive congrats, tough week and job done. Brilliant, really pleased for you. x
  22. there's a guy called iamdoingthis (might be doingit) with the same quit date as amy tomoz as well.
  23. So you know dates I have of people who are here other than you :) Donna10 and Dors67 6th march, me 12th march, soozie 26th march. Not seen any other march quitters registered I don't think. Also saw a lady witha quit of April 1st in the new threads on one of the come in guest threads?

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