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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. What is your favorite fruit? I'm not bog on fruit unless it's in a flapjack, oops. I ate a pear this week though, but that's rare and was more to encourage Bella to eat hers haha. Do you ever drink decaf? If so, do you like it? I drink tea in the morning. Then switch between 1 normal and 1 decaf coffee in the afternoon. The decaf is new since my quit, I don't sleep well anymore. I have some decaf teabags to try but I'm fighting it. I have also found berry tea which is caffeine free, I drink that from time to time too. What is your fave color to wear? I am confused about this myself. I've been bleached blond for a long time, so wore a lot of black and red. I'm going darker at the moment towards red so I'm adding more blues in. All darker colours, I don't do pastels really and I don't suit white. What is something about yourself no one would guess? Probably how much I worry, people always think I look calm and in control when inside I never am. I am thinking and double thinking things all the time, I can literally exhaust myself without moving a muscle lol. It's not healthy so I hide it but despite trying to work on it for years it seems to be part of me.
  2. Are you a good cook? What is your speciality? What do you make for everyone when you are in a hurry? Are you teaching your girls to cook? I'm just an ok cook I think, I couldn't cook at all 8 years ago and have been learning on the job so I can cook healthier for the girls. My specialities are all simple, like satay chicken skewers and stuff. Altho I'm fab at making traditional vanilla fudge which is useful at christmas time :) I don't have a quick meal. I tend to batch cook and freeze some so if it's a bad day I can just microwave. I cook different meals for kids and adults most days. I don't involve the girls as much as I should. They'd like to join in more but slow speeds drive me crazy. We do cakes and stuff for fun though.
  3. I love balloons!! Two kids later, I'm not lovin leakages so much haha. Onwards and upwards!! :)
  4. I am sorry for the loss of a sibling, I didn't know that and wouldn't have asked had I of known. ((nancy)). xx
  5. Blimey luv. Full time carer, two kids AND the rest..probably enough for the minute? I think the moment you "settle" for what you have is the moment you should start digging a hole :) Life is meant to be lived.
  6. If you could wish for one thing for yourself, what would it be? To not always be looking for more. Contentment looks pretty nice but I constantly push myself. If you could wish for one thing for one other person, what would it be? My main wish for others is obviously my daughters. I wish them to be free spirits like their Mama and be self reliant (with the choice of more should they choose it but not need it) If you could wish for one thing for the world, what would it be? At the risk of going back to deep, it would be world peace. War and the hatrid scares me for our future and our childrens future. I can't understand it at all. If it has to be smaller then that then a cure for cancer....how amazing will that day be when we hear that :) If it has to be smaller then that then the end of my 4 year olds anti-biotics cause she's driving me up the wall 4 times a day refusing to take the "rank medicine" lol. PS I think I wish too much haha.
  7. Where would your dream honeymoon be ? Dream honeymoon was mexico, shame about the fella but the honeymoon was awesome! I'd always wanted to go there but more then that the ex is a really clever fella but no common sense. He thought adults only meant like a grown up resort...it didn't lmfao! I'm no prude but he is, I think naked pool volleyball will be burned in his memory, with his accidently pregnant wife laughing her head off!! What is your favourite part of your body and your least favourite ? I don't have one, altho tummy at the moment. If I don't like something I fix it. 4 capped teeth and 2 new boobs later, I'm pretty happy ;) What would be your ideal birthday present ? A voucher for a course that I was interested in. I miss my brain being a sahm and carer. Do you know the name of all the disney princesses;)? Pretty much!! Disney worries me tbh. Some bird has to pretend to be a fella to get on?! Some dude starts trying to snog an apparently dead bird in a glass case?! Some chick shacks up with 7 guys and no one bats an eyelid?! Is it just me who worries??
  8. 30 minute power walk, felt awesome after a week of nothing.
  9. That's so cool! Do you get on well? Do you have other siblings as well? Is the bond stronger with your twin and all the feeling each others pain and stuff?
  10. ^^^ 40? clearly a big boy! I think people who are straight up themselves are plain fabulous, it's a wonderful trait. What's the proudest moment in your life so far?
  11. So it's a derogatory term then, that's not very nice. Did your love of fishing come from sharing time with hubby or have you always fished?
  12. Hey trish, hope day 3 is going ok. Think it would b nice to have some company :) Saw your comment re no mans land. And at the risk of sounding paranoid, wondered if my posts had worried you? I want to add some perspective from my thoughts if that's ok. What I faced two days ago, is nothing like I faced in hell week. You've been this far, all you need is the mindset. I will keep on because I won't do this again - honest to god the amount of craves this mindset helps me through is UNREAL! I think it's ok to be aware that life won't be rosy but know this - some days I wobble, I mean emotionally - but I know I won't smoke, I don't want to smoke you see, so I will face whatever. You will get to the same place for sure but it's a right of passage, nothing to be fearful of. We do it, we grow both as quitters and as people and it's honestly ok. Today I feel fabulous! Two days ago I could of killed lol, but some of that is life hun and we group it altogether with smoking. You will be ok if you just trust that you will be ok. Day to day, just don't smoke, it's that simple and that hard...but it's not painful and it will make life better. xxx
  13. Lol at the perv above!! Evelyn, how did it go?
  14. Did I read somewhere that you have a twin sister?
  15. Laura with everytime you do "that" (the I won't smoke) you move forward your quit. You face down the trigger, accept it is part of your life for now but won't always be. Annoyance is better then the alternatives.... Pleased for you, plan a treat with the money you're saving maybe?
  16. PS on the job front, I have been normal too!! lol. I was a pub landlady for 6 years, changed career when I had my first child from a logistics manager of 11 years so I could be around her more :) If I had more hours free, I would love to go and get a normal job, but I work around 2 kids and full time caring so need something I can do in fits and starts for this point. x
  17. Jackie I offer you my "virtual shove" up that mountain - up ya go!! I'm right behind you and watching how you climb to see where I need to watch out!! There should be some in front of you, watch them and carefully place one foot in front of the other. We'll be cool and the view will be frikkin awesome. xx
  18. Laura, Your daughter sounds like she wants you to fight the dodgy nicotine battle, on you go! We need to show our children that this was always pointless to do and we value them and our health for them more then an addiction. Rooting for you. xx
  19. I dropped out of college. Even back then my family life was interesting. I had to get a part time job so I could look after younger siblings (big age gap), long and dramatic story. So school of life for me :) Technically I am a full time carer for my disabled mum. However I started a page to work with my spiritual side and most of what I do is still free as I consider myself training. However I do charge for reiki or crystal healings and make things like bath oils/salts etc which I sell through the page and ebay. At some stage I will need to make a living from it, which is kind of a shame as I do it for the passion. Who else gets to say last year they worked on someones fertility, changing home life dynamics, working with illness etc etc. I love what I can do for others sometimes and although it probably doesn't sound like it, I'm very humble about it. I work with it because I feel I meant too.
  20. 2 tattoos. One on my boob, of a pink rose which represents my heart being close to the earth. One on my back with the word Angel and a halo, to represent my two sisters who I always called my angels (one sister had to done too the other wimped out lol). Piercings, no. Had a belly button one, left it too long whilst preggo and it's knackered. Had ears done as a kid but was a wimp and tried to run away, so they are wonky. Let them close up in my 20s. Perfect weekend - The people make it for me and them in a good mood helps. My faves last year were legoland with my girls and moto gp with chris, so they're different but both groups were super excited and happy, that makes me happy. Perfect holiday - Somewhere with ruins to explore or beautiful places to wander around. There must also be a boat trip, I love the water even though I'm scared of drowning (numpty lol). Fave band ...tough one. Genesis or linkin park I think
  21. Finally feeling well and have some time. Had quite a few different types of convo's with the folks on here and this feels ok for me to do. For this moment in time I will be an open book. Normally I prefer mysterious :) So if there's anything I can answer for you...ask away...
  22. I think all our emotions are heightened early part of our quit. That's ok. A wallow day is also perfectly acceptable, but smoking isn't. Your brain is using an excuse that it presented you before - do not fall for it! Non smokers have trials/stress/bad days/sadness and they don't smoke. Me either! I hope you are ok Laura and I feel for you, sounds like a bad day, but trust that even though you are grumpy you are ok. Every time you don't succumb to a trigger your resolve on that one gets stronger. So now I can argue with anyone and not want to smoke, it only took 2 months for that whole trigger to dissapear if it helps to have anothers experience. Not long really. Hugs to you. xx
  23. Do you have any tattoo's? What's a typical night out for you and your mates look like? How do you manage to live without Bacon Sandwiches lol x
  24. Oh lol at we like each other today and the gifts!! Very happy birthday Sue, hopefully the pamper sesh will make up for memory foam slippers (who even knew about those?!?). Have a brilliant one. Mwah. x
  25. What are the major differences to living abroad? Always wondered what it would be like. x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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