I'm genuinely intrigued, hopefully I can explain why. I feel like the point of this part of my quit is for things to make sense. So here goes my attempt to explain and ask - did this happen to you too?!
I have had many opportunities to "re-invent myself", "start again" you know and I have tried to embrace each one. I took nearly kicking the bucket in my first child birth to introduce more spirituality to my life, previously I had run scared of a part of myself. I also then changed career from office based to running my own pub and wow, what an amazing experience :) I took cancer and saw my marriage had fallen apart, as had my business...had the treatment and an operation and walked away from the lot with my head held high. Moved to a new area and completely started again. One of my mantras is "once more into the flames", I never runaway from anything, I deal and move forward. So you see, I am no stranger to a fresh start...which was my long winded point there lol.
So I quit for fear, couple of days of bad breathing and associations with a history of dying relatives meant I could no longer deny the links to smoking. I hunted for a quit group I hadn't joined up to in one of my many attempts (wow) and found some guys that saved my life, quite literally. I had already done the pre requisite amount of thinking/failing that seems common to many (NOT ALL) quits.
All of this is lovely. I held my quit via the "snotfest", "white knuckle option" rather than the preferred "easy way", man I could have used some easy way, meh!
THE POINT FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE LESS TIME, cause wow, muchus waffle - I actually feel I could do anything now!! Does everyone whose quit feel like "if I can stop smoking, I can do anything"?? Have you actually done things you wouldn't previously?? Or is it just an "in your brain" thing. I'm over thinking I know but interested and I'm trudging in no mans land here so thoughts/answers are helpful to keep me marching :)