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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. While you're all going nuts, I've done 21 minutes of yoga lol. Building up 1 minute a day back to the half hour and then add in the next wave when I feel comfortable. Loving the stomach burn today from working my core two days in a row :)
  2. I just wanted to say, read what you wrote above again now, it might help you remember how much you want this freedom and give you some ammo to fight the thoughts you seem to have at the moment. x
  3. How you doing today Brittany? x
  4. Awww bad times Action Meet you there Rowly Nope from me, not today.
  5. have an awesome time!! x
  6. No hun, just breaks my heart she won't believe that she'd be ok. x
  7. Rowly it sucks that our own brain does this to us but it will pass....it ALWAYS PASSES and then we are let being happy we didn't smoke. Because you do not smoke anymore my lovely, just get busy and get distracted. It will go away. And check back, how are younow?
  8. I had to drink much more water after I quit, for headaches and also my skin got dry and itchy - tok me a month to figure out....least you're clever enough to ask after a week ;) Hope the headaches pass hun. xx
  9. Excellent work, one day at a time, one step at a time and educating yourself. You got this!! x
  10. Finally, after 3 weeks of recovery from shoulder I did 20 mins of yoga. Felt brilliant to finally do something again.
  11. Massive congrats Brittany!!! Hell week done like a boss. Extra energy, extra time and more deep breaths, not to mention financial...it only gets better with every day. Craves come and go but the benefits stay!! x
  12. Really pleased for you!! Also pretty happy to read this about yesterday, but not today, that sucks! Sorry you got payback craves comrade but you now you can face those down. Big milestone overall tho, happy for you. x
  13. coconut oil is awesome for so many things, skin, cooking, hair, just loads!! Not smoking is even better!! x
  14. Trust me bonnie, if it was about about willing it with everything you have, to help someone not smoke...then I would have helped her more. Sadly, I cannot. x
  15. I will of course protect my quit, thanks for the comments, I just didn't realize I would still struggle. It's tricky with my mum, I am her registered carer and she's a smoker - so "technically" if she needs something I should get it for her. Action cheers buddy, I am surprised Chris stayed quit actually after regular falls off the train week 1, it's SOOOOO much nicer to be with a non smoking partner :)
  16. You have done brilliant Brittany!! No words of wisdom as I just hung in there lol, you just hang on and wait for better days I think. So chuffed for you, that almost a week is a powerful time for self pride - you deserve to be free. x
  17. Thank you Paul. Sounds like I'm over-thinking :) Really appreciate you taking the time to answer. xx
  18. Great news. Lovin the saying clean and serene too :) x
  19. Still winning


    You cheated with cookies?? That doesn't even sound like a proper cheat lol ;) Hope the eating healthier goes well tho my lovely, wonder if you will get an increase of energy?
  20. Still winning

    6 Months Hitch

    congrats on getting past a mental block. x
  21. Do you struggle?? Oddest thing, month 1 I was fine buying them for my mum. I used it to reinforce my quit almost, like here I am buying them and none for me, yay - etc. Then it was a bit trickier and I happened to tell my sister who told my mum to go buy her own cigs, which she did. Now her health is a mess and she asked me to get her some the other day. Approaching month 3 is a different story. I won't/don't smoke yada yada, but I looked lovingly whilst buying and got all nostalgic like I could smoke and no one would know.... Of course I mentally give myself a slap and buy them for mum and walk away but wondered if this was ok/not ok, or at least normal? Straight up, I do not want to smoke. Even thoughts are followed by a smile at not being controlled anymore. Some days are a drudge and others float by with ease, but through it all I do not want to be a smoker anymore, that is done. So why do I do this to myself, am I actually at risk and not seeing it? My partner can buy them for her (also quit two weeks after me), no issues, no problems, just la la la and carries on. Do I need to do something to reinforce my quit? What would that look like to do? Am I worrying and it's just one of those things? Advice welcome.
  22. I think that's the most I've ever read from you Rowly, You just moved yourself forward in that post. Accepting it and it's control over us is the key in my humble opinion. I understand you saying there are triggers at another support group, can you actually ask them for their support? Like can they move away from the door to support you, or similar? A lot of folks rave about Allen Carr, good job you have the book. I found whyquit.com powerful for a quick "jolt" back to the reality of what smokes would do to me over the book. Quicker and immediate. Just a thought if you're tight for time andstruggling at any point. Sos too, if you need to, don't think, just do it before a crave drags you back. I for one will stop and help. How is today for you? xx
  23. Hey Gabby, Be good to have a check in when your less busy...but in the meantime MASSIVE CONGRATS- 2 MONTHS FREE! Really pleased for you. xx
  24. Of course thank you for this safe place to just be and quit. Either by fight or by sailing through :) Seperate to that I am delighted to offer my congrats to your 8 months of freedom. Brilliant to hear. x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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