Do you struggle?? Oddest thing, month 1 I was fine buying them for my mum. I used it to reinforce my quit almost, like here I am buying them and none for me, yay - etc. Then it was a bit trickier and I happened to tell my sister who told my mum to go buy her own cigs, which she did. Now her health is a mess and she asked me to get her some the other day.
Approaching month 3 is a different story. I won't/don't smoke yada yada, but I looked lovingly whilst buying and got all nostalgic like I could smoke and no one would know.... Of course I mentally give myself a slap and buy them for mum and walk away but wondered if this was ok/not ok, or at least normal? Straight up, I do not want to smoke. Even thoughts are followed by a smile at not being controlled anymore. Some days are a drudge and others float by with ease, but through it all I do not want to be a smoker anymore, that is done. So why do I do this to myself, am I actually at risk and not seeing it?
My partner can buy them for her (also quit two weeks after me), no issues, no problems, just la la la and carries on.
Do I need to do something to reinforce my quit? What would that look like to do? Am I worrying and it's just one of those things? Advice welcome.