Real Name Martine.
Crazy amount of nicknames
Marti obviously quite sensible and due to a lady called Marti Cane who my dad fancied off the telly! Mum wanted something "posher" (lol, fail) so she extended it to Martine cause it was french?
"Champagne" by my god forsaken grandmother who said and I quote "bleetin silly ta name a kid after a bleedin drink". In non cockney, she felt Martine was very close to a favoured 70s drink called Martini and struggled to accept it as a valid name :blink: .
Teeny, by he who shall not be named of an ex as I'm pretty short
Thunder thighs and chunky butt by Mum, award pending for parent of the year! In fairness I am fairly challenged in childhood photos but she fed me lol.
Big Louie - which refers to my middle name being louise and quite possibly what my mum actually wanted to call me?
Mo Mo by little sisters, big age gap meant they struggled to say Martine, thus attempts were ma ma ma, which they changed to mo or mo mo. It's stuck, I am still periodically referred to as Mo mo by sisters and cousins.
Mum obviously by my two beauties, Mummy if they're trying to score chocolate. Occasionally I am simply referred to as a *huff* when the 8 year old tweenager thinks something is a tad unjust! I can't wait for the future huffs :unsure:
Current fella uses beautiful, this scores him cooked meals, lunches packed and washing tidied. He is a clever chap for a mechanic!!
Have heard it said the ex husband has named me the witch, I chuckled, probably quite apt ;)
I hate when people call me Mart, it sounds too harsh. I now prefer Marti but for most of my life I did use Martine, it causes confusion among friends who introduce me differently.