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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Maybe your diamond is too small?? Quite frankly, after the underwear dance I'm not sure how she contained herself!! It's not you, it's her lol.
  2. 10
  3. Brilliant work on a lovely 7 month quit melody. Hope the prep for alaska is going well. Congrats to you. x
  4. Bored of drama, bringing on some zen vibes, please let me have a calm day :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paul723
    3. Nancy



    4. Nancy


      Marti, did you know your mailbox is full?

  5. what a beauty :)
  6. mason?? I want you on this train with us. Can you talk to us? You absolutely can do this Mason, I was the queen of "next quit please" and I got it nailed with these guys. Let us help you, pretty please. x
  7. I started a monday one Gabby, you're cool to start the NOPE rollcall ball rolling if you come in first. xx
  8. For Gabby who has added onto yesterday and me who is building up to it. On Monday June 16th and every day I offer up NOPE, just for today. Smoking will literally destroy our body and then our quality of life, I will not have any part of that by choice today or any day!! Let's choose freedom for today, NOPE!
  9. Why not try a blog yourself Gabby?? It helps to read back my story. If not then thank you. It's so much easier than it was and I am eternally greatful for that. x
  10. LOVE anything that helps!! But just in case anyone else reads and it does nothing...... Nope Smoking not on the table Don't put something in your mouth and smoke it Simple!! Allen Carr, LOTS of talking. I did read it once, never quit. Read it after I'd quit this time, Nope worked better for me. Clearly I'm a bit simple :unsure:
  11. Goodness my brain has been busy!! It's so different now, the thinking, much easier but still conflicting. I know for sure I will not smoke, no matter what. 3 Reasons for this. 1 I want to be a non smoker 2 I simply cannot do that withdrawal again, never in all my days would I have called myself an addict, until I realized I was an addict. 3 My fear of smoking now far outweighs my fear of quitting and the random thought neurons I still possess. Reading that back I still run by fear rather than what others say which is you have to not want to smoke more than you want to smoke. Same end game though I think. My whole life is different from 3 months ago though, and I feel I ought to document that. -How annoying was smokers cough and how fabulous is life without it! It had been so long I didn't even know how awful it was -I am no longer controlled by impulses that damage my body -I really like food! Ironic that I spent that many years eating because I had too but now I eat because it tastes great -Financially, a weight has been lifted! £300 per month was no small amount to find -If I want to exercise, I can. No more bright red, I just look normal -I am building self belief here, I am an advocate of powerful thoughts but now I act in a way that aligns with how I thought I wish I didn't still have the thoughts of oh I would smoke here, but I do. Where once I felt fear for them, then felt annoyed by them, now I want to smash them into next week. I get angry it still happens, I mean how dare my own brain try and trip me up?! It's my own brain! But I take responsibility that I taught it this is how we work and now I need to re program myself. I continue to do that with reading and watching what smoking does to a person, then imagining that it's me. The horror I feel at someone telling me about Cancerous cells again, or having to tell my children I made myself sick pushes me on where no words ever could or would. I think I will always be scared of the damage I have already done though and that is penance in a way I guess. So this is how 3 months looks for me. I am ok, much better then I ever thought I would be really, who knew I could actually quit. The thoughts are just thoughts and I have found tools to cope with it. I read with real hope people who say they don't even think about smoking anymore :) Maybe not me though where I have to watch it and breath it 2nd hand every day, maybe I will have to be eternally strong and on guard? I really hope not though. Still the one comment I made once sticks with me, this is both the easiest and hardest thing I have ever done! But I am free!! There is all kinds of power in this freedom so I will always hold onto it. 3 months and counting.
  12. Everybody loves a diamond Bakon!! In answer to your dilemma, diamond and call the female beautiful...I don't want to say we are all fickle, but yeah, this should have a fairly good success rate. PS Dear clever ladies, sorry about above comments and of course we need more feminism and stuff, as long as someone still holds the door for me right, cause it's a bit rude not too ;)
  13. Still winning


    why no update chicky? Pure cheek with the bag situation!! Jeez, storming round is a win and pleased you got it back. Barstewards. Now tell me happy tales of sangria :) x
  14. My man and I applaud his utter commitment tbh lol, that's hillarious! Sure Chris would do the same. Was a great match to watch, shame we lost and all but still thinking it's better than England usually play. And I'm not qualified to judge as my footie is pretty damn awful lol, but it's still great to watch all the passion from the teams.
  15. 500 days of freedom sounds pretty sweet!! Congrats Rob.
  16. You said this to me before and you are absolutely right - sadly - I'd rather 20 mins yoga was the counter to weight gain ;) You will be pleased to know I did listen and I have been losing 1lb a week for 7 weeks with some diet amendments mostly. All good and the tips were appreciated :) Only wish I could do better but now I don't smoke.... FOOD TASTES SOOOOOO GOOD!!! I eat steak now too, which I always thought was tasteless! Victim of my own quitting smoking success :)
  17. PS: Not sure my body is "feeling healthy" think it's pretty shell shocked with all this walking tbh lol. Reeallly creaky right now, day of rest so I did an hours gardening instead, fun planting stuff.
  18. Absolutely fabulous Andrew, 10 months looks like an awesome milestone from back here:) Massive congrats to you. x
  19. Step by step my lovely, doing beautifully. Stay focused on the end game and we will walk with you :) Congrats on your 1st beautiful week free!! You fought and earned it. xx
  20. Sorry I didn't see this Gabby. How you feeling today?? Eyerolling, oh wow, check lol, so many times I cringed as I had to say the f word (fail lol). Now you will show them, simple! How did the walk work for you? I find actual moving really helps me, as did mopping my floors early days....super clean my kitchen floor haha. I still get thoughts but they are only thoughts and I still know now that I don't want to smoke. I say this to you so you know we just need to re program. It feels hard now but it does get easier. I walk and forget the thought for the rest of the day (or night) but there were times in previous quits and this one early on that those thoughts would chase me - you can shut them down by always just saying to yourself that smoking is not on the table today, nope for today. Final tip, those craves ALWAYS pass and you are ALWAYS really happy you still have your quit intact. ((Gabby)) big hugs chick. xx
  21. I bought myself 3 passports at one month (for the two kids and my mum, not dodgy ones lol). At 3 months, I paid towards air fares (with lots of others helps too) for florida trip in october. Have to stay quit as I don't have a hire car yet and it looks pretty big compared to england haha. Also, so many treats as I went :) Mostly food! Now diet equipment, new weights last week, due to all the treat food! All good fun. Literally Saturday just gone I spent a weeks smoking money on going to the beautiful town of Oxford and seeing the universities, eating out, paid for parking (extortionate!!!) and I do lots like that now. I love not denying the kids or myself for basics anymore. In my humble opinion we all deserve treats. It is the easiest and hardest thing to do, very true only an ex smoker would understand. xx
  22. Thank you all. Yes, something like that is what I'm after Paul. I'm pretty surprised I am still having thoughts but have understood they are "only thoughts". So I'm ok. But I don't like having them ya know. So I walk and by the time I've done that for a while, the thoughts are literally gone. Or I do Yoga or whatever - no more thoughts. Anything else, like cleaning/reading etc just seems to distract for a while but not actually get rid of them altogether if that makes sense. Perhaps I should just google hobbies? Need something as well as exercise I think.
  23. additional 3am power walk for an hour! Because I can?!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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