Sounds so silly to say these now!! "I could get hit by a bus tomorrow". "Doctors blame everything on smoking, non smokers get ill too you know". For 23 years these were my war cries, my excuses.
For anyone unsure, who wonders if people are just making it up?! Smoking is addictive, to stop the addiction, you stop smoking. Then you hold on...that's it!! There is no physical pain, there is no fanfare (apart from verbally here) and it's just done because you say no more.
The alternative..well, that's slightly different. My beautiful nana, she died of emphysema, struggling for breath, only smoked 20 a day. My beloved uncle died, Lung cancer, smoked 80 a day...we had 12 weeks to adjust and he was gone. My Mum, now 66, has had copd (can't get her breath) for a few years. Likes a drink too, red wine, nowt serious. Just broke her out of hospital with a huge amount of meds. Seems her 60 a day habit brought on a heart problem, it doesn't beat properly you see.
I helped nurse my Uncle. I am a primary carer for my Mum.
Are you still thinking smoking is ok?! Get real!!
The truth...I would smoke, but I'm scared witless, of what it does and what it takes. I can't abide the thought of the children I have and adore having to look after me!!
Plus I have some random fella, he don's a skirt from time to time (blaming scottish genes, hmm, really?! lol) and he holds my non smoking sorry ass hand.
So I have a 3 month quit, it's pretty safe you see because I have seen and believed first hand what smoking does. I see it every day. Smoking is a mugs game. To not smoke can be uncomfortable mentally from time to time. To smoke can cause physical pain/fear and more illnesses then I understand the names for!!
No thanks. Be safe, be free. xx