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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Still winning

    Do Something

    Sounds like a bootstrap and whyquit moment to me Gabby. There is no romance in a cigarette my friend, that shit will kill you... literally...real painful it's looking from here too. Too not smoke is not at all painful physically. Please my friend, really work on seeing some positives, financial yes but maybe one more per day?? No matter how big or small. Make yourself write one good thing about quitting every time you post or blog or something? Loving your devotion to this quit though, good work Gabby. xx
  2. Nope for me. Hopefully nope for my day 5 Mum too and my house can smell as lovely as the summer flowers :)
  3. So pleased you found us!! The support and lots of chatting helps. It's almost like, as we write it down it starts to make more sense to us and as a by product it often gives another person perspective. I am sorry for all you've been through, it sounds like you've had to dig deep and be incredibly strong. I can relate a whole lot to the smoking family, to sneaking them as a kid. Educating ourselves about what smoking actually does and the damage it causes helps a lot. It's almost like as smokers, we dug our heads in the sand, emu style. Above all that... YOU DID IT!!! I am so happy for you, that's the most wonderful feeling in the world!! It doesn't even hurt does it :) Uncomfortable thoughts are not the same but the power of the NEW example you are setting your daughter is immense, not to mention the benefits for you. Look forward to sharing your journey. x
  4. hugglemonster...not henry surely ;) Off too hang head in shame at too much kids tv.....
  5. agreed tracey. I promise, we are friendly and we genuinely care. Support is always for the win right, only an ex smoker will understand this one and we are on your side. x
  6. HA!! Day 4 complete for my fearful and ill mother, over 50 years of smoking?! Amy, I have not forgotten you quit buddy, no one escapes me?!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Marti, sending you, mama, and Amy lots of positive vibes!!

    3. Still winning

      Still winning

      Thank you all. Feeling calmer today. Still worried I'm not hearing from Amy though.

    4. sharonsiff


      Hope that your mum finds this stage passes quickly Marti...xxx

  7. 2 like a ... wellprobably another b word haha.
  8. Wow Jeanne, Youare all kinds of awesome!! As is Amy in honesty. Think it's time to introduce yourself on your own thread though. I think a new quit supports our older ones as much as that works in reverse. xx Amy, Still got your back when you're ready chick!! xx
  9. Thanks for sharing your 11 months of experiences so willingly paul. Massive congrats to you. xx
  10. Brilliant news my lovely!!
  11. looks fab. x
  12. Brilliant, good to see you back...I enjoy a triumphant return to quitting!! Look forward to hearing the plan.
  13. Nope from me.
  14. Fabulous job Gabby. Wobbly is ok, we all get wobbles but we don't act on them by smoking anymore. Step by step. You are doing so great!! Really proud to be walking your journey to a smoke free life with you. xx
  15. Some days are a struggle still but it helped to just vent it out. Thank you for your experiences too, it helps to read them. xx
  16. I want them all to know they are in my thoughts too. xx
  17. Sounds so silly to say these now!! "I could get hit by a bus tomorrow". "Doctors blame everything on smoking, non smokers get ill too you know". For 23 years these were my war cries, my excuses. For anyone unsure, who wonders if people are just making it up?! Smoking is addictive, to stop the addiction, you stop smoking. Then you hold on...that's it!! There is no physical pain, there is no fanfare (apart from verbally here) and it's just done because you say no more. The alternative..well, that's slightly different. My beautiful nana, she died of emphysema, struggling for breath, only smoked 20 a day. My beloved uncle died, Lung cancer, smoked 80 a day...we had 12 weeks to adjust and he was gone. My Mum, now 66, has had copd (can't get her breath) for a few years. Likes a drink too, red wine, nowt serious. Just broke her out of hospital with a huge amount of meds. Seems her 60 a day habit brought on a heart problem, it doesn't beat properly you see. I helped nurse my Uncle. I am a primary carer for my Mum. Are you still thinking smoking is ok?! Get real!! The truth...I would smoke, but I'm scared witless, of what it does and what it takes. I can't abide the thought of the children I have and adore having to look after me!! Plus I have some random fella, he don's a skirt from time to time (blaming scottish genes, hmm, really?! lol) and he holds my non smoking sorry ass hand. So I have a 3 month quit, it's pretty safe you see because I have seen and believed first hand what smoking does. I see it every day. Smoking is a mugs game. To not smoke can be uncomfortable mentally from time to time. To smoke can cause physical pain/fear and more illnesses then I understand the names for!! No thanks. Be safe, be free. xx
  18. we're sure though :)
  19. Nope, for today. xx
  20. Aww Tracey, horrid when they come on like that. Pleased Paul was here to talk you down. Pm me if you want to talk once you've woken up and I will try to check my inbox today. xx
  21. 15
  22. It's amazing the amount of us who said we had "addictive personalities" rather than we were effectively addicted to one drug. Crazy. Love the going out smelling of hope :) xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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