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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. I'm there with you, NOPE here :)
  2. 9
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  5. 10
  6. oooo, too weird :( Personally I'd try and talk him round though, (cocky Bi*ch that I am lol) and if that didn't work ditch him. But I'd want to make sure if he ticked all the other boxes for me. That aside, you'd be amazed the amount of people who think e cigs and vaping equals quit - seems quite common sadly. xx
  7. FML, this is the dumbest cat ever! Stoopid idiot.

  8. None for me, nothing, de nada, NOPE :)
  9. 12
  10. 14
  11. 5am - walk around my house hunting for a cat that's meowing, take cat back to bed in effort to shut him up. x2 repeats 5.45am - Arm extension in my sleep no less, (my exercising really is coming on!) to remove cat fur from mouth. 6.30 - Walk around kitchen looking for where stupid boyfriend put cat food. x10 repeats, plus some vocal exercise 6.30 - 7.30 - Walk backwards and forward between paddling pool (cats there) and kitchen and lounge (kids there getting ready for school, or not!) where stupid cats are trying to get in the pool, kids are forgetting to get ready. approx x 30 repeats before enganging x3 tricep curls with the hose at the cats! Engage vocal exercise simultaneously. 9.30 x15 minute actual arms excercises x15 minute actual butt exercise. 10am now - 11 hours till sleep approx :lazy:
  12. Some of us needed a few practice quits and to find a safe place to support us before we're off. Like Tracey says it speaks volumes that you are searching for the right support for you, that's a good thing. You say romancing? What particularly triggers you? Are you ready with these excuses at the start do you think or do they sneak up on you? Could you get a list of things to do if the same triggers happen. I say the above as without intending too, I set myself up for failure for months, it was so hard and I couldn't understand why I kept falling off. When I worked out it was self sabotage it was a great moment because it allowed me to be really honest with myself and try something new. Just my experience and hopefully something will resonate. Welcome and congrats on your quit from the 30th!! xx
  13. x2 25 minute walks pushing a buggy :) Power walked 1 of those bone shaking the poor child as I went haha
  14. Massive congrats to Mason who has a solid two week quit :) Absolutely delighted for you! xx
  15. 17
  16. Aww happy independence day across the water folks :)
  17. Hi five Holski!! Two weeks of freedom for you!! Marching onwards all the time, you got this!! xx
  18. I think you made a fabulous decision to join a forum, it does seem to help to have people around who understand what you are saying. The stress thing, yeah it pushes the ex smokers buttons, addictions are sneaky that way! Even if you think all is well it's still kinda lurking behind the scenes ready to say it'll help the stress, or it's only one...sound familiar?... A forum will help two fold, you can get information about what smoking really is, how dangerous it really is, we are playing health and financial roulette without realizing. But as much as that, the time for me I would have smoked, I came here and posted a message. Some was help meeee's, some was my trying to understand the addiction, I actually think one was for perfume lol. Or I played the games I understand in the social section. Then the craving has gone and I am still free. I think a lot of folks do the same as that from what I can see. So chat/post, tell us what you thin we can use to help you if you post and ask for our help with a crave? Also, advice for what it's worth, get a list of other things you can do when you get stressed. Welcome! x
  19. feel better soon chick. xx
  20. 6 months is a brilliant quit, congrats to you. x
  21. Massive congrats on the 10 month quit jengels (commiserations and sympathy on the frozen lol). x
  22. 13 lucky for some!! Delighted for you Colleen, your quit, your very obvious new healthy life and thank you for your support here too. x
  23. Excellent work Bonnie :) Really pleased for you and your new clean life of freedom.
  24. Happy birthday Ross!! Hope you have an utterly fabulous day and get spoilt rotten. xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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