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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. How goes it today?? x
  2. Congrats on a full day clearof smoking!! How are you feeling on day 2?
  3. -3
  4. Happy birthday chicks friend :) xx
  5. 30 minutes arm/butt workout, toning. Raining in the shires of England, so no walking today.
  6. Wipe it out with a couple of glasses and wine and go to sleep, that's what I'd do :) Healthier of course would be soup? I always forget how satisfying that is and how much I like it until I eat some. xx
  7. -1
  8. Really happy you're starting this journey, absolutely the best choice for a better life!! Moonwalk away :) Let us know a bit more about your quit when you feel ready so we can support you. Ie patches/cold turkey etc. And what bought you to today and this quit. The more we get to know each other the more support we can be. xx
  9. It beggers belief that we would willingly cause harm to our bodies through smoking... An absolute NOPE to doing that again from me!!
  10. Of course there's always exceptions, however on the whole that sounds plausible. We were more content to sit and do little while we smoked. Now it's fun finding the bits we were missing :) xx
  11. Good people love animals and children. It's because you come from a pure heart. So I think it's a good thing! Cry, crying is good for the soul and the baby is back where he belongs and safe thanks to you. All is good. x
  12. Almost full moon, some crazy a g'wan in the place of voldemort!

    1. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      I don't know what that means. Hahah. I got the full moon part. Unless you are talking about flashing.

    2. Still winning

      Still winning

      oops. A g'wan, slang for and that's happening (as in that's going on). And the full moon just really does seem to make folks plain crazy. x

  13. -6 Bandit - you can't do the whole "big up" buddy pm and then sneak a go on chicks and sticks...meh...sneaky men! Even the ones who wear skirts and pink... Got your number!!
  14. -6
  15. -6
  16. 15 minute power walk, followed by 25 minute normal pace walk this morning. x2 25 minute walks this afternoon. Really happy my car has never left the house today :) Did the shop and two school runs on foot, feels good and something I never would have considered 4 months ago!
  17. -6 Everyone's gotta have a hobby right...mines the swearing thread ;)
  18. Candles and prayers going up for Mr and Mrs B. Much love! xx
  19. Happy for you and your 3 weeks, massive congrats!! Doing great. xx
  20. GABBY!!! WOW!! You are owning this quit, I'm so delighted for you and the new life I see you will have now. Absolutely massive congrats with sparkles and hugs. It's been a tough road, but the path has been found and we will follow it with you. Much love!! xx
  21. Mason, so pleased for you NOPEing and just doing it!! I know it can be tough around smokers but yet another quitter proving it absolutely can be done!! Massive congrats to you!! xx
  22. Really pleased to be reading this. A number of us have a few quits before "the one" and you're right, you learn from each failure and it makes this attempt really powerful!! Junkie thinking, yeah defo, it's a big struggle. The connection that smoking doesn't do anything, even though you may have thought differently in the past is the key thing I've read here from you. Absolutely right and I think that's a big turning point and you should be proud for getting here. Every day (sometimes hour by hour) is a win for you and a better life. Make sure you are treating yourself, especially on milestones. You really are doing great!! But don't be proud, post for support on the main board or to think things through in writing. We love to hear from others and oftentimes these good folks have some helpful hints and tips. xx
  23. No more guilt for spending too much money. No more panic at the thought of running out No more being controlled No more smelling or making my family smell!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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