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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Brilliant work my friend!! x
  2. Congrats on 1 year!! xx
  3. massive congrats!! x
  4. congrats on 9 months! x
  5. Massive congrats andrew. xx
  6. Do whatever works. Soundslike a good idea to me. x
  7. Bring it Susana!! Like I did it, going to bed with a few hours in the bag :) You absolutely can do this!! This time is different! We will carry you when you need it. Hang the F on when it feels tough. Juice, us,sheer will. All good. You have utterly got this! xx
  8. make that 8 hours!
  9. BOOM!!! Go Susana! I have a real good feeling about this quit for you :) 6 hours is all kinds of fabulous! xx
  10. 3
  11. Sarge, Mason, Holski?? I am trying to answer a question and my friend could use your help. x
  12. In case you're interested in what I actually write about, other than quitting :) Capricorn Full moon 12th July 2014 Let’s have it! Capricorn, we have practical but at a full speed ahead movement. Stubborn, yes, that, it’s a cardinal sign. If we have an idea it will absolutely be full steam ahead, this is a very powerful sign and it has all the abilities to search and research and then go for full pelt forward motion! This full moon and sign can literally hunt a victory down Supermoon alert!! Closer to the earth, more powerful than most of the otherswe’ve had this year! Pluto is also in Capricorn which has been game playing with Uranus in Aries and will continue to do so. Think gun and gunpowder, aim and fire people but be careful you mean business right now. Just be sure before you announce your woes at warp factor, ya know. This transit highlights that BE ALL AND END ALL attitude, be warned, much intensity. The sun is playing happy in Cancer, family, home, emotional. The feminine is strong whereas the Capricorn moon is ambition and your place/success in the world. Make sure all your attention is not in one area of life! You do not want to miss the bigger picture and there is a definite chance of that happening. So the overall message is you CAN achieve! Use your own gut instincts, make sure all you do is grounded and fair, Capricorn is an earth sign overall. Look for what you need internally, putting yourself first sometimes is an absolute need…how can you help others if you are not ok but equally, no one owns you. This is the moment to absolutely own your truth and your being. Full moon blessings. Love and light to you. xx
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  13. put it on record, but jackass - aren't they little swines? Abridged version lol.
  14. Yep, Because otherwise I'm doomed to a life of singing "I'm a secret lemonade drinker"! Please tell me you know the advert?! xx
  15. Today I have a choice - I choose to be happy no matter what, no matter who. Life is good and I am greatful for what I have :)

    1. Paul723


      Good choice.

    2. Susana


      Clever choice.


  16. Not liking the cat thread (sorry) but liking the little person with the cat lol.
  17. Pippa, you made it, I am sooooo pleased for you!! the value you bring....I look for your answers and have done since the word go. You bring gentle and kind and I for one am literally raising a glass to you!! My congrats are sent and I am delighted for you, massive congrats!! xx
  18. There are a few of us I think (sarge and mason come to mind straight off). Please chip in with your thoughts, these are just mine. I think it can be easy to say it's too hard to quit whilst others around you smoke. I told myself that for 14 years :( That was just from my last quit. My other thing was quitting with one of them, however, this just meant much "good job, back thumping" when we "only smoked one" or something. I get the quit buddy thing can work, but it was tragic for me. I used the fact that I COULD smoke but CHOSE not to. I asked for smoking outside (refused!) and I asked them to hide their cigs till I was comfortable. At it's core though the decision was made so I used the smokers to watch for why I wouldn't. So I would watch my Mum or partner smoke, and watch for the "catch" and the "cough" and think "THAT WILL NOT BE ME AGAIN". In a way I made it contribute to my quit!! Do not doubt I could have snatched it out of their hands a million times!! I didn't though. My quit showed them a quit was possible though. They are both quit now for their own reasons. I understand why my children wrinked their noses sometimes when I kissed or cuddled them. They LOVE the smoke free life :) It defo sucks at times, I will not lie and say it doesn't. BUT -it does not suck 30-40 times a day. -It does not suck the same as hell or heck week. -It does not suck like no mans land. -It's just thoughts, they make me mad, they make me grumpy for a few seconds - then I smash them back from whence they came. The other thing I did was say my life was too stressful! Duh, smoking caused me more stress more times a day then not smoking did. I lit 30-40 cigarettes a day. At my worst point my craves were about 10-15 a day, this diminished greatly with every week that past with a few random jumps. It really is ok and it can absolutely be done!!
  19. Sure she'll answer when she remembers she used to smoke :) Making jam and growing orchids and generally lovin summer. Makes me smile. x
  20. Missed hearing from you trish, good to know you're around :) I hope all is well with you hun. xx Quitting, well when you're ready, but just good to hear from you. xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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