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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. 3
  2. 3 Come on the girls!
  3. "I am very fed up of the mood swings I'm having, it's not good for me or my gang. I am still unsure what's me and what's champix so I've stopped taking it today. It's day 5. I do struggle at times, not gonna lie, yesterday was a claw through day." One of my earlier posts copied above - "hint", it wasn't the champix lol. There's nothing wrong with your quit honey, it's just a bad day, not a bad life, I promise!! I bet tomorrow will be brilliant, it always gives you a break after a bad day. Trust me. And hugs ((Susana)). Ok, so now it's a bootstrap day - what you gonna do? Hard boiled sweets, nope shuffle, put on some music and bust some moves, go for a long walk, or swim, or on the crazy bike thing?? Pick your choice of activity :) We're here. Keep talking if talking helps. You absolutely can get through this! It will not always feel like this! xx
  4. 6 months is AMAZING from here Wiley :good3: , massive congrats to you! xx
  5. Jackie, half a year, bloody marvellous!! Hope you're having the most amount of fun :) massive congrats. xx
  6. Always here :) Speaking of moons, I can almost fit my ass back in my jeans...learning how to eat properly and loving the summer sunshine (the two aren't always guaranteed together in England!).
  7. You know you need to post on Monday now or I will get worried lol.
  8. 3
  9. Those are exactly the right emotions. We were all nervous, scared even, whether we could do it but also excited at the impending freedom! Get that excitement going, some is a slog but honestly some feels like the most wonderful free fall where days just happen and then weeks just happen!! xx
  10. Hi Cat, so glad you found us and we would love to support you!! Tell us all about it, now, tomorrow, whatever and whenever. Posting helps you to get it out of your head, lurkers to consider quitting and us to reinforce our quit by helping you get yours - absolutel win win!! How are you quitting? Patches/cold turkey? When are youquitting, do you have a date set? Hope to hear back from you soon and a big warm welcome! x
  11. Everyone gotta crack on and enjoy summer :) Love you too! See ya in winter :) x
  12. Not even 9am and I'm sitting with tears running down my cheeks! Powerful, powerful writing, and so true. We can all relate in our own ways. I want this for you, You want this for you, everyone on this page genuinely wants this for you! Smoking brings nothing good to our life. Addictions can be fought and won and afterwards a kind of peace will descend where once there was quite literally constant feelings of craving. There are bad days, but there are in life aren't there. There are great days too, where you feel like if you could conquer not smoking you can conquer anything. Self worth is high! Trust that if nothing else. Non smokers have bad days and don't smoke, so can you. Get a plan, let us know a date and sit your butt down on the seat we saved you, you've been missed. xx
  13. Nope, not today, not ever again. The addiction can stay dormant thank you very much, Yes to self worth, nope to smoking. xx
  14. 17
  15. Thank you all so much. xx
  16. Massive congrats delta!! 8 months is amazing! x
  17. 6
  18. Smoking gives us absolutely nothing positive! Quitting is without doubt the best thing we can do for ourselves and those around us we love. I am a proud quitter, you?? NOPE - not today. xx
  19. Brilliant post Jay!! Happy to see you on the boards :) x
  20. Still winning

    4 months!

    On my 4 month landmark I felt like my life was falling apart. It was the day I realized my family is not on my side, and merely relations. It was also the first day that smoking did not enter my mind - at all - all day. 4 month plus one day made up for it with craves lol, all ok now. It's a choice rather than a gut clenching moment nowadays. I don't know what to do about those in my life who feel fear, or upset for who I am but I do know nothing can make me smoke again. I have attended the doctors today and finally booked some tests because worrying signs continue with grim stuff like phlegm and shoulder pain and a cough that won't shift. My smoking may have covered up some issues like acid reflux or apparently worse (google assures me death is imminent lol) and I need to be sure I am ok. She was worried about telling me that sometimes smoking masks illnesses that show up after a quit. I'm ok with that knowledge and nothing will make me smoke again, not anything or anyone!! I can't change who my blood relates too or what I've done but I can change my thinking ongoing. Also I can rest assured I have 100% record of being ok so far. Bit nervy though.x
  21. got a sleeping bag then lol. Jackie goes glamping, sounds like a comedy sketch in a way jac :) Have a brilliant time. I want the low down when you're back. xx
  22. 2 weeks!! fabuloso, excited for your journey. Congrats. xx
  23. oh babe, we all remember the "this was a bad time" "I've been here before" "I don't know how I will do this" You know what you do - whatever works!! But don't you put something in your mouth and set it on fire you hear!! It sucks sometimes, it really does. My heart hurts for you and how much it takes but you hold on - and then this battle is fought and won and you move on. I sense a brilliant quit from you my lovely, hold the F on!! xx
  24. Sarah I miss your posts if I'm honest. I LOVED your fresh energy and joy that you bought to the board. I cheered you on from the shires a million times... my favourite to date still the post coital post...my favourite post of all time lol. You are not new anymore, we are getting on a bit ;) quit wise of course. I love your posts. Your energy was contagious. Have I said I miss you posting! So so pleased you held fast, never actually doubted you though. xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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