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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. ((Doreen)) wish it were different. xx ((Tiff)) A phase yes. Just ride it out honey and hold on. xx
  2. 4 :ph34r:
  3. Thank you! miss you too! Although I'm always here, no matter where you are today, I told you that and meant it. xx Enjoy your rest, those crazy months are the worst. xx
  4. 4 Buddy, that's just mean!
  5. Amy, great to "see" you :) Work busy you mean? xx
  6. 4 Competitive and non attentive - bad combo :(
  7. I am smiling a massive smile for you Jay. Ups and downs but a perfectly brilliant choice!! Post in the main forum, people want to help and support you. Tell us how your quitting, how your feeling, what are your weaker points. Would love to support you Jay. x
  8. It's getting silly now, Iam keeps making me cry!! Lol, quit train post and now a responce on Babs post, think I'm going soft in my old age :)

  9. I'm sure he will learn amazing things and really grow into himself. Career on not, any military bring out every nuance of people and give them a massive amount of self worth and camraderie. It will be fab for him!! As a Mum, you are going to have to do the brave face. xx (((Babs)))
  10. YAY!!! Brilliant news on this and the other test, good work!! Fabulous news on 6 days!! I said today would be great when you struggled yesterday!! :) Really pleased for you. xx
  11. I'm really sorry for your loss. xx
  12. 3 months is fabulous!! This quit really suits you. xx
  13. Could work :) That girl is not handling looking ladylike very well! Good planning ahead Sarah!
  14. I think new toys like phones are a great idea to keep busy! :)
  15. How you doing? What you doing? x
  16. 9
  17. Love whyquit.com!! Combine that with the support here and I truly believe you have a winning combo for a great quit! x
  18. 9
  19. 9
  20. I'm pleased you had a nice vacation. I'm sorry for you that it's come to an end and you're thinking along those lines. I hate the age we are where this is heavy on our minds. I'm so sorry you're feeling this but hear me here and I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, I really mean it to focus you not to upset anyone... My Mama smoked for years, she kept meaning to quit but only managed it one month ago, after 50 year+ of smoking.... I look after her now, my whole life is on hold until....., her whole life is medications and panic .... don't do that to YOUR kids... Breath through it, cry through it. Emotions are mental pain and my heart is with you for that my lovely, but smoking is really frikkin bad for you! Don't rationalise that. ((Tiff)) xx
  21. Mine's the one on the left, Matt was my man...not his brother Luke who is the other one. Actually looking at this picture my man Chris has the same haircut haha, just dark haired...think I just understood his mates calling him 80s as a nickname!
  22. Don't you be giving yourself thought processes of I might fall off.... that's done. Your thought process now is I will not smoke today, end of. So if I can't smoke what can I do to pass my time so that I get past this point. Distraction is a BIG thing. You have 5 days in your pocket, you hold onto to that and force yourself forwards. Sometimes it's baby steps in time, minute by minute and sometimes a longer period of time...but all is forward. We've got your back! We've been there, it's going to get easier, it really will, just don't give in today. xx
  23. Once went in the cavern club Doreen, still an amazing energy that the place has, bet it was awesome! Matt Goss from Bros was mine. Can't copy pictures but had a look and yeah, he hasn't aged well and is currently playing vegas... Oops! I still feel more justified then my best mate of the time who favoured George Michael!! Winning over here :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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