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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. 13
  2. Awww, you guys!!! Too cute :) xx
  3. 7
  4. Awww honey, this is you facing down addiction. This is what addiction is!! It ties you to a substance that you don't want to take (nicotine) and makes it feel plain rotten to quit it at times. However, GOOD NEWS.... I, we, this board are ALL saying the same thing, bad day - not a bad quit. There is NO SUCH THING AS A BAD QUIT!! You will absolutely not be dropping this quit young Susana, you are going to hold on with both hands. I actually do understand the mental mind games. You read that I once spent 3 hours in a complete snotfest over a packet of cigarettes. I posted tripe, I did not smoke - you too. The smoking friends is well hard this early in a quit. Shows how much you want it that you have 10 days!! You are doing AMAZING!! xx
  5. Agreed Jay, but try a different room and logging on here with your morning brew. That said a number of us had to change those bigger trigger routines. My morning one was a biggie too but now it's fine. So maybe try drinking it in a different room, or drink it as you do something (make lunch, load dishwasher etc) and make yourself a new routine. xx
  6. Totally get where you're coming from. I was utterly weirded out by what I should do when I would have been smoking. You just gradually replace it with normal activities, ie exercise, cleaning, etc. Like I used to get up and smoke with my tea, now I make packed lunches first thing. You just end up getting new habits and actually learning to relax on your downtime. x
  7. Hey Gabby :bye: NOPE here too.
  8. 6
  9. It's no secret I am a Mum, an amazingly lucky one at that :) So my eldest Milly has a birthday in september and I intend to waste a fair bit of money to give her a fab party as she struggles to make friends with kids, I think she is just actually a mini adult and was born old lol. Her theme is frozen, I'm surprised as she will be 9 but ok... I know some of you are creative and on some sites I can't quite work out like pintrest, any ideas for food, decorations, games etc? xx
  10. oh oh, what about Glory? I'd call it a goddess or god name but then I'm like that :) I want a dog called thor. I had a goldfish called fred once :) I also had a rat called ratty, terrapins named terry and pin, dog called mutley, cats called tom and jerry. So actually my newer suggestions are pretty good in comparison but possibly I'm not the help you need lol.
  11. 8
  12. She forgot the date, she has done none of what I did or had any support - just cracked on after 50 odd years and didn't smoke. She's been quitting forever, far longer than I was trying for. She is still cranky as all hell but she is also feeling unwell. The quit was prompted by a heart scare which can now add to the copd as a lifelong condition, caused by smoking and it was the trigger she needed to just stop there and then. She used a patch for 2 weeks then ditched that too. We bitch a lot but I come from a strong line of women :) I am really proud of my moody quitting mother!!
  13. Raven's a good one. Sorry, I feel ashamed at not concentrating. Venus was the goddess of love?
  14. Hercules? Midnight?
  15. 8
  16. Absolutely!! You are doing an AMAZING thing... First you are owning your quit and saving your body and finances Secondly you are showing smokers that it can be done, brilliant work. xx
  17. Wanna go into chat and vent? Not surprised you're pissed off!! x
  18. Aw I see, you posted in the SOS, has that passed sweetie? Mums are always better then men! xx
  19. Talk to me. Where are you, are you ok other than craving?
  20. Sarah don't smoke!! You so don't want to go back there. Unreal the fella, can you get home ok??
  21. 6
  22. Damn, I went out and missed this!! Amy, of course you are. ((amy)). You know too much now sweets, Feel your way to the door, we are here and ready to catch you, always!! xx
  23. Your attitude is a powerful tool in your quit, yours is amazing Jay!! I love Bacons advice of when you feel ready with the patches. I quit using champix (like you many quits, fails etc and felt I needed a crutch) and there does come a point you feel like you WANT to make it your own. Trust your gut instincts on that. xx
  24. Late cause busy busy - but a late HELL NOPE from me. And starting on smokers cause my reformed levels are "all that" :) Nope I didn't and nope you won't either. x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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