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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. really late NOPE
  2. Fabulous, I was only saying to my sisters today that I feel like running away. One aisle seat and a crate of dry white please...oh and some plane thing because you guys are in the bigger place. That's surely gotta be like multiple countries, states confuse me...countries are normally a tad smaller. Greedy really :)
  3. Ok Amy. Set a date. Just set a date. You can always bring it forward but lets start somewhere.... Jump beautiful lady, we will catch you...what have you got to lose?? xx
  4. No need to apologise hun. Part of being real and here is that we get to ask questions and hear the answers. Sometimes it makes sense to us, sometimes not. That sounds like a great friend you have there. xx
  5. -1
  6. Accidently deleted before watching, oops!
  7. 30 mins mix yoga,arms, bum yesterday. 15 mins yoga today.
  8. 0
  9. For me it really did cloud my judgement. Brain felt permantly "fugged" and smoking bought me thinking time. I do not want to smoke, for sure that's a no - but I struggle to put something else in it's place that gives me the ILLUSION (I know it's an illusion which is progress) of coping. It also transpires that people really piss me off more!! Or perhaps it's that we tolerate less now due to higher self worth etc? Interested in the thread and answers tbh. x
  10. Massive congrats Jay!! Really pleased to be one week down I bet :) xx
  11. 12
  12. Delighted for you Paul, happy anniversary :) Love your support, wondering if you've got any lovely plans to celebrate? xx
  13. ((Beacon)). I get this post. It's like you turn off smoking and turn on the "STFU" setting lol. I worked out my issue was I never learnt to manage emotions, I just smoked from a young age -is this like your story too? Posting on the swear thread helps. Pillow punching. Walking. Meditation. Taking some time out. Writing things down (blog/diary). Basically, these things work better when you move them external rather than leave them inside of you. xx
  14. 2
  15. Nicked from whyquit.com and something that resonated with me: So why are some people social smokers able to take it or leave it, while the rest of us got hooked? Referred to as "chippers," they probably account for less than 10% of all smokers. Jealous? If so and still using don't worry, it's normal. That's what enslaved brains tend to dream about, to want to become like them, to control what for us is uncontrollable. Being immune to addiction is believed to at least in part be related to genetics. But with up to 90% of daily users hooked solid under DSM standards, spending millions studying nicotine dependency genetics seems almost laughable. Before feeling too sorry for yourself, imagine what it's like to be an alcoholic and forced to watch roughly 90% of drinkers do something that you yourself cannot, to turn and walk away. We only have to watch the 10% who are chippers. Less than 10% for some reason don't have the same neural pathways and therefore do not get addicted. That's not many is it?? It's also not me, although I don't speak for you. I say with conviction - I did not want to spend all that money on smoking, I had tried and failed multiple times to quit, my health and the health of other smokers around me was pretty bad - yet I still did it. That's not habit, you can walk away from a bad habit -you can't walk away easily from an addiction. xx
  16. ((tiff)) that sounds tough to see what you are seeing, thus the hug. I appreciate everyone has a different take on this addiction thing. For me, until I accepted I was an addict I don't think there was a thing in the world that would have made me quit! It's purely because I "baulked" so hard against being called that - then had no choice but to see it for what it was. Personally I will never be able to forgive myself for some of the smoking I did (occasional in car with children and around children, my own and others) and nothing short of an addiction would have made me risk my childrens health or my time with them (which was majorly lacking with a 40 a day habit). That said I respect everyone's right to call it whatever they want if they can quit it :) xx
  17. I LOVE this size up. When it sucks and sucks reeeaaaalllllyyy bad, it feels awful and then you turn around and see what you got through already and it should give you hope!! You are smashing this quit into pieces Susana, that's why it feels hard, it's because those triggers are coming and you are owning the fact that day is done now...if you weren't you would be a smoker....and you're not. All good sweetie. One foot in front of the other, minute by minute sometimes, day by day sometimes but forward. Don't think about anything but today, yesterday is done and tomorrow can wait.
  18. 2
  19. Free is my favourite price :) Nope.
  20. Shame you had to ditch your coffee for now, but this too will pass. Those strong craves will start to ease and quicker than you think, they change from a crave, to a thought... ie I would have smoked here rather than I want to smoke here from one part of your brain versus the other part saying but I don't want to smoke. That said you are totally owning this quit Jay!! xx
  21. 8 months is fabulous tracey!!! You are so always so lovely and there to help everyone that it's super fab to see you hit your milestones!! Massive congrats. xx
  22. Congrats comrade, brilliant work!! Put your dates on the calender and we can pick them up :) Milestones shouldn't go unannounced! Hoping Aine and you are both well? xx
  23. £220 for a frozen part themed entertainer!! Thank god I quit smoking, I'd never have the money lol!

  24. Throw snowflake at it in essence :) Ordered these for the top of the cake and will use fondant icing in varying shades of blue on a normal cake I think: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261512148966?var=560390206461&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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