Nicked from and something that resonated with me:
So why are some people social smokers able to take it or leave it, while the rest of us got hooked? Referred to as "chippers," they probably account for less than 10% of all smokers. Jealous? If so and still using don't worry, it's normal. That's what enslaved brains tend to dream about, to want to become like them, to control what for us is uncontrollable.
Being immune to addiction is believed to at least in part be related to genetics. But with up to 90% of daily users hooked solid under DSM standards, spending millions studying nicotine dependency genetics seems almost laughable. Before feeling too sorry for yourself, imagine what it's like to be an alcoholic and forced to watch roughly 90% of drinkers do something that you yourself cannot, to turn and walk away. We only have to watch the 10% who are chippers.
Less than 10% for some reason don't have the same neural pathways and therefore do not get addicted. That's not many is it?? It's also not me, although I don't speak for you.
I say with conviction - I did not want to spend all that money on smoking, I had tried and failed multiple times to quit, my health and the health of other smokers around me was pretty bad - yet I still did it. That's not habit, you can walk away from a bad habit -you can't walk away easily from an addiction.