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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. 6
  2. 6
  3. yikes, slow and intense...learn what you need to and get out lol. Sounds a bit twilight zone like to me?! We are pretty lucky here tho, I have to agree :)
  4. 6
  5. Massive congrats Gemzee, 11 months is fabulous! xx
  6. 6
  7. 3
  8. 6
  9. nope from me, not today.
  10. 0
  11. Way to go Tom!!
  12. I think it's normal to get some bad days around now ish in your quit. A few people said it was normal to get triggers around this time as you are settling into a non smoking life, but your brain is remembering when you would have smoked. If you let that thought process roll, it becomes more intense, if you dismiss it and distract yourself it eases off quite quickly. That said it sucks to have those hard days. Your quit is solid though tiff, just let the thoughts come and go, nothing can control you unless you let it. xx
  13. Morning, congratulations!! Good to have you on board. It might help us to know a little more about you quitting smoking, and the beautiful grandchild which seems like a great motivator :) xx
  14. 15 then lol
  15. 14
  16. I mean I'm reading it, you're talking english - I'm sure of it...and yet I'm in the wtf camp! :)
  17. Happily gardening feeling all very self sufficient tending my onions :) Then touched the biggest slug ever EURG *SHUDDER* wish that type of nature would relocate, how grim :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Still winning

      Still winning

      It was close :( The kids thought I was dancing haha.

    3. Tink
    4. SueBeDoo


      Ugh I hate them and worms and maggots and snakes, I feel for ye, one of mine had a slug in their mouth when they were younger, disaster!

  18. Brilliant!! Every time you say no to a crave or triggers it weakens the hold over you. Distract yourself if they last too long, it's easier to go and start to do something and it seems to get weaker. Nicotine is now clear of your system, so it's a brain game. You can absolutely do this! One day at a time, whilst heading to the week!!
  19. Don't assume there aren't times I didn't break into a nope shuffle publicly. Or stand at school pick ups clicking my fingers like a loon. Or peg it down the street to check if I could run and do a victory jump and yell when I could :) I was nucking futs!! I did whatever it took because I couldn't face doing it again some days and on the dark days, I remembered a good one would follow if I just held on. You can absolutely do the same. I am not special, nor is my quit, it's the same as yours, just know one day it won't feel like this and hold onto that promise when it feels hard. You can do anything you like but not smoke. That's a lot of leeway of things to do!
  20. Get in!! 10 months is awesome and I'm super chuffed for you, massive congrats Sue!! Nothing to do with Luck of the Irish and everything to do with owning a quit, watched your inspirational moments chick, good work holding on when things got tough. xx
  21. HELL NOPE Can't have me, not today, nor my buddies, not today Today we are NOSMO WARRIORS!!
  22. Two options - hint - fear isn't one! Option 1 - Spanish gum, it's only a crutch anyway, so use it as such until replacement gum Option 2 - Warrior quit, it's not like you haven't got it in you to be a warrior princess in this quit! Shouting (in your head in public) HELL NOPE, YOU CAN@T HAVE ME and the like. I repeat sweetheart - there is nothing wrong with your quit - there is LOADS wrong with ADDICTION and it must be faced down. No more being owned by addiction, you are stronger then that. Believe in yourself... And yes, this too will pass.... good and bad stuff ALWAYS PASSES... it's the way of the world. Trust yourself!! x
  23. some days ey, is today better?
  24. Moving is always tough holski....agree with beacon, get a treat plan in place for moving all people (happy or otherwise) in one piece. It doesn't sound like you've hit the desperation stage of throw it all in a box and sort it the other end...so you've still got this and are calm :) When you get to that stage, focus on the end game, getting in there and sitting down and yes, just keep swimming. xx
  25. I can't change it - I'm a technical moron :( I've tried and failed many times, it's literally only that one photo I ever managed to downsize enough lol.

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