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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Sneaky boys while I'm trying to work out who action's dreaming about lol -6
  2. I've already been eliminated :( But dead curious!! PM me too, I'm nosy but good at secrets :)
  3. -7
  4. Woohoo, I have a face and no kids :) Thanks Joe!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Paul723
    3. Still winning

      Still winning

      I was a marti far far away :) Then Joe found facebook and my profile and all was resolved!

    4. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Looking gorgeous!

  5. Never smokers will not understand. We do though - good job Joe!!
  6. -7 Will notify my bestest stalker when hair has finally gone red and new pics are available :)
  7. -7 Yep, Joe is my new favourite stalker and went through my facebook :) Cheers Joe!
  8. Awww guys, I'm so sorry you're feeling like this is hard right now. I have no advice as I'm behind you but I am utterly willing all 3 ladies forward. Never look back! xx
  9. I have shoe envy now!! And actually, organisation envy too lol. By the way action you simply slide the box out and restack it on the top. You simply NEED more shoes then 5 pairs dude. Off to lovingly peruse and caress my shoe collection now haha
  10. Aww honey, this is sad news, I came looking for the thread hoping you felt better. ((Lisa)), are they at least managing the pain for you now? xx
  11. -8 Will message later DD, would be eternally greatful not to be seen at a distance :)
  12. Qualifies as a monster and inspiring quit!
  13. Sorry you had a tough day. That can happen and great job on just working through it. Every time you face down those tough triggers you secure your quit a little more. Pleased Granny is on the mend and free now too. x
  14. 1 yep, the filthy swines! My file isn't big, fecking critics!
  15. 3 I am a brilliant soul....who can't post a picture :) DD Fancy trying to change my avartar with passwords etc? Jeez, why is it spell checking avartar....doomed with technology I tell ye!
  16. 2 days of 45 minute walks due to steroid injection stopping me using my hand for now. I will be waif like and floaty light in no time :)
  17. 7 I'm a reject who can't work computers :(
  18. Where's my bitc.... Anyway. I'm kicking around. Minding my own. Teaching 'mericans how to talk ;)
  19. Brilliant work on 3 months. My motto is whatever works! Although I do love a plan :) Welcome. x
  20. BOOM!! Just being fabulous and motivating people whilst on the journey of your life. 10 months... Massive kudos on your quit and support. On a personal note, thank you for the motivation and support, both for me and others. xx
  21. Bug, How strange, I was literally saying the other day I wondered how you were. I am not surprised your writing touched people, you have a gift in that way. I am so so pleased you held your quit and continue from strength to strength. Will we help ex smokers, HELL YEAH!! Let's free as many as we can in whatever way we can. Hope it's ok but are you still in touch with ksmedic? He motivated my quit and never even knew as I read what he wrote first. Never under estimate the power of words. xx
  22. My quit still will always me happy. I put it on a pedestal with other amazing things I've done. I think I value it so highly because I understand my quit was an addict literally fighting for a life! I see all day every day the effects of smoking related illness and one can only be an emu for so long. I knew I needed help. I am pretty tough :) I have been through some situations which I am lucky enough grew me into a spiritual and warrior type of force. Do not misunderstand that, I am incredibly humble about the lucky ways I had an opportunity to learn. But through it all I have remained mysterious, hidden, outwardly composed...until I joined the quit train. Allowing myself to "be me" without fear was as great as the quit, the fact that people accepted that was a really big moment for me. There were a number of things that transpired and bought me to a healing place. I am the one who believes in fate and karma. In soul connections and reasons for living. I have spent pretty much all of my life looking after people in one way or another. In honesty it made me pretty jaded and lonely. This quit and my friends here have in no small way transformed my thinking. I am now a non practising addict, but I am very aware of that and eternally vigilant (someone else's words). For the first time in my entire life I trust a guy. When I could have failed I thought of him and when I've struggled I contact him and without fail he is always there. And to date the only person I haven't threatened to take down when calling me a dopey tart haha. A quit buddy is pretty important and never have I been so delighted for a fella to announce "your ass is mine"! Stu, if you ever remember to read the blogs, thank you. x I felt support and acceptance. I never even knew I needed that to quit and just be but I did!! Wow, from my heart and soul thank you so much. xx
  23. oh wow, I haven't been able to get on line all day and now I come on and read this. It made me cry lol. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for the messages here and the support everyday. xx
  24. Oh bless, love it!! It's fun but shhh, I think you have to be a closet contortionist?! Sure you were fabulous. Soon they'll say child's pose and you'll think oh thank f.. goodness ;)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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