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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Nope, it's just you lol.
  2. Sooo hungover. Seemed like a good idea at the time :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SueBeDoo


      I have yet to experience a hang over since quitting smoking, I always had a dreadful hangover when I smoked my guts out when on the booze but I don't seem to get them now since quitting, not that I'm complaining ;)

    3. Still winning

      Still winning

      That's so lucky that you don't get them! But yeah, so much worse with cigs, very true. x

    4. Nicole Diver
  3. Ok. Well as bad as it sounds just now at least this is the road to recovery now. And post op I'm assuming you can have some stronger drugs to manage the pain. Fluids and light therapy for the jaundice? xx
  4. Awww my lovely, I feel for you. Sending gentle hugs and healing vibes. xx
  5. -2
  6. Hi Roland, Welcome in. How are you quitting, ie cold turkey, patch etc. Your blood sugars might dip if you're cutting out nicotine to start and fruit juice sipped will really help that. x
  7. brilliant!
  8. Shiiiiiit You're 38 too? x Chris, now I need you to save me lol.
  9. lace, I am crying more at the quit trainthen I have done in my life nowadays. But your story - resonates- my mama's quit - better then mine!!!!! Message if you need to, I will hold you and Jackie up. Be strong my beauty, thoughts are just thoughts. xx
  10. -3
  11. You hold on, you hear me!! This is your time!! Triggers make us stronger. Every one we say no ( f you ) too, makes our quit stronger. There is no room for relapse in your quit sandy, you got this!! Sending strength. x
  12. -1
  13. 0
  14. 0
  15. 0
  16. aha. Oooo not watched commitments in years!! Wanna watch it now!
  17. 2
  18. I prefer misunderstood :angel: Or maybe dirty :) :diablo: Lol
  19. Jeez is floppies an english language thing? I'm stunned. Still trying to work out what riode is though? Did ask nicely too. Think that's irish :) Even googled! Non the wiser, it's not ride which it suggested. New random thoughts, what is Sue saying? Only fair, I confused Ava with g'wan and Bakon with grassed up lol.
  20. Jeez I was late having kids but still love a drink...dammit...Chrispy, we all need holding now! Joking aside I am pretty naive here I guess. I thought the big issue was higher uniform costs! So I'm going with I'm 38 and yes, I cost my parents a few more quid nowadays when I need them. But I always need them. They are my safety net when I am unsure of myself. I have my own kids (offloaded for photo purposes) and I STILL need my mum and dad. Parents are a pain in the ass at times (as are kids actually lol) but we will never not need each other. Tis ok poeples. xx
  21. 3 I got the hump so no cooking lol.
  22. 4
  23. 4
  24. bad buddy 6

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