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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. 2 No nothing bad. I have an healthy interest in mythology and different religious paths and they are the names of the old gods. Not trying to catch you out and it's nothing fancy :) Odin, thor, etc.
  2. 2
  3. Highlight of my day, being offered a loyalty card at the health shop lol. This never would have happened pre quitting!

    1. Chrysalis


      LOL! Good for you, Marti. What a happy surprise for you.

    2. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      That's awesome! Once quit for a while sometimes we forget little bonuses.

  4. 2
  5. 2 Can't see the god references panning out unless anyone has looked at paganism :)
  6. Sorry, I couldn't work out the time difference updating the calender, oops, sorry! Massive congrats on your months Comrade. Not a moment too soon either!! Hope your recovery is going well and you're back out resting on that tree stump soon without the nasty cigs! x
  7. Some exercise to fill the spare time is a brilliant idea. Cleaning works too :) You are doing great and on day 2!! Fabulous :) Let's stay with today, easier to do one day at a time. xx
  8. NOPE from me.
  9. Aww Beacon, sounds like a bad day gave you a little perspective, thanks so much for sharing it. xx I too feel sorry for smokers now. I feel eternally greatful to those who helped me educate myself and pointed us all in the right direction. Support is amazing here. x
  10. Even I didn't know those links from smoking to auto immune diseases. Interesting reading.
  11. Jeez Comrade (and Aine) that sounds like a damn lousy time as a massive understatement. I'm glad you can be helped, stented and that your livelihood was protected too, everything is worry on top of worry at these type of things. Brilliant forethought by the way with the insurance for some gut instincts as to how you felt! I hope recovery is swift and limits for you are few. xx
  12. I'd be broken in 1 :) Good luck to you though, super fit chick :) Probably half hour of me actually swimming versus 1 1/2 spent in the pool with the munchkins, fab fun! 15 minute walk.
  13. I'm all in this quit with you, I can't do it for you but I can listen to whatever you can throw at me, anytime! I am utterly serious, you are exactly where I was tracking time wise, I promise a break is coming soon and it will feel a step easier again. Thoughts are just thoughts, letting them cosy up to you is where it goes wrong for people. Dismiss them, like mentally bat them straight back out... like this.... "I would smoke here - pfft *laugh*- like I would do that stupid crap again" and it's gone or shout NOPE out loud or in your head. I'm sorry you have some shiz going on my friend. I also see no attention moments, I see a wonderful quit and an addiction trying to fight that. Cockroaches and you will survive Susana - remember that :) Loves. xx
  14. Sharon honey, that sounds tough for everyone and sending strength and healing for del boy. Keeping you all in my thoughts. xx
  15. So, so proud of you my friend. xx I took 14 years, you took a day, epic strength of charecter and shows you really want this non smoking life! Straight back on, atta girl! May I suggest the NOPE and fake it till you make it approachs, they work well together :) xx
  16. -6 Top of the morning to ya :)
  17. Atta girl!! Some craves really take you and suck you right into them ey!! Good fight my lovely. xx
  18. 9 months is fabulous, as are you Joe!! Massive congrats. x
  19. What's your favourite tea? Did you play any sports at school? What exercise do you like now?
  20. Sleep can be fairly elusive at times in pregnancy hun. How exciting for the docs, where are you based? A lot of guys here said exercise stopped those craves in their tracks and it was true. So thus the walking helped for now but any form of movement worked, even cleaning. I found literally saying nope, either out loud or in my head told the crave to naf off and then I distracted myself. They passed quicker and quicker after that until it was simply a thought that floated in and out of my head at a time when a trigger hit. A trigger for me being a time before when I would have smoked. xx
  21. What beacon and pippa said. We love you and selfishly want you here! How are you this morning? x
  22. Ahhh my baby is havin nightmares...gotta go...Sus I mean this, go to sleep and don't you dare consider smoking. I adore you and your quit screams to me of freedom is a coming!! You utterly got this and I fairly demand a better update tomoz. You are good non smoking people!! Trust that. Loves to you x
  23. Aww c'mon,no one person can damage anothers quit. End of story! You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Jeez, even your SOS is where it's supposed to be Sus, you are doing awesome!! We will share the controversy title, it's all good!! My top tip other then in bed is exactly where you should be tonight is this. If it wasn't a struggle ever then no one would be a smoker. The strong survive this hun and you will totally wake tomorrow with a much stronger quit! Trust me on this....hold on through tonight and get to sleep, tomorrow you will wake up still quit and something will have clicked. I can feel it for you from here, I felt it with your last post. Who cares what anyone thinks of you - F em! I want you here. x
  24. Darlin you are confusing me. Have you got this now or are you on your way to cigs? x

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