I can't put my finger on one thing. A series of events came within the space of a year and money was also at breaking point. Initially prompted by my oldest being terrified of my Mums cough (copd) and that mine sounded bad. Then she refused to kiss me goodbye and someone took the mickey out of her coat smelling (was kept in the kitchen where we smoked).
I spent from last July to this March trying on a variety of non quits - social smoker, weekend smoker etc. In a nutshell I didn't believe I could quit. My fella was trying to quit but then would smoke with me. My really poorly and in terrible health through smoking mum, kept telling me, we must quit, we'd congratulate each other on only smoking 5 or whatever non quit we had acheived. I became fearful of my continued inability to quit, my daughter continued to ask hard questions like "will you get sick like Nan when I'm older", the kicker was "will I have to look after you too". Broke my heart and I swore no she wouldn't.
As luck would have it I put myself on a healing course as it was recognised by insurance companies and I want to add it to future business plans, a course previously I've done but years ago and it wouldn't be good for insurance. The tutor said something about all healers seem to smoke, it's like a way of refuelling ourself - I thought that was really dumb, then went to smoke. Next day I woke and thought how will I put my stinky smoking hands on people to heal them. Spent 3 weeks fighting the NHS to get a champix prescription. Had to prove by using them that I am allergic to patches and it was all very frustrating but I got there.
I decided to throw everything at it :) Champix, dalmation jasper crystal, 21 days of self healing before I quit and a quit in alignment with a full moon lol, day before my quit I joined a forum as I knew I would need support where I was living with a heavy smoker and a still smoking partner who'd long since given up that we could quit...embraced all my weird and wonderful and champix/forum as a crutch. I quit the champix 5 days after I quit, I had every side effect, didn't care, just knew it was now or never.
Long winded way of saying it was a series of events. My goals were to protect my children finally, financial and poisoning myself was not aligned with the rest of my lifestyle.... but I always like to say all I can think of, in case something there helps someone reading. x