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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Brilliant post and massive congrats on your quit. Inspiring stuff Beth!! x
  2. Chillin and waitin :)
  3. I hold on to my quit being a fantastic thing. It instills strength, pride, worth to me. I love how I feel, this freedom. Even the occasional time it feels "tricky" I know I'm ok, weirdly I "trust me" nowadays. When life feels a bit hard, I often wonder is it due to the quit - the truth is honestly no and it hasn't been for some time. Non smokers have bad times and rarely anymore is it about not smoking. The "problem" seems to be people still think I am the person I was. The smoker, who accepted more and just walked away to "calm and smoke". I am not that woman anymore. Early quit I'd shout and scream, then cry - really, lot's of crying! Now I look in distain at the people who think I am someone who can be pushed around. If that sounds harsh then so be it. Nothing about me is harsh if you are a good person, I am kind and want to help - but if you bring a fight to my door, I can battle. I like the bottom line of where quitting smoking has taken me. So far removed from a family holiday or a child pushing me. It's taken me to a place of self belief and inner strength. Literally, anything is possible if you just believe in it, and yourself. It's ok to be happy, even if others don't agree with you and your choices, still ok! I wish I could share this feeling with others and them actually understand it. Both smokers wondering is it "too hard" to quit - HELL NO! Best thing you could ever do for yourself and your sense of self worth and imbeciles who think that people pleaser I was may still exist. NOPE, long gone and fare thee well to her! Today I stand in my own strength and add to my children a quit in the "look what I did" camp :)
  4. Have wine will travel!
  5. Pleased for ya, no idea what you're on about though :) -1
  6. haha Bakon, donuts?? Embrace the cliche much :) Nat, Craves are just thoughts of smoking my lovely. That's ok, we remember we smoked and then we remember we are clever enough to not do that anymore! xx
  7. oh my goodness - sooo soo close beauty - we're going for the year "whoop" "whoop"!! Tomorrow is gonna be FRIKKIN AMAZING!! *squeals* Enthused for you my lovely. x
  8. Roger rog?! 1 :)
  9. Yay!!
  10. 2? Whos fixing what, who broke?
  11. Very happy to read this update from you sweetheart. Sending thoughts. xx
  12. TFIF... and yay, nearly my birthday :) I know I'm too old too get this enthused but I love birthdays!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sazerac


      Happy Happy Happy and Birthday too

    3. babs609


      Awwww. Enjoy and have a very happy birthday my friend.

    4. SanDar


      Happy Birthday!

  13. Day 2 level 1 of 30 day shred. Front of legs feel bit burny but it's good thing, means it's working :)
  14. An extra NOPE, boom!! None for me. x
  15. There'll be "NOPE'ing" today!! It's Friday, it's been a loooong old week for a lot of us... We will be fitter, healthier, happier, wealthier and FRREEEEEEEEE! Have a great day guys and gels :)
  16. So sorry ((nancy)). xx
  17. I wish I had of had the forethought too lol. He's gonna love it, he's always askin for photo porn right :)
  18. Pesky genetics, super independent ladies!
  19. Neither cry, they always throw me out lol. x
  20. No news on Amy, work in progress...
  21. Hope all is well beauty!! Both with you and the baby. x Massive congrats on your 6 months!!
  22. Brilliant news re wife!! Good to see you back and NOPE ing through the craves Mason. x
  23. added 30 mins of walking and some heavy duty gardening to the exercise. Gem, did your legs feel tight, I felt like I needed to "walk it off" thus going for a walk. x
  24. BOOM!!! SOOOOO over enthused for you Sammie!! Excellent job and look at you just havin a brilliant quit!! The bury of Ayles is producing some strong quitters :) Massive congrats to you Sam, all your own commitment levels and work. Great, inspirational quit to share with you. x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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