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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. fantastic achievement! Massive congrats on 1 month. xx
  2. nope, none for me. Far too busy being free and shopping :)
  3. Well I'm just going to be excited your back :) I get what the folk are saying about 90 days, I do. Could sound like a loop hole there but of course I have no idea on what better looks like for you so am going to chat. Would you feel better in 90 days, well yeah. After 4/5 days, the cough goes, you realize it was superbly annoying so you'd feel better for that. All across the first couple of weeks cilia in your lungs is shaking off tar, (literally tar) and your deep breath changes, thus enabling better breathing, nicer sleeping and you feel much better for that. Even the thoughts have changed massively at 90 days, they are very very different to the powerful thoughts of early quit but some, well some triggers haven't been met and faced yet. So I guess it depends on your judging. However reading between the lines this may well be your way of not letting a forever quit overwhelm you. One day at a time is enough. Most of us believed we loved smoking, it was our only sanctuary, our only vice, it's not like I spend on anything else, I've known 90 year olds who smoke....any of this sounding familiar? Yep, I did all of those and more :) It's ok to be scared. We are addicts you and I, that's the part you've really not taken in Iam but you will, of that I have no doubt. You are a clever fella and once you have some time under your belt the battle gets less and less. You're also not seeing the good bits. But again, you will. Be excited, be scared, do the pledge, one day at a time. No over-thinking. Getsome plans in place to distract yourself when you will get those craves and then triggers. Fruit juice to cleanse the body of nicotine, the faster we get that out the easier it is to know you are only dealing with mental thoughts and triggers. We will walk with you. xx
  4. Just posted on f'book. Will check back jackie, if you want me to upload for you I can (strangely lol). x
  5. It still always makes me smile when I light a candle for scent or energy - they used to be laying around and now I have to remember where it is - because I don't smoke - never gets less thrilling :)

  6. There's nothin there to copy, I did check?
  7. Once the pic is on facebook, open it on your screen Right click and then select copy image url Come over here, open a message and on the lower level of icons (right above where you write) is a green box, think it might be a tree or something? Click on that, then right click and "paste", then click the ok box and "bob's yer uncle" AND OMG ^^^^^ I did computer stuff!!! HA!! Cheers Joe :)
  8. What are you trying to cope hun?
  9. Goodness, I think you are a bit of a hero ya know!! Sounds fairly awesome what you did. Pleased Mum is still recovering well. x
  10. I just checked facebook, nothin there jac, what ya doing?
  11. Thank you for taking the time to write up that reminder Dors!! not today, not ever NOPE We deserve better then slowly poisoning ourselves to death!
  12. What about that, two great goals and I was ready for a repeat of all the passion with no finishing ability. Great to watch!!
  13. Oh you know I love the stories of those we love quitting :) I have a very big smile for your family here Ross, great inspiring!! Great work Ceri in case you decide to read and join :) xx
  14. Brilliant work Wendy, way to go!! 2 weeks is big quitting news. Marching towards freedom from here. xx
  15. 3 months Gabby!! Game on, good work :) So pleased you are keeping this quit and I want you to know, when it feels hard is the best time to hold on - that's when it means you get through it and don't have to do that bit again. Here for you chick. In the meantime, massive congrats on a quarter year smoke free!! xx
  16. Poor love, Kate's got that terrible sickness again apparently.
  17. Monday birthdays are a bit average lol. How lovely to come on and see al this tho, thank you so much for all your wishes!! It's is beautifully sunny (it normally rains!) so I'm taking it as a great omen for the forthcoming year :) And I did 4 loads of washing, not very birthday like but makes my ocd heart happy lol. Kettle stitched me up for an hour this morning, took that long to work out the fuse board shorted when I switched it on (4 times!! not a morning person!!) so I have a lovely new shiny birthday kettle that I've purchased. It's the nicest kettle I ever treated myself too. I've chosen that based on the above info of this years birthday, next year I shan't be 40, I will re-create age 10! It was the best birthday. Fancy dress party, I was a princess with a beautiful big hat and chiffon scarf and a full length pink party dress. Failing that, I might treat myself to a weekend away or something normal lol. Thank you all. xx
  18. Sorry I'm late but massive congrats on your 6 months of freedom! xx
  19. Rest day yesterday. Day 4 level 1 shred workout. 4 hours sleep so not adding anything else :)
  20. New birth year, today is a platform that I can leap from. Better things are just around the corner, I'm sure of it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sazerac


      Happy Birthday !! :-)

    3. Tink


      a year of possibilities x

    4. JackiMac


      Marti, life tests us to our limits, but you have a big heart and you will survive xx

  21. nope.
  22. Aww Gabby, sorry you felt that way, as others have said it's quite a normal phase but still really rubbish. I'm pleased someone helped you hold on. You need to come post more too, that really helps me on down days. I hope today/tomorrow finds you still filled with positive thoughts. x
  23. You totally own your life now Nat. The nicotine is out of your system and we can walk with you to put new and better practices in place. xx
  24. Makes me sad she doesn't post anymore and I really hope all is well. Sending birthday and lost lady vibes. xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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