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Still winning

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Everything posted by Still winning

  1. Give up coffee :huh: Funny sounding tea :nea: You need Yorkshire Tea, fruit doesn't go in the tea?? I don't like it here, I don't like it at all - running away
  2. Hey Tyme, Where you at, and welcome back. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. xx
  3. Ooooo, 3 days now. What did you treat yourself with in the end? x
  4. Fabulous work Boo, 8 months is such a fantastic acheivement! xx
  5. WOW, what a difference time can make. Pic is fabulous love, really happy for you. I missed you and kept wishing we had of connected by facebook so I could stay in touch. Pleased it's going well, never doubted you would be smoke free and that someone would fall for your wonderful ways :) xx
  6. Great job! As our lovely Saz says, make sure you are rewarding yourself with each milestone. Yes, an actual treat as you utterly deserve and will be able to afford nice things. A magazine, a scented candle, a new lipstick - something that is a reward instead of using money to smoke. It will help if you can see benefits too :) x
  7. This helped me too, as did reading that whole site gradually. This is a list of how your body is already in recovery, even now.... http://whyquit.com/whyquit/A_Benefits_Time_Table.html
  8. I think it's such a shock to start with - that you need to acknowledge that, it's a shock but a very good one! Your house will be lovely and clean if you're using cleaning as a coping technique too :) Just allow yourself to run with it, don't judge, do whatever works. The thought of wanting to smoke is only minutes long, the damage of continueing to smoke is much larger! Use distraction techniques. Each hour is something to be proud of. x
  9. So there it is now, have saved over 10 thousand pounds not smoking! That's mad!

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  10. Happy halloween to all, hope you had fun. x
  11. Fabulous my darling. You are doing so well, even if it doesn't feel like it in every moment. Strong lady, keep it up. x
  12. Worried for you guys and my sister in Florida :(
  13. I just actually shouted at the computer lol. Pleased it was a dream.
  14. It's all about choice. We can create the drama, or not. Create the fear, or not. It really is very simple. As simple as stepping into the life we want and not being chained to the past. The rains may fall and the droughts may happen but we simply move forward step by step when it feels too hard to run. Accept support when it is offered, accept gratitude for what you have and what you have accomplished without ego. Some will travel with you on different parts of the journey but don't be afraid to walk alone when it is needed. You are never truly alone anyway, you are a part of the universe, a child of the stars and all the vastness that becomes of this space. It's time dear heart. Own the journey. x
  15. Bakon baby - I have wrinkles :( They confirm the ageing darn it. Ps shhh, I don't mean darn it! :D Guys, Thank you for my loves. There are sadly no "specials" but there is a whole lotta love and I feel pretty special. Love you all to the moon and back. xx
  16. Liking the ticker :D
  17. Did you see those ladies USA 8's in the rowing, strong team! Delighted with our silver for our girlees and gold for the chaps! Watched Bolt run and he looked like he was just jogging lol. Did you see that other poor chappy in the 100m who had a hamstring problem and had to bow out - can't beging to imagine the dissapointment! Such fun to watch. Cmon Jess tonight !!
  18. Over nine THOUSAND pounds not spent on cigarettes...terrifying! Far more so then quitting ever was.

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nancy


      It is frightening!We are so lucky to have left them behind!

    3. joe


      Congrats on your freedom AND new found wealth!

    4. BAT



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