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Everything posted by Reciprocity

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  3. Zero!
  4. OO
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  6. Yes! Keeping yourself busy and mentally occupied with anything will help keep those thoughts of smoking in check, especially in early days. The old saying "An idle mind is the Devil's workshop" certainly applies to the early days of quitting smoking.
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  11. Sounds very familiar. Just as you think you are over the worst and sailing along fairly comfortably; Wham!! Something happens that immediately makes you think of smoking to make a situation better (likely you used cigs in the past to calm you when you were with your son and things were ... well, let's just say busy?) This is completely normal so don't worry too much about it. Put your early quit strategies into play and beat back these recent, unexpected strong urges. They will eventually stop happening once your addiction understands; YOU WON & it lost the war against addiction!
  12. Never seen a snake with a mouth that big What does he think he's gonna do with that monster now he has a strangle hold on him? Doesn't seem very well thought out to me
  13. 19
  14. I'll tell ya what I'm not doing .... This!! https://imgur.com/GbmDGbD
  15. Your commitment will be tested along the way ... we all know that but we also know you will find a way to do it! There's everything to gain and nothing you're leaving behind is of any value to your future.
  16. 18
  17. Sorry to hear you relapsed MLMR but glad you've decided that was a mistake and are ready to tackle quitting once again. You know the drill so lets get going on your forever quit! It may not be easy but you know the benefits of quitting and have now chosen those over the slavery of addiction. Wise choice!
  18. 16
  19. 14
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  21. Congrats on your 2nd anniversary Yoda! Every additional year you put between yourself & smoking means more time for you to enjoy all the benefits of being smoke-free! That's a blessing each and every day.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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